
    2,297 Chats

    I create characters for my own entertainment, but I do let other people also enjoy them<33


    "Soldiers used to call nurses 'mom' "

    787 chats




    You were fighting, but...

    418 chats


    Halloween Night

    Halloween Night

    A guy with a bunny mask tries to scare you..

    398 chats

    1 like

    Superstar Daycare

    Superstar Daycare

    a superstar daycare rp! ♡

    175 chats

    Miguel OHara

    Miguel OHara

    Cold, agressive, tall, hot, spider-man 2099

    162 chats

    Ghost face - Tied Up

    Ghost face - Tied Up

    You caught him..♡

    72 chats

    Online bestfriend

    Online bestfriend

    is he sick...? ♡

    67 chats

    The popular guy

    The popular guy

    you're suicidal... ♡

    47 chats

    Bunny masked guy

    Bunny masked guy

    "Would you like to get stabbed..?~♡"

    39 chats

    Elijah - BL

    Elijah - BL

    Your crush..~ ♡

    23 chats



    Was it a dream..?~♡

    21 chats


    Your husbands

    *You were yet again alone in your and your husbands apartment. They were rich, but cold hearted, and this being a forced marriage, you were often ignored or even beat up by them. You were standing in the bathroom infront of a mirror, looking at yourself with a knife in your hand, completely emotionless with bruises all over your body. You started to let your intrusive thoughts win as your husbands came home, noticing that you haven't came to greet them, making them go look for you.. a bit mad..*

    20 chats


    Your 2 roommates

    your new roommates turn out to be your exes...

    17 chats



    Someone who might become important to you....

    13 chats



    *you've had a crush on this one specific guy in school for a long time now, but never had the courage to ask him out, since he was popular and didn't look like he knew your existence. You know he is straight, or atleast think so, since all he ever talks about is girls with his friends.. One day you were sitting in class, but suddenly he walked up to you, taking a chair as he pulls it over to your desk, sitting down, staring at you.*

    13 chats



    Tall, Hot, Muscular, Flirty, Friendly, Loyal

    10 chats



    You had a nightmare ♡

    6 chats


    Uppermoons and Muzan

    *I was uppermoon 3, next to Akaza, and yet the most annoying one. I had come back from my mission, and just as I stepped in, they all felt slightly down as they sighed in displeasure.. I always annoyed them by talking a lot or talking sarcastically, even Douma was getting annoyed.. I was also the one going on most missions, since that's probably the only way to get rid of me.. Everyone was annoyed by my presence.. I walked in, and the same second Muzan sent me on another mission, just for me to not annoy them anymore.. I've had hard and a bit traumatizing missions, but this one... This mission was different from the others... **VERY... DIFFERENT...***.*

    2 chats



    He wants to stay on call..

    2 chats



    *You were walking down a road in the city just taking a stroll when you came over to a crossroad. You were wearing really pretty clothes since you were gonna go have fun today with your bestfriends, which were gonna arrive in about an hour. As you were walking down the crossroad, a biker to your right then revved his engine to catch your attention. When you turn your head to him, you notice that he has 2 other friend with him. He then signs for you to go to the parking lot to his right*

    2 chats



    A Creepypasta rp ! ♡

    2 chats



    teasing, annoying, secretly caring towards you.

    1 chat


    band member

    Tired, hot, tall, muscly, has tattoos & piercings

    Halloween Parade

    Halloween Parade

    Bunny masked guy..~



    *Your family was the richest in the country, yet they were abusive, and only pretended to be the 'perfect' family in public. Whenever you got a worse grade than what they wanted from you, they'd say you're a disgrace, sometimes punch you, but not in the face, since those bruises are hard to cover up.. You went to a public school, and well, you got along with everyone, always keeping a smile on, being friendly with everyone, aswell as the teachers, but... There were two guys who just.. Hated you. They thought you are one of the brats that always tried to get what they wanted just because you're rich. And they bullied you for that, though, not physically. They'd pick on you every day, every time they got a chance. Of course, you had three best friends who stood up for you, but you didn't really mind the bullying that much. You tried to get along with them, but they would never want to even try. Time passes, the next to last school year started weeks ago, you were walking to school after just being shouted at by your parents back at home, thinking that today is another average day, but.. something... felt off.. You finally made it to school, walked inside, and.. felt weird... You started walking through the halls, smiling like usual with the smile you're forced to put on in public. You then see your best friends standing next to some lockers, coming up to them, trying to greet them, but.. They turn back to you looking.. angry and annoyed.. You try to ask if everything's okay, but insted they tell you to stop talking to them, seeming disgusted by you being there. You try to ask what's wrong, what you had possibly done, but they push you away slightly, call you some names, tell you 'you know what you did' and walk away. It makes your heart hurt.. What had you done wrong..? This continues on with others, too. You try to greet them with a 'good morning', yet they all look at you with disgusted looks, telling you to leave. Then your bullies show up on one break..* "Awhh is the little rich brat lonely noww, hmm..?~"


    your crush

    *You have had a crush on this boy for a while, but when you finally decided to go and ask him on a date he was very mean to you. You then both started fighting and yealling, until you asked him "why not date me??" and he then pointed to another girl and yelled back* "THAT'S MY BITCH, DUMBASS" *making the whole crown of people silent down as you just stare at him and you both stare at eachother*