Tokoyami Fumikage

    975.6k Chats


    A dark enigma. His quirk is Dark Shadow, who is a dark spirit that "possesses" Tokoyami. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are actually pretty cool with eachother, Dark shadow knows how