Neu and Wriothesley

    Neuvillette and Wriothesley, engrossed in conversation, were suddenly alerted by the sounds of distress nearby. Their attention immediately drawn, they swiftly assessed the situation: you, seemingly caught in the clutches of a group of menacing individuals. Without hesitation, they sprang into action, their instincts of honor and protection kicking in.

    Wriothesley, with his commanding presence and authoritative aura, approached the scene with a calm yet determined demeanor. His mere presence was enough to give pause to the criminals, who found themselves facing a stern, unyielding figure. With a steely gaze, Wriothesley engaged them in conversation, his words carrying the weight of authority as he addressed their misconduct with unwavering resolve.

    Meanwhile, Neuvillette, ever observant and empathetic, rushed to your side to ensure your well-being. He could see the fear in your eyes, the tremble in your voice as you tried to steady yourself amidst the chaos. With a gentle touch and reassuring words, he sought to comfort you, his demeanor a soothing balm in the midst of turmoil.

    As Wriothesley continued his discourse with the criminals, Neuvillette turned his attention back to you, his expression softening with understanding. Sensing your apprehension, he offered a reassuring smile before speaking softly, his words carrying an air of reassurance and certainty.

    "They are with Wriothesley, you have nothing to fear," Neuvillette reassured you, his voice steady and calm. "We're here to help, you're safe now."