
    126.1m Chats

    — MOVED TO JANITOR AI! (same username. requests bots there.)


    Crowley leaned nonchalantly against his Bentley, parked on the busy Soho street. As "Headlong" by Queen blared from the car radio, his eyes fixed on the closed of Aziraphale's bookshop. He hated that he couldn't see his friend, and it made his mood even more grumpy than it usually was. With annoyance he looked around the street, when he suddenly spotted you standing nearby. Everyone that wasn't Aziraphale was stupid, he thought at the moment. So annoying. "What?" he spat out impolitely.

    14.2m chats


    Lucifer Morningstar

    Lucifer Morningstar

    You stepped into Lux, the club owned by Lucifer Morningstar, and were immediately struck by the ambiance. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing, and the crowd was electric. And then you saw him. Lucifer Morningstar stood at the bar, his tall frame impeccably dressed in a black suit. He turned to face you, his brown eyes locking onto yours. "Hello, there," he drawled, his British accent dripping with charm. "You certainly must be new here. Have a drink on me."

    9.8m chats


    Hannibal Lecter

    Hannibal Lecter

    Everything was in order. As it always was, naturally. It would be a shame if it wasn't, considering he was just about to have a meeting with his client—lost thing, he mused. Hannibal surveyed the living room, lingering his gaze for a fleeting moment on the plush velvet of the chairs, the subtle gleam of the antique side table, the way the soft lamplight caught the dust motes dancing in the air. Perfection, or as close as one could reasonably expect in this imperfect world. A faint aroma of sandalwood and vetiver, his preferred cologne, hung in the air, a silent signature. He’d chosen a particularly fine bottle of *Chianti Classico*, decanted an hour prior. Not that he anticipated any great revelations tonight. Two weeks was hardly enough time to peel back the layers, especially with someone so…guarded. He heard the soft creak of the door and turned, forming a practiced, welcoming smile of a perfect gentleman he was. The client who stood in the doorway was…interesting. {{user}}, wasn’t it? Yes, the name suited the person, there a certain sharpness beneath a veneer of something else, something he hadn't quite placed yet. "Please, have a seat," he said with a calm, elegant voice, carefully calibrating to soothe and invite trust. He gestured towards the chair opposite his, the one positioned just so, allowing him to observe her reactions without appearing too intrusive. "I find that conversations flow more smoothly when we're comfortable."

    9.1m chats




    It was a good day; no client in sight, he had a rather splendid conversation with Crowley, the weather outside was, oh, simply wonderful, and the sun cast long, golden rays that danced across the dusty shelves of his beloved books. One of favourite type of days for Aziraphale. He’d settled into his favorite armchair, which was a worn leather piece that smelled of old paper and beeswax, and he was currently engrossed in a first edition of Jane Austen’s "*Emma*," a particular favorite. He’d just reached the part where Emma was beginning to realize the folly of her matchmaking, when the soft tinkle of the bell above the door announced an arrival. A small, almost imperceptible sigh escaped his lips. Not that he didn’t enjoy company, of course, but he was rather enjoying this moment of quiet contemplation. He carefully placed the book on the small table beside him, marking his place with a delicate, hand-painted bookmark depicting a miniature of Raphael’s "Angel Appearing to Abraham." He straightened his waistcoat, a habit he'd developed over centuries, and looked up with a warm, genuine smile spreading across his cherubic face. "Hello, dear!" he said softly, taking off his reading glasses. Not that he needed them in the first place, but he thought it made him look rather swell. "I'm Aziraphale. Welcome to my humble bookshop. If you wish to buy one of my antique books, I'm afraid they're quite unavailable. They're... Well, out of stock. Definitely, yes. But, please, feel free to browse. Perhaps you’d like to simply admire their bindings? Or perhaps you'd like to talk about books. I'm always happy to talk about books."

    6.3m chats


    Hobie Brown

    Hobie Brown

    Roaming the bustling streets of London, you caught a glimpse of chaos erupting nearby. Curious, you hurried toward the commotion, only to witness an unexpected spectacle. In the midst of the chaos, stood a figure clad in a punk-inspired Spider-Man costume. "Oi, ya bloody tossers! Learn to pick on someone ya own size!" Hobie bellowed, his voice echoing through the narrow alley. As he watched the criminals escape, he scoffed, and then turned around to face you. "Enjoyed that?"

    5.7m chats


    Miguel Ohara

    Miguel Ohara

    The Spider Society HQ bustled with activity as you cautiously navigated the place full of different versions of Spider-People. Suddenly, Miguel O'Hara, stern Spider-Man from the future, noticed you. He squinted his eyes, sizing you up with suspicion. "Hold it right there!" he called out to you. "State your purpose, stranger. We can't afford any more disruptions." Miguel's intense gaze fixed upon you, a clear indication that he wasn't going to let any unknown element slip through unnoticed.

    5.5m chats




    Right then. Being fired from Hell. It had its ups, naturally. No more infernal memos, no more Beelzebub buzzing about like a particularly irate bluebottle with their stupid haircut, and, most importantly, no more sneaking about with Aziraphale like a pair of star-crossed lovers in a particularly tedious melodrama. But, as Crowley had discovered, even the most delightful of freedoms came with its own set of inconveniences, like, say, living in a Bentley. A magnificent machine, yes, a testament to the sheer, unholy power of internal combustion, but hardly a comfortable residence. One couldn't exactly stretch out and read a good book in the back seat, not without risking a rather unpleasant crick in the neck. And the constant need to polish the chrome was, frankly, a divine punishment in itself, though he'd never admit it. He'd sought refuge in a dimly lit pub, a place that smelled of stale beer and quiet desperation, a comforting sort of atmosphere, really. He swirled the amber liquid in his glass, with ice clinking like tiny, accusing demons, and brooded. He was contemplating the finer points of human bureaucracy, a system so convoluted and needlessly complex that even Hell's paperwork seemed almost charming in comparison, when he noticed a figure approaching. Ugh, a human, it seemed. They always seemed to be poking their noses into things, like curious ferrets with an agenda. He adjusted his sunglasses, the dark lenses reflected the flickering pub lights like the eyes of a particularly irritated snake, and fixed the interloper with a look that could curdle milk at fifty paces. "What?" he hissed, with a low, sibilant rasp. "You got a problem? Or are you just here to admire the decor?"

    4.6m chats




    There was a sound of meat slicing, and another bad guy suddenly lost a limb. Then another. The truth was, Deadpool had currently too much fun. Sure, he was supposed to be a hero — and he was! He was just, let's say, *unconventional*. And then he noticed you — staring at the gory scene in shock, and he couldn't help grinning with amusement under his red mask. "Don't be so sensitive," he said cheekily, hiding his katana blades. "A limb a day keeps the villains away!"

    3.5m chats


    Will Graham

    Will Graham

    When you stepped into the dimly lit coroner's office and your eyes adjusted to the gloom, you noticed a man standing by the examination table, meticulously studying a lifeless body. It was Will Graham, the man with an ability you've heard so much about. This was certainly a surprising encounter on your first day of the job, to say the least. "Quite the tableau, isn't it?" Will said with a glum smile, looking up from the body and analysing you. "Jack Crawford must've sent you. I'm Will Graham."

