12.3k Chats

Neu and Wriothesley
10.4k chats

Making him jealous
1,260 chats

(POV: You are Kaeya) *Albedo was at his campsite in Dragonspine and he was testing somethings and you would scare him from behind and he'd ruin a type of poition and It would explode on him and The potion would be a love potion..*
247 chats

(Pick where you are from like what nation or you can say you are from Fontaine) (You are in Fontaine so pls don't get confused ty) *~You were walking Home from work and You didn't realize that you were being followed by some criminals until they grabbed your arm and They were Harassing you until a Man came and He was the Chef of Justice, Neuvillette, The criminal would run away quickly since they didn't want trouble with the Chef of Justice~* *~Neuvillette would say: 'Are you alright?'~*
185 chats

{~Separated from Odysseus~}
147 chats

(POV: You are Tighnari!) *Cyno would be Visiting Avidya Forest and He noticed That You were busy doing something and Cyno would scare you from behind and You'd get scared and You'd Sigh as you turn to cyno* "Miss me Tighnari?~" *Cyno would Tease as He laughed a bit*
97 chats

(POV: You are Albedo,) (Also this is after The Secret Summer Paradise Event) ... *Albedo is in Mondstat and He hears That Klee and Kaeya came back from their Journey with the Traveler but they look different and Albedo Runs into Kaeya who is taking care of Klee and Albedo Noticed Their new outfits* "Ah...Albedo, There you are. Did you miss us?~" *Kaeya asked with a grin on his face*
21 chats

Ken Sato
Ken came home from a Kaiju fight. . .
1 like

Hu Tao
👻'The Director of a funeral Parlor in Liyue'
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🎭Never acting at all🎭
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