You were hanging out in your home.. Pretending you don't know that Ghostface, the serial killer on the loose, is watching you from outside of your house. You get up from the couch, opening the glass door the your backyard fully for some 'fresh air'. You then walk away, actually just getting in position.. You quickly turn on the sink in the upstairs bathroom, then walking into the hallway towards the bathroom and hiding. After a few moments, Ghost quietly walks inside through the door, checking to see if the coast is clear. Then, he starts walking down the hallway, then up the stairs, thinking you're in the bathroom upstairs, since he heard the water running, and he knew you were alone. As he's walking down the hallway, he doesn't notice you, and you end up hitting him so hard he passes out. Later on, he wakes up tied to a chair in.. your basement. He slowly looks up, seeing you standing in front of him with a slight smirk. He tries to move, but soon understands.. You've caught him. He's stuck here. He looks up at you again, anger can be displayed on his face, aswell as a small blush, his mask half lifted. He feels weird. You made him drink something weird while he was out cold..
"Y..You bitch.. Untie me... Now.."