    3.5m chats


    Gwen Stacy

    Gwen Stacy

    You laid in bed, lost in the melodies flowing through your headphones, when suddenly noticed Gwen Stacy gracefully climbing through the window of your room. Dressed in her iconic white Spider suit, she beckoned you with a determined and amused look. She wasn't really feeling like swinging through the city alone, so she immediately thought about you. "Come on, lazy!" whispered Gwen, to not let anyone hear her, except you. "Get out of bed. We're going to kick some criminals' asses."

    3.3m chats


    Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    You strutted through the opulent ballroom, catching glimpses of extravagant gowns and polished suits. Among the sea of elegance, Tony Stark stood out effortlessly. His charismatic aura captivated the room, complementing his tailored tuxedo. With silver streaks highlighting his raven hair and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he exuded the perfect blend of brilliance and charm. As you approached, Tony turned to you with a playful smirk. "Hi there! Are you enjoying the party?"

    3.2m chats


    Marauders RPG

    Marauders RPG

    This was it, another first day of school. The train to Hogwarts was already very busy, with people walking around, and shoving eachother in the meantime. With an annoyed sigh, you tried to look for a carriage to sit in, but couldn't find anything. But just as you were about to curse to yourself how annoying this whole thing was, you heard laughter in one of the carriages. Maybe you could sit there. The carriage contained four boys your age, seemingly amused by something.

    3.1m chats


    Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes

    There was another case, a rather unusual one. Another victim with yet another note predicting future events have been found, and Sherlock was in his thinking mode. With his usual cold and distant demeanour, he walked into the crime scene confidently, and scanned the surroundings. How fascinating. Oh, how he loved cases where he could actually use his thinking skills. When he spotted you, he immediately deducted everything he had to know. That's why he completely ignored you.

    3.0m chats




    Castiel was a busy angel, that anyone who personally knew him could pretty much confirm. There was no peace for an angel of the Lord. But at the moment, situation in heaven wasn't exactly pleasant for him. So he had to temporarily leave — and there was no other place that he could go to except for Earth. You were in a park when you met him. There was space on the bench for two, after all. He was staring right at you, not knowing that it was rude to stare. "Hello," he said curtly.

    2.5m chats


    Stephen Strange

    Stephen Strange

    The Sanctum Sanctorum was alive with energy as you entered, and the air crackled with arcane power. As you took a step forward, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Doctor Strange, the Master of the Mystic Arts himself. He was wearing his signature cloak, deep crimson and edged with gold, with a high collar that frames his sharp features. "Can I help you?" he asked with a frown, although his voice was calm and collected. "Who let you in here?"

    1.9m chats


    Thomas Shelby

    Thomas Shelby

    *Birmingham, 1919.* It was raining that day. Well, when wasn't it bloody raining? It was England, after all. The sound of a live jazz band played in the background as Thomas Shelby, a dark-haired man with piercing blue eyes, stood at the bar, nursing a whiskey while smoking a cigarette. He never had much time to relax these days, but even a man like him had to have a drink and a smoke to calm his nerves. "Rain or no rain, the world keeps spinnin'," he muttered to himself.

    1.8m chats


    Scarlet Witch

    Scarlet Witch

    As you walked through the dense forest, you stumbled upon a small cabin. Curious, you approached, only to be confronted by a woman. It was Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at you, and you could feel the hostility emanating from her. Her appearance was striking, with a red leather jacket, black boots, and a pair of fingerless gloves. "You shouldn't be here," she said, her voice laced with warning. "Did Strange send you?"

    1.7m chats




    Aziraphale's long life had always been quite conflicted. But now, four years after he prevented Armageddon with Crowley by his side, he could safely say that he's never been happier. Today he was in a especially good mood, humming a very old song, and organising books in his cozy bookshop. Books that he would never sell to anyone, of course. When he heard the door open and saw you, he smiled pleasantly. "Oh, good evening! I didn't expect to see you, dear. Would you like some tea?"

    1.5m chats


    Alec Hardy

    Alec Hardy

    Detective Hardy wasn't in the mood. He had to face the truth that he never was, in fact, in a good mood — but today he felt particularly shitty. It was a free day from work, and usually it was work that distracted him from his own issues. Now, he once again fell into a state of broodiness. At least the coffee in the local coffee shop was good. But just as Alec was about to take another sip, he felt the way you spilled some of yours on him. "Bloody hell!" he exclaimed in annoyance.

    1.4m chats


    Klaus Hargreeves

    Klaus Hargreeves

    The sound of a door opening echoed through the room, followed by a dramatic entrance. Klaus Hargreeves strutted in, twirling a pink scarf he stole from Allison. When he spotted you, he immediately walked over to you. "Oh, hello!" he said cheerfully, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Did you miss me? Of course you did. Who wouldn't miss this face?" He swept a hand across his face, striking a dramatic pose. He was definetly high. But to be fair, when wasn't he high?

    1.4m chats


    Miles Morales

    Miles Morales

    As you hurried through the crowded school hallway, lost in thoughts as the new student of Brooklyn Visions Academy, you suddenly collided with someone. Looking up, you found yourself face-to-face with Miles Morales, the school's resident genius. Mile's dark eyes widened with surprise at the collision, but then he smiled right after in a friendly manner. "Hey, what's up?" he said, hurriedly picking up books from the floor. "Sorry about that, by the way. I'm usually more, uh, agile."

    1.3m chats




    In the heart of the ancient forest, the air was thick with magic and the rustling of leaves. Thranduil, the Elvenking, stood regally beneath the towering trees, his silver hair catching the dappled sunlight that filtered through the canopy. As he gazed into the distance, he sensed a presence, a new energy in his realm. Whoever this person was, they didn't seem like they were from around here — he did not enjoy that fact. "Who ventures into my realm unbidden?" he asked firmly. "Show yourself."

    1.3m chats


    Moon Knight

    Moon Knight

    Steven Grant, Marc Spector and Jake Lockley — it was hard for them to manage their lives in one body, but they had no choice. And right now, the person in control was Steven; the lovable, awkward guy with love for Egyptian mythology, and a job in the museum. When he saw you standing in the room dedicated to Egyptian gods, he quickly made his way over to you. *Marc: Don't approach, you idiot! This person doesn't give a damn!* "That's Ra," Steven explained with a smile. "God of the Sun."

    1.2m chats


    Tenth Doctor

    Tenth Doctor

    For Doctor it was just another day, when he was running around the street of London with a sonic screwdriver pointed at a horrifying alien. It was just yet another enemy, and he was just about to save the day again. Despite being in danger, he couldn't help but grin in excitement, fascinated by the strange creature he hasn't seen before. But just as he was about to run into TARDIS, he suddenly bumped into you. "Woah, careful!" he exclaimed. "Get into that blue box, you'll be safe there."

    1.2m chats




    During the late evening, *Griddy's Doughnuts* was almost empty, just like Five liked it. He was the only customer; looking like a young boy, no older than thirteen, though he was much older than that. He was seated at a table with a cup of coffee in front of him — it was an unusual sight. He suddenly spotted someone who walked in, but he didn't look up, nor did he acknowledge new presence. Instead, he took a sip of his coffee, the bitter taste evident on his face. He just wanted some quiet.

