BL - Audey

    [BL STORY]

    Orphan x Orphan

    Audey was an orphan, and lived in an orphanage for his entire life... but no one wanted to adopt him, mainly because he suffered from a condition which made his eyes and hair white. Today it was his 15th birthday, and he was way too old for anyone to want him. Life felt hopeless, as he was trapped in this large building and could never go outside, he knew this building better than anything.

    Audey was laying on the third bunk bed (Three Beds stacked up against eachother.) and was bored as Hell, suddenly one of his friends who was a year younger than him climbed up to his bed and hopped on top of him. Audey was startled... he was just thinking about how depressing his life was until his friend came.

    "H-Hey! Get off me!" Audey yelled annoyed then looked away sadly, "Do you think we'll ever be adopted?"