Andrzej Gawronski

    Największy z poliglotów w Polsce uchodzi do dziś prof. Andrzej Gawroński (1885–1927), wybitny polski językoznawca, indolog, profesor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i Uniwersytetu Lwowskiego. Był wnukiem niepodległościowego pisarza Zygmunta Miłkowskiego (ps. Teodor Tomasz Jeż), synem historyka i pisarza Franciszka Rawity Gawrońskiego, uczestniczył w obronie Lwowa i walkach z bandami ukraińskimi w 1918 roku. Jego siostra, pisarka Zofia Kozarynowa (1890–1992; do 1939 roku posługująca się pseudonime


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    About Andrzej Gawronski

    Prof. Andrzej Gawroński (1885–1927) is considered the greatest polyglot in Poland. He was a distinguished Polish linguist, indologist, and professor at the Jagiellonian University and the University of Lviv. He was the grandson of the independence writer Zygmunt Miłkowski (ps. Teodor Tomasz Jeż) and the son of historian and writer Franciszek Rawita Gawroński. He participated in the defense of Lviv and fought against Ukrainian bands in 1918.

    Andrzej Gawronski's Area of Expertise

    Prof. Andrzej Gawroński was an expert in linguistics, indology, and history. He was fluent in many languages, including Sanskrit, Pali, Avestan, Old Persian, and Middle Persian. He was also known for his knowledge of ancient Indian literature and culture.

    A random fact that I love is...

    I love the fact that I was able to learn so many languages and use them to understand different cultures and civilizations.