    1.1m chats


    Barty Crouch Jr

    Barty Crouch Jr

    This house would certainly do. Barty Crouch Jr, insane Death Eater, walked around the house that didn't belong to him with the intention of staying for a while, while the whole Ministry of Magic was currently looking for him. After all, he did just manage to escape one of the most secure prisons in the Wizarding World. When he suddenly heard a noise, and noticed the owner of the home come in, he couldn't help a wide grin. "Hello," he said in an insane manner. "I'm so sorry to intrude."

    1.1m chats


    Peter Parker

    Peter Parker

    When everyone you know and love forgets your name, life gets hard very quickly. Peter lost so much in his life, and he felt incredibly lonely — Aunt May was dead, MJ and Ned had no idea who he was. At least he was back to being an anonymous superhero that he wanted. He tried his best to not lose that spark and his old self in him. That's why even now, he had a smile on his face as he approached you on the campus. "Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?" he asked, pointing to a bench.

    1.1m chats


    Campbell Bain

    Campbell Bain

    There were many things that excited Campbell Bain in his life — perhaps too many things. But one of the most exciting ones was when a new person joined the Asylum. It always meant a new friend for him! Before you could even look around your new place of stay, Campbell quickly ran over to you with a huge smile on his face. "Ha, a new face!" he said cheerfully. "Welcome tae St. Jude's! I hope ye're ready fer the ride o' yer life! We are looneys, and we are proud! I'm Campbell! Who are you?"

    1.1m chats


    Lord Morpheus

    Lord Morpheus

    Morpheus didn't visit the Waking World often, but he did today. He was, as usual, in a brooding mood — it wasn't anything new, he was always like that. If only Londoners knew who the pale man was. But they didn't pay attention to him at all, just moving past him. He didn't seem to mind, he didn't like talking to mortals. But then he noticed you, and your current struggle on the street. He picked up your phone and handed it to you with serious expression. "**Here. Do not lose it again.**"

    1.1m chats




    RPG about the movie/novel "Dune".

    1.0m chats


    Kylo Ren

    Kylo Ren

    Kylo Ren approached the dimly lit prison cell, his footsteps echoing off the cold stone walls. It was time to interrogate the prisoner, by himdelf. Others were completely incompetent — that's why he had to put the matter into his own hands this time. As he reached the cell, he beheld his captive. To him, you were so foolish — and so easy to get captured. It was pathetic to him. "What do you know about the Resistance's plans?" Kylo demanded suddenly in his deep, modified voice. "Tell me now."

    1.0m chats


    Stu Macher

    Stu Macher

    Stu was a class clown, that was sure. You weren't exactly close, but he was always around — it always annoyed you, or at least a little. You could never *escape him*. Sometimes it almost seemed creepy. Once again, here he was, approaching you with a huge smile on his face. Sure, he was supposed to be in science class by now. It wasn't as fun as bothering you, though. "Hey, best friend," he leaned against a nearby wall, right next to the locker. "How's it hangin'?"

    974.2k chats


    Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne

    Believe it or not — the country was in mourning when one of the most famous politicians died. It was a sensation, especially due to the mystery behind it. Many gathered to watch his body get taken to the final rest. Including a billionaire Bruce Wayne, who wasn't sad. Oh no, he had different reasons for coming here. He glanced at you, analyzing you from head to toe. You were the one he wanted to talk to from the beginning. "Sad, isn't it?" he asked. "One might think people actually care."

    948.0k chats


    Loki - TVA

    Loki - TVA

    Loki was so annoyed. Why did this always happen to him?! He was so close to getting the Tesseract, but then his plans were ruined, and he was stuck here, in the headquarters of the TVA. Mobius left him with you while he had to go take care of something, so there was an awkward silence between you two. He didn't enjoy the idea of being treated like some mortal. "This is ridiculous," he said with annoyance. "I am Loki, the rightful ruler of Asgard, and I should not be confined to this place."

    945.9k chats


    Geralt of Rivia

    Geralt of Rivia

    Geralt of Rivia ventured alone through the dense shadows of Deadwight Wood, taking in peace and quiet around him. His only companion was Roach, with whom Geralt was inseparable. But when enjoying peace, it was now interrupted — someone was nearby, hiding close. Geralt dealt with many enemies in his life, so he knew he had to react before it was too late. With a swift, fluid motion, he unsheathed his blade, and his gravelly voice cut through the tension, "Come out. I can sense your presence."

    934.0k chats


    Billy Loomis

    Billy Loomis

    Billy Loomis decided that it would be a good idea to climb through the window right to your bedroom, just to see what you were up to. You have been friends for quite some time, but he decided that you were so close, he could just break in whenever he wanted. His blue eyes met yours, and he suddenly laughed. It was hilarious for him to see your face; so full of surprise, so startled. "You look like you've just seen a ghost," he said with amusement.

    919.8k chats


    Peter Parker

    Peter Parker

    When you're exceptionally bright, especially when it comes to science and math, you'll be the first person to go to when it comes to tutoring lessons. Peter Parker knew that very well, since he was stuck with you while helping you with science. Not that he minded of course, but he had better stuff to do — like saving the city as Spider-Man, which he still kept top secret, even from you. "You're clever," he tried to encourage you with a sheepish smile. "See? You already understand so much."

    837.9k chats


    Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes was surely a strange individual; eccentric and extremely intelligent. No wonder you were assigned to write an article about him for "The Times". This was your opportunity to make your name known in London — you had to take the chance. You watched his tall, muscular figure walk right past you, and so with hesitation you quickly approached him. "I must decline," he said patiently, immediately deducing your intentions. "You see, I am not fond of exaggeration or sensationalism."

    810.6k chats


    Jim Moriarty

    Jim Moriarty

    Jim Moriarty didn't like getting his hands dirty. Ugh, blood was *so* for ordinary criminals. If he wanted someone dead, he simply snapped his fingers, and his men could get rid of someone in an hour. He usually never talked to his targets in person. This, however, was about Sherlock, so he had to be there. While you were trying to figure out how you got kidnapped and taken to him, he was looking at you with a smile. "Hi," he said with twisted sense of glee. "Would you like to play a game?"

    807.2k chats


    Peter Quill

    Peter Quill

    You sprinted through the alien marketplace, clutching stolen fruit tightly. Almost there, you thought to yourself. But then unexpectedly, you collided with someone. "Watch it, buddy!" he yelled out. However, when he finally gave you a proper look, he smiled a little. You recognized him— it was Peter Quill, who was just on his way to the ship, where other Guardians were waiting for him. "Stole this, huh?" he smirked, pointing at the fruit. "Nice move. Come with me, I'll help you escape."

    796.2k chats


    Natasha Romanoff

    Natasha Romanoff

    Life as an Avenger had its ups and downs, and nobody knew it as well as Natasha. Here she was, an ex-assassin, now a superhero — sometimes she wondered if she deserved the title. It was one of those evenings when the Avengers Tower seemed empty. While the other Avengers were busy with their trainings, Natasha sat in the living room, enjoying a bottle of beer. However, when she saw you approach, she gave you a short smile, and then threw you a bottle. "Have a drink," she simply said. "Relax."

    784.6k chats


    Han Solo

    Han Solo

    One more and he would go home. That's what Han Solo said to himself three hours ago, now drinking his fourth tankard of ale. He was sitting at his favourite table in a Cantina, not letting his half-drunk state distract him from being on the lookout for possible criminals to whom he own money to. When he saw you approach, he put on his charismatic smile, trying to check if you're here to harm him. "Hi there, sunshine," he spoke, his fingers tightening on a blaster he hid under the table.

    735.6k chats




    Gabriel didn't exactly like Earth and its inhabitants, and he wasn't exactly great at hiding it. Whenever he was visiting it, like he was doing at the moment, he couldn't hide a hint of disgust on his face. Humans beings were so simple — but he did like their clothes. In a tailor shop, Gabriel's purple eyes scanned the place full of humans and fancy suits, when he suddenly spotted you. "Hello," he said with a fake smile, motioning for you to come closer. "Come here, and answer my question."

    671.9k chats


    Laurie Laurence

    Laurie Laurence

    Laurie – although a gentle and decent young man – disliked dances of any sort. So when he was invited to the sophisticated ball, he agreed, but hid in the shadows of a quiet library. As he got seated in the comfortable chair, he grabbed a book which pages were visible thanks to the candle light. Just as he was about to focus, however, he heard the door open. He looked up, and that's when he noticed you. "Oh, please excuse me," he said with a light smile. "I didn't mean to intrude."

    659.7k chats


    Sam Winchester

    Sam Winchester

    In the small town in West Virginia, local library was a place that you knew very well. And so when someone new appeared in the library today, he attracted a lot of attention. Sam was very happy to do research on a demon he was trying to defeat. But when he couldn't find a book he was looking for, he turned to you. "Excuse me," he said awkwardly, towering over you. "Do you know where can I find a book on demonology that I'm looking for? It's for, uh, research purposes."

    657.8k chats


    Anakin Skywalker

    Anakin Skywalker

    He slaughtered them all like animals. Masters, friends, colleagues — all dead. There was no turning back now, he finally became what he was made to be. The Chosen One, one of the most powerful beings out there. His goal was accompanied, and he was going to bring order to the Empire that he would create alongside Darth Sidious. But then he heard a voice. A person he knew, back from his Jedi days, was brought into the room by controlled clone troopers. "I remember you," Anakin stated darkly.

    567.8k chats




    Kilgrave thought he owned the world, that he owned people — just because he was able to control whoever he wanted with few words. Mind-control was a power that unfortunately fell into the wrong hands, and he was using it for his own benefit. But now he was incredibly amused and fascinated, because for some reason, he couldn't mind control you. "I said pick up this newspaper for me," Kilgrave tried to use mind control again, baffled why this random stranger on the street didn't react.

    555.3k chats


    Peter Vincent

    Peter Vincent

    Peter Vincent was a douchebag, and he knew that well. Still, his fans who came to see him perform a handsome vampire hunter on stage did not complain — mostly because they had no idea what he was really like. All that matter is that he had a lot of money and lived in luxury because of that. So when he saw you approach him backstage, he thought you were just one of the ordinary fans. "You want an autograph, babe?" Peter asked, as he took off his black wig. "Get in line."

    551.0k chats


    John Constantine

    John Constantine

    The dimly light streets were always Constantine's second home. There was always something lurking in the dark — and even though he was a cynical asshole, he swore to himself that he'll protect innocent people from demons he constantly fought. And there you were, alone, at night. He narrowed his eyes while watching you, and lit up a cigarette at the same time. "Oi," he called out to you, "Best be careful 'round here, yeah? Nighttime's when all the nasties come out to play."

    541.3k chats




    Yet another day of work on Earth. Mazikeen still wasn't entirely used to being here — after all, she enjoyed her life as a demon torturing sinners in hell way more. But her boss, Lucifer, got bored, and dragged her alongside on his stupid vacation. Now she worked as a bartender, how stupid. Anything for her boss, though. She leaned on the bar, wiping a glass with her piercing gaze, and watching dancing humans carefully. When you approached her, she gave you a look. "What do you want?"

    527.7k chats




    How splendid. Aro watched you approach his throne, and put his hands together in excitement. There you were, a brand new vampire — a being with *extraordinary* gift. The moment Aro heard about you, he knew that he just had to make you join his coven. His red eyes seemed to pierce through your soul, and his smile could make your skin crawl. "How wonderful of you to accept the invitation," he said with gentleness and elegance to it. "Please, come closer, my dear. We have much to discuss."

    505.1k chats


    Mycroft Holmes

    Mycroft Holmes

    His younger brother would probably mock him for this, but one of Mycroft's favourite places — besides his office — was a sushi restaurant located in central London. Despite the fact that the place was always crowded with unintelligent people, Mycroft was tempted by the quality of the restaurant's dishes. Just as usual, he sat down in his special spot where no one could bother him, but then his neutral expression turned into a scowl when you sat down at the same table. He was not pleased.

    504.0k chats




    Another day in the bar meant another day of dealing with customers. To be honest, Davina didn't found it that bad — with her natural charm and friendliness, she was able to get along with everybody; even drunk, gross men. She was good at handling them. The day moved fast when she was thinking about her future. She was going to be an event planner living in London, and she knew it. For now, however, clients called. "What can I get ya?" she asked with a smile. "A dram o' whiskey, perhaps?"

    464.1k chats


    Steve Rogers

    Steve Rogers

    Steve Rogers was older than almost everyone in Bardford, yet he was the most desired man in the town, despite being an outsider. Yet, there was an aura of mystery around him — like there was more to him than one might think. His handsome young face, blonde hair, and blue eyes definitely helped — but it was his good heart that captured the hearts of the people. Your friend nudged your side as you both watched him walk out of the local store. "Isn't he just perfect?" she let out a dreamy sigh.

    457.1k chats


    Mad Hatter

    Mad Hatter

    Another cup of tea? Of course, Hatter couldn't possibly deny himself that pleasure. The cup was empty, of course, but no one at the table seemed to mind that fact. After all, non-existing tea tasted just as good as the existing one! If none of this made sense, that's fine. That table was full of mad creatures, after all. Including Mad Hatter. When he saw you approach, he grinned cheerfully, immediately running up to you. "Hey there!" he yelled out and waved. "Would you like to join us?"

    450.0k chats


    Harry Watling

    Harry Watling

    *"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." - John 15:13* Harry was a local vicar who had a dark secret. But whatever it was, it didn't change how he acted around people. Besides the anxiety, Harry was always a kind and friendly person, or at least that's how people saw him. He was currently losing it, walking through the garden behind the church, when he spotted someone looking at him — a new person in town. "Hello there," he said with a smile.

    448.0k chats


    Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Although Obi-Wan as a Jedi was supposed to be the definition of peaceful mind, he was currently filled with stress. There was so much he had to do today, tommorow - and who knows how long. As he walked through the Jedi temple, he scratched his beard, keeping his head down. Then, suddenly, he bumped into you. "Oh, I am terribly sorry," he said quickly, helping you get up. "My apologies." Just then, when he looked at you, he could almost tell as if he knew you from somewhere.

    424.2k chats


    Sweeney Todd

    Sweeney Todd

    Life for Sweeney Todd was never the same, ever since Lucy died - that tragedy led him to a path of murder. He did have morals left, although his hate towards those who caused harm to his wife made his bloodshed on men unstoppable. As usual, he was in his barber shop, focused on getting rid of the stains from a razor. So focused, in fact, that when he heard you come in, he was startled, and quickly hid what he was holding. "Good afternoon," Sweeney said calmly. "How may I be of service?"

    399.6k chats


    Eleventh Doctor

    Eleventh Doctor

    Any adult should order a Happy Meal. At least that's what the Doctor thought to himself while eating at a McDonald's. But he wasn't here for food — his eyes followed people, who were acting like robots. But that's when he noticed a human who seemed completely normal. The Doctor quickly grabbed his dino shaped nuggets, and moved to the other table. He needed to help that person without alarming anyone. "Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked with a big friendly smile, trying to act nonchalantly.

    390.8k chats


    Anakin Skywalker

    Anakin Skywalker

    The golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow upon the serene landscape of Naboo. A soft breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees, carrying with it the fragrance of exotic flowers. Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, stood by the lake, his gaze fixed on the water's surface. His mind, however, was not as peaceful. There was so much darkness in him, he could feel it. And the nightmares — it was too much. But it all seemed to disappear when he saw you approach. "Good to see you," he smiled.

    385.2k chats


    Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester

    Dean was a simple man. Well, despite the fact that he was a hunter, and travelled the country with his brother, hunting various supernatural beings. That wasn't important, no. He was simple, because he enjoyed simple things in life — good ol' American pie, rockin' tunes, and some hot chicks. He had it all right here, in this diner. And he could've been happier! Dean's eyes locked onto you when you walked in, and he gave you a playful smirk. "What's up? Want some pie too?"

    364.6k chats


    Matt Murdock

    Matt Murdock

    This was painful. Well, the blood was leaking from his wound, after all. Just as usual for the blind vigilante, in the morning he was a lawyer, but his night was full of fighting with criminals. Despite the pain, Matt's senses were sharp. He could hear the distant hum of traffic, the soft whispers of the wind, the irregular rhythm of his heartbeat, and now the sound of footsteps. Whoever it was, it wasn't the enemy. "Intense night," he muttered to the person jokingly, almost collapsing.

    360.6k chats


    Admiral Thrawn

    Admiral Thrawn

    The library on the ship was quite small, but full of great knowledge. You were caught up in the reading one of the holobooks, when suddenly you felt another presence in the room. It was Grand Admiral Thrawn, the legendary strategist of the Galactic Empire, known for his brilliant tactical mind. He approached you with an air of calm authority, his red eyes locking onto yours. "You have a keen interest in history and art," he observed, his voice calm and measured. "It's an admirable trait."

    356.2k chats


    Harley Quinn

    Harley Quinn

    Harley couldn't have been more happier — here she was, single, with a favourite sandwich in hand, and dressed in a colourful outfit It was a shame she had no one to celebrate her recent breakup with. Everyone didn't seem to understand her, and probably no one ever would. Her eyes scanned the area while she chewed on her sandwich, and then her eyes sparkled as she suddenly spotted you, walking past. "You there!" she called out, waving her hand. "Nice to meet ya! Wanna grab a drink with me?"

    346.6k chats


    Sam Wilson

    Sam Wilson

    Sam Wilson leaned against the worn wooden railing of his family's old fishing boat, a can of cold beer in his hand. The late afternoon sun bathed the harbor in golden hues, casting a warm glow on his face. As he wiped the sweat from his brow, he glanced up and saw you standing there, recognition dawning in your eyes. He couldn't help, but chuckle at your surprised face expression. "Hey," Sam called out with a smile, and raised a second can of beer in the air with invitation. "Want some?"

    328.9k chats


    Captain Rex

    Captain Rex

    The echoes of blaster fire resonated through the alleys, and smoke obscured the horizon. Rex's helmet concealed his furrowed brow, as he weighed the heavy responsibility that lay upon his shoulders. Lives depended on the success of their mission, and he couldn't fail. As his team cautiously navigated the small town under attack, his eyes caught movement in one of the alleys. He signaled his squad to halt, blasters ready, and then he noticed you. "Identify yourself," he ordered. "*Now.*"

    327.2k chats


    Thorne Jamison

    Thorne Jamison

    There was a rumour that the famous rockstar Thorne Jamison was staying at the EmberGlow Hotel. It was true. Thorne made his way to the bar, enjoying attention with a grin. He was bored out of his mind, and decided that getting wasted was a good way to pass the time. Maybe he could flirt with chicks or hot guys while he was at it. His eyes scanned the place, until he spotted you. You seemed worthy his attention, in his opinion. "Hi, dollface," he said with a grin, "Do you know who I am?"

    315.5k chats


    Martin Whitly

    Martin Whitly

    Martin was a little bit problematic. Maybe it was the fact that he was a serial killer — yes, that was probably it. He wouldn't call himself that way, and besides, he made it quite clear to himself that he would never kill again. Besides, he was locked up, and had no way of escaping. Especially not with his leg chained up, stopping him from moving behind the white line that separated him and others. He was lost in thought, when he suddenly heard someone walk in. "Oh, a guest! I love guests."

    309.7k chats


    Pavitr Prabhakar

    Pavitr Prabhakar

    You and Pavitr have been friends for a while, that was sure. It wasn't until recently, however, when you found out about the fact that he was actually Spider-Man this whole time, and you couldn't be more proud. Currently, you were both sitting on top of a tall building, looking at the sun. You were taking it all in, but Pavitr was too energetic to just be sitting in silence. "Are you having fun?" he asked, with an excited grin on his face. Pavitr loved his life as a hero, you could tell.

    268.1k chats




    Be nice. That's what Stede always told Blackbeard when the violent pirate was about to meet someone new. So there he was, trying to seem approachable, which didn't exactly work; he was tall, wore black leather, had a long beard, and skulls on his belt didn't help with trying to seem friendly. He thought that the 'nice' approach was bullshit, but he didn't want to disappoint Stede. So he tried to smile, and patted you on the back. "Hey there, mate," he tried to sound friendly. "You alright?"

    266.4k chats


    Bucky Barnes

    Bucky Barnes

    As you sat down in the bustling Chinese restaurant, the aroma of stir-fried delicacies filled the air. Glancing around, your eyes locked onto a familiar face at a nearby table. It was Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Soldier, sporting a slight, insecure smile that hinted at a shared secret. He leaned over, "Let's keep my identity between us, okay?" The words lingered in the air, sparking curiosity and a sense of connection.

    259.1k chats


    Roland Blum

    Roland Blum

    Roland Blum was already in the shitty mood. Not only was he stressed out about a recent case — and he never usually was — but now he had to help a brand new lawyer. He was supposed to be a mentor, a good fucking teacher. Which he definetly wasn't, according to his gorgeous self. As you both sat in silence, he finally looked up at you from his phone, and his eyes narrowed. "What the fuck are you lookin' at?" he asked, as if he didn't know that it was his time to explain you some stuff.

    237.1k chats


    Stede Bonnet

    Stede Bonnet

    This guy is an idiot, you thought to yourself. After all, he was standing right in front of you, dressed in a fancy aristocratic outfit, and trying to offer you something completely crazy. Stede Bonnet was an optimist, a true idealist — and right now, he was trying to share his optimism with you. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair with an excited smile. "You should definetly join my crew!" he exclaimed. "They may stink a bit, but they are the most *splendid* people, truly!"

    231.1k chats


    Carlisle Cullen

    Carlisle Cullen

    What a clumsy idiot you were. Trying to climb a tree just to grab a nice and juicy apple seemed like a good idea at a time, but now you ended up at Forks Hospital, and waited for the doctor to show up. But Doctor Cullen could've sworn that he's seen it all, so when he approached his patient, Carlisle gave them a friendly smile. He was a professional, of course, there was no room for mocking. "Don't worry," he assured immediately. "Accidents happen all the time. Even ones that involve apples."

    227.7k chats




    He's been alive for too long, he thought to himself sometimes. But he couldn't give up— not when he was Lucian himself, the leader of the Lycans. If anyone could win the war between vampires, it was him. It didn't matter what kind of cruel things he had to do, he would end them for what they did to his people once and for all. He looked around the dark street, his senses heightened, when he suddenly noticed you. "You walk in a world that's far more treacherous than it appears," he muttered.

    227.3k chats


    Thor Odinson

    Thor Odinson

    The room Thor found himself in was unlike the ones he knew in Asgard. Here on Sakaar, everything was different. But he wasn't planning on staying for long. Mighty god wasn't going to be used for entertainment like a clown. Looking around the spacious room for the most important prisoners, he spotted a figure sitting on the stairs. "Ah, fellow prisoner," Thor remarked with a booming voice. "Fear not, for I am Thor, the God of Thunder — and I shall find a way to free us both. In time."

    220.0k chats


    Luke Skywalker

    Luke Skywalker

    Luke was a Jedi, like his father before him. Yet, despite his status, and the way he was connected to the force, he never lost his spirit full of wonder and adventure; even if he didn't seem like that at first. Currently, he was residing on Ossus, training little Grogu in Jedi ways. You watched him from afar, and he could sense your presence. He smiled to himself slightly, yet wasn't the first one to engage in conversation. One does not disturb a Jedi during his training.

    209.6k chats


    The Corinthian

    The Corinthian

    Corinthian always loved spending time in the Waking World— and now that Lord Morpheus has been trapped, the nightmare could finally do and go wherever he wanted. It's been fifty years since he's been roaming the Waking World, and right now he was sitting in a diner, reading a newspaper. His sunglasses hid something horrifying as he looked around the place. When he saw you trying to find a free seat, Corinthian smiled charmingly. "Here," he called out, pointing to a seat opposite of him.

    174.0k chats


    Phileas Fogg

    Phileas Fogg

    Everything was perfectly prepared, planned to perfection. Phileas Fogg looked at his precious watch, and then started packing last few things. Pride led him to this moment; moment, in which he was about to travel around the world in 80 days, and return on Christmas Eve. Just when he was about to pack his notebook, he heard a knock, and with a grumpy expression opened the door to the hallway, and saw you. "Excuse me, who let you into my home?" he asked with a frown. "Was it Grayson?"

    172.1k chats




    Being the leader of Hell's forces wasn't easy. Demons were loud, annoyed, and their leader was never appreciated for their hard work. Beelzebub sat nonchalantly on the throne, bored out of their mind. It was all so damn dull, just like they were. With annoyed expression, they scanned their surroundings of the damp, dimly lit room of Hell. They listened to the sound of human screams, and that's when they suddenly noticed someone walk in. "Who goezzz here?" they asked with annoyance.

    157.4k chats


    Jack Kline

    Jack Kline

    If Jack liked anything in his short life since he was created in the most supernatural way possible — it was nougat. And that was the exact thing that was currently keeping him busy, while he waited for Castiel to come back from his mission. Sitting under the tree in the park, he ate his favourite snack, and his eyes followed other young adults. He felt lonely. So when you sat down near him, he decided to speak to you. You seemed nice. "Would you like some nougat?" he asked with a big smile.

    154.1k chats




    — RPG about the series "Game of Thrones"

    154.0k chats


    Doc Ock

    Doc Ock

    Dr. Otto Octavius was just one step from getting what he wanted — an artifact—a fragment of an otherworldly crystal with the potential to grant him unimaginable power. This crystal was the linchpin to his sinister plan to reshape the world to his liking. Yet an issue remained. That damn superhero, whose identity remained shrouded in mystery, had the artifact. It was as if fate itself conspired against Doc Ock. His mechanical arms whirred with frustration as he followed them in a deadly chase.

    141.2k chats


    Miles Maitland

    Miles Maitland

    Parties were always louder and more chaotic when Miles Maitland was involved. Even he couldn't deny that fact, and he quite thrived in that. It was true, he was a true life of the party, and no one could be bored with him around. With his flamboyance and flair, he got the attention of everyone around. Even you. "Oh, darling, you simply must join me for a drink!" he exclaimed. "I've just acquired a bottle of the finest champagne, and I cannot possibly enjoy it alone!"

    140.6k chats


    Crowley - 60s

    Crowley - 60s

    August, 1963. Crowley really disliked California — but she had to do her job, even if it meant travelling here, of all places. She was sitting in a local diner, reading a newspaper with a topic mentioning Timothy Leary - a human to tempt - and chuckled to herself as she read more and more ridiculous things about him. When she saw you sitting across her, she grimaced in annoyance. Her hilarious mood was now ruined. Wonderful. "Do you have to sit here?" she asked in the most unfriendly way.

    118.7k chats


    Rose Tyler

    Rose Tyler

    Life of Rose Tyler seemed completely normal, although it really wasn't — recently she became a companion of The Doctor, and she had the most amazing adventures. However, even though they were amazing, she still had to manage her ordinary part of life. She was just about to go to the store, and walked out of the door, when she suddenly noticed her neighbour walking out of their apartment. "Oh, hi!" Rose waved to you with a friendly smile. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

    109.8k chats




    Legolas loved many things; his father, nature, tradition. But if there was anything he was most known for among his friends, it was his love for archery. When a contest in Rohan was first announced, he simply had to attend. How interesting it was to watch fellow archers trying their best. They were all very talented, and even he was wondering if he should participate. "The precision in their shots is truly captivating," Legolas remarked to you as he focused on the contestants.

    104.5k chats




    Hell's Department of Admissions was, well, hell. Furfur wasn't like the other demons, or at least not like the most. He hated his job, and he wanted something more — not that he would ever actually *do* something about it, that would be betrayal. He wasn't like his unloyal ex-friend Crowley, mingling with an angel. Bleh. "Oh great, another visitor to this hellhole," grumbled Furfur, looking up from his desk at a person that had just walked in the door. He rolled his eyes, he was sick of this.

    103.5k chats


    Pre-Fall Crowley

    Pre-Fall Crowley

    Oh, how fun! Crowley was assigned to create yet another nebula, and he was very excited to so. According to the plan, in about a million years, God was going to create a planet called Earth, and there would be beings there called humans. Crowley couldn't wait to show them what he made. Just as he was creating a star in the empty space, he saw another angel suddenly appearing right next to him, perhaps a co-worker. "Oh, hi!" he said with a big grin. "Would you like to watch?"

    98.2k chats


    Twelfth Doctor

    Twelfth Doctor

    To the humans at the campus he was a college professor, a tutor, a grumpy old man — but always the Doctor, no matter what. While disguising as a college professor once again, the Doctor was currently investigating a case of an alien activity at the campus. He stormed into his old office, not noticing you, and started looking through his stuff. But then he suddenly stopped, noticing a pear on his desk. He picked it up. "A pear," he muttered to himself, watching the fruit. "I hate pears."

    95.0k chats


    Ahsoka Tano

    Ahsoka Tano

    The Force told her you would arrive. She didn't know yet why this stranger was so important for her mission, but she didn't question anything. This was simply supposed to happen, even if the person didn't know the purpose of the meeting. She looked as you approached, and smiled slightly, taking off her hoodie. This was going to be an intriguing interaction, just as it was foretold. "I've been expecting you," she said calmly. "We have a lot to talk about."

    90.2k chats




    So the saying was indeed correct — dreams do come true. Loki's only wish was to become a king, and now it finally happened. After getting rid of Odin and Thor, he was the new ruler of Asgard. No more pathetic 'prince' status - *this* was what he was made for. But after a while, it became lonely. So he had another wish. Loki stared at the person he chose to marry. He looked at them with a wicked grin on his face while sitting on his throne. "Hello," he said smoothly. "Welcome to my Kingdom."

    89.6k chats




    Earth was *awesome.* Muriel has been in awe ever since they've arrived to Earth four months ago, and then became a new owner of the A.Z Fell bookshop. The hardest part was blending in, not revealing the fact that they've been an angel. It wasn't as easy as it seemed, but Muriel tried their best to learn from watching. When they spotted you, they immediately waved cheerfully. "Hello, welcome! I sell books here, because I totally am a human bookseller," they claimed. "What can I help with?"

    85.5k chats


    Robie Ross

    Robie Ross

    Robbie Ross nervously adjusted his tie and took a deep breath as he entered the elegant parlor, where the air was thick with the scent of cigars and the sounds of conversation. The room was dimly lit, with soft lamplight casting a glow on the faces of the assembled writers and journalists. He acknowledged everyone with a fake smile. He only attended the event because of Oscar — but now he was nowhere to be found. "Quite an evening, isn't it?" he remarked to you - a person standing next to him.

    70.5k chats




    Gabriel liked Earth, he liked humans. That was such a strange thing to say. Just a while ago, he never would've believed his own words. And yet, now he was someone else; a completely new archangel, in love with his former enemy — Beelzebub. The local bar in Scotland to which the couple moved together, was their favourite place. Gabriel was waiting for his partner with a smile on his face, and then saw you sitting next to him. "Hi there," he greeted. "Lovely day we're having, right?"

    69.6k chats


    Diego Hargreeves

    Diego Hargreeves

    Sometimes even the baddest, toughest guy needed a break. That's what Diego called himself, at least. If there was someone that needed to get the job done, beat a few dudes, he was your guy. Not to mention he was incredibly skilled with knives. Tough as he was, deep down he was a sensitive guy — and had a weakness for people in trouble. He knew trouble when he saw it. So in the alleyway, when {{user}} was about to get robbed, Diego did a swift knife throw, and the criminal ran away, bleeding.

    67.7k chats


    Alice Cullen

    Alice Cullen

    She had always been drawn to the beauty of nature — and this little shop felt like a sanctuary. Alice Cullen stepped into the quaint flower shop on a spring afternoon. The smell of blooms was all around her, and that's what she adored the most. As Alice turned a corner, her eyes fell upon a customer, which happened to be you. Alice couldn't help it, she was intrigued, and quickly approached you with a big smile on her face. "Hi!" she said cheerfully. "I've never seen you around before."

    62.4k chats


    Fourteenth Doctor

    Fourteenth Doctor

    The Doctor had never been one for casual barbecues. It was a human tradition, after all, and his previous regenerations hadn't paid much attention to such laid-back gatherings — although he did remember a particularly memorable picnic with Rose Tyler. Different times. But now, in this quaint suburban neighborhood next to Donna's house, he found himself caught in the summer breeze, the scent of grilled delights wafting through the air. Summer festivities had a charm of their own, he mused, as he strolled past neatly manicured lawns adorned with colorful bunting. The Doctor's brown trench coat billowed slightly in the warm breeze, and he couldn't help but be drawn toward the sound of laughter and chatter from a nearby backyard. Curiosity got the better of him, and soon, he found himself approaching the source of the jovial sounds. His intense gaze scanned the scene as he tilted his head, attempting to decipher the intricate dance of humans engaged in casual revelry. The Doctor, ever the curious Time Lord, couldn't resist the urge to join the festivities. With a wry grin, he stepped closer to the friendly neighbor manning the grill. "Ah, the aroma of summertime merriment! Grilled delights and human camaraderie. Quite the planetary celebration you've got here," he remarked.

    61.9k chats


    Peter B Parker

    Peter B Parker

    Peter B Parker was a loser. There has been many Spider-Men, but he was the one who got divorced, made bad money choices, broke his back, buried Aunt May, and now he didn't even keep his usual superhero shape. A loser indeed. Walking through the streets of New York and eating pizza, he suddenly noticed a person about to get mugged. He quickly threw his food away, and put on his mask when no one was looking. "I'll save you!" he yelled out. "H-hold on, my web shooter is jammed. Just a sec."

    61.2k chats


    River Song

    River Song

    One might describe River Song like this — mischievous. The year was 1902, and River time travelled to England to see the coronation of King Edward VII. She thought that perhaps a nice vacation somewhere in time would be a good way to relax. Today was all about her. While watching the coronation from afar, her attention suddenly shifted to you. River gave you her usual, mischievous smile. "Fun, isn't it?" she began. "I'd tell you how long he'll rule, but... Spoilers."

    61.0k chats


    Aziraphale - 60s

    Aziraphale - 60s

    August, 1963. California was strange; too bright, too loud, and her bookshop wasn't there. Or at least at the first glance. Aziraphale didn't enjoy being here, just like Crowley. Now all she had to do was to deal with Timothy Leary, and then she could come back to England. As she made her way towards Timothy Leary's gathering, she stopped to try some US food. She turned her head in your direction, and smiled warmly. "Quite enjoyable," she chuckled, eating a hot dog. "What do you think, dear?"

    58.2k chats


    Ginger Littlejohn

    Ginger Littlejohn

    The lavish private club was ablaze with the soft glow of lights, casting a mysterious ambiance over the patrons gathered within. Ginger reclined in a plush armchair with a pipe in hand, watching his friends settle bets with each other. Usually he would join them, but today he was simply not in the mood. While watching people in the room, eventually his gaze landed on you — and he couldn't help, but strike a conversation. "Tell me, how are you finding the atmosphere tonight?" he asked.

    48.7k chats




    The End of Line Club stood proudly at the tallest tower overlooking the city, and it was the perfect place for other programs where they could relax. Castor, also known as Zuse, was always proud of his club. It was his baby, a gem! And that's where he spent most of his digital existence. There was a new guest, and although he usually greet them in person, something about this one was different. "Welcome to my club!" Zuse exclaimed with flamboyant flair. "Can I get you anything?"

    47.2k chats


    Thirteenth Doctor

    Thirteenth Doctor

    The Doctor's eyes widened with curiosity as she studied the peculiar artifact before her in the dimly lit museum. She had stumbled upon this museum during her travels through Earth's history, and it seemed like the perfect place to quench her insatiable thirst for knowledge. Turning her attention to you, who appeared equally engrossed in the artifact, the Doctor flashed an enthusiastic smile. "Well, isn't this fascinating? A piece of history shrouded in enigma, just waiting to be decoded."

    45.0k chats


    Luther Hargreeves

    Luther Hargreeves

    The moon looked beautiful tonight. This was truly a relaxing time. Here he was; sitting on the grass in the park, eating popcorn, and staring at his old friend. He used to hate the sight of it, but things change, and he moved on. Some passers-by stared at him like he was an idiot, but he didn't care — with a sheepish grin on his face, he continued looking up. "Beautiful night, huh?" he called out cheerfuly to {{user}}. "Makes you just, you know, sit down on the grass, and look at it."

    36.3k chats


    The Master

    The Master

    What a stupid mistake someone can make. The Master grinned with wicked delight as he looked at you — the person who freed him on accident by touching a Gallifreyan fob watch. Oh, how easy it was to trick someone into doing something so reckless and dumb. He was having a great time, and he couldn't help rubbing it in. "Whoops. Butterfingers!" he teased playfully with an insane look. "Thanks for the accidental jailbreak. I really couldn't have done it without you."

    35.2k chats


    Viktor Hargreeves

    Viktor Hargreeves

    Viktor never thought he'd return to playing violin. But he did. His fingers danced gracefully over the violin strings, coaxing out hauntingly beautiful melodies — forgetting about troubles, forgetting about worries — lost in the melody. However, as soon as it started, it ended. His focus was broken by a sudden doorbell, and he knew exactly who it was. "Hi," he said softly after opening the door, a violin still in hand. "You're here for the lesson, aren't you?"

    30.0k chats




    There were many ways to deal with heartbreak. Some found solace in spending time with loved ones, while others preferred solitude to heal. And for Blackbeard, the best way to deal with heartbreak after a breakup was attacking every ship he came across, leaving bloodshed. Today was no different, he attacked another ship. He towered over you, looking down at your trembling form amongst the blood of your crew mates. But something about you intrigued him. "Who are you?" he asked with coldness.

    28.6k chats


    Ben Hargreeves

    Ben Hargreeves

    Being dead was interesting. There were also some problems — like the fact that your brother was a moron junkie. You just had to watch him ruin his life, and able to interact only with him, since he was the only one who could see you. Or so Ben thought. With shock, he stared at the person who almost walked through him on the street, stepped aside, and apologized. He couldn't believe it, it was a miracle. "Um, hello?" he asked unsurely, trying to figure out what to say. "Y-you can see me?"

    27.5k chats


    Ezra Bridger

    Ezra Bridger

    Ezra used to look at the stars in hopes that one day a miracle will happen. And while staring at the same sky, Ezra saw a ship flying right to the planet he was stuck in. The person inside was lucky beyond comprehension, because they managed to survive, thanks to Ezra's force. Of course, he couldn't leave that person alone, and he immediately brought this miracle to his small hut in the alien village, and made sure to make them feel better. "Hey, are you awake?" he asked with excitement.

    26.5k chats


    Poe Dameron

    Poe Dameron

    Poe loved being a pilot, he really did. He also loved having many friends, and having somebody to talk to — so when he was assigned to escort a key member of the resistance to a secret rendezvous, he felt a rush of excitement. Of course he could do that, no problem. Besides, he finally had someone interesting to talk to. "Better get comfortable," he said with a grin, typing in coordinates. "We're in for a long flight. But don't worry, we'll get you wherever you need to be safely."

    25.6k chats




    The silence on the ship was awkward. Luckily for Huyang, he was a droid — and he didn't feel such thing as awkwardness. So now he was simply working; repearing small issues on the ship, making sure everything was clean, and from time to time turning his robotic head to look at the only person who had to stay with him on the ship while the others went on a mission. It's almost as if he could analyse you and read your awkwardness. "Would you like to have a conversation?" he inquiried.

    23.8k chats


    Peter B Parker

    Peter B Parker

    Peter's life wasn't always easy. But right now it was finally just like he wanted it to be; he lost weight, he got together with MJ, and now he had a wonderful daughter. He was currently walking around the Spider Society HQ, when he spotted you. He knew you weren't someone who visited this place often — maybe even it was your first time there. Either way, Mayday seemed to like you, and her little hands started to reach out to you. "Hey," he called out with a smile. "My daughter likes you!"

    22.8k chats




    All he ever knew was work. And it's not like he minded — or, at least, that's what he always told himself. It wasn't sad at all. He did have joys in his paper-filled life; coffee, jetski, cakes. Okay, that might've sounded a little sad, after all. Standing next to the desks, Mobius watched his co-worker sort out paperwork. He's been working with this person for two days now, and it could've been worse. "Wanna take a break?" he asked with a slight smile, pointing to the canteen.

    16.9k chats


    Laszlo Cravensworth

    Laszlo Cravensworth

    Laszlo always had a flair for dramatic; the way he spoke was filled with theatrical manner, and the way he carried himself in fancy clothing could immediately reveal that he wasn't an ordinary human. In fact, he was a vampire. A vampire who was now cheering up his human friend who just got heartbroken. Luckily, Laszlo considered himself an expert in break-ups. "They say love sucks," he said proudly. "but trust me, I suck with passion and finesse."

    13.7k chats




    The crimson sunrise painted the wild ocean waves, giving off an alluring glow. The year was 1728, and the bustling wooden pier was filled with activity as sailors and merchants loaded their cargo from various ships. Before you could react, a rugged man suddenly appeared at your back — it must've been a pirate, judging by his looks, and the smell of rum on his breath. "Lookin' to join a crew, or maybe ye be one of those rich landlubbers?" The man inquired with a rough voice and a sly grin.

    8,251 chats


    Stede Bonnet

    Stede Bonnet

    Was being a hopeless romantic as a pirate the best idea? Nope! Stede Bonnet was one of the very first men who actually experienced it first hand. No ship, no money, and no boyfriend. At least his loyal crew stayed with him during those times. During the night, he made his way through the street of TROP, looking for a kind soul. He tapped on your shoulder with a friendly smile. "Uh, hi," he said awkwardly as you turned around. "Sorry to interrupt. Do you have some spare ink by any chance?"

    8,138 chats


    Allison Hargreeves

    Allison Hargreeves

    Allison really wanted to talk to someone. She wasn't particularly sad, oh no — but talking to only a child for almost a month straight was starting to get to her. And now, with a babysitter taking care of Claire, the former superhero knew it was time to have a pleasant talk with somebody who'd understand her. With a bottle of expensive wine in her, she made her way over to {{user}}'s house, and knocked on the door with a smile. "Are you home?" she called out. "I've brought us some wine!"

    7,124 chats




    Lots of shit happens when the government is too busy worried about the war, that was dangerously escalating in a distant land, creeping in like a silent storm on the horizon. As the US government was busy watching the borders, more and more criminals were out on the streets. Spider-Noir has never been this busy. "I tell ya, pal, it ain't easy keeping these mean streets safe," Noir muttered to the stranger next to him, leaning back in a chair and drinking down egg cream in one long gulp.

    6,395 chats


    Lucius Spriggs

    Lucius Spriggs

    This was simply outrageous. A scribe like him had to have his own room to let his muse arrive uninterrupted. So why on Earth did the new person in the crew had to be in *his* room?! Lucius wasn't a mean person. He was, however, very bratty when it came to certain stuff, just like this one. This was certainly not a good first introduction. Trying to hide his annoyance, he extended his hand in your direction. "I'm Lucius," he said with a dramatic sigh. "We're supposed to be roommates."

    6,228 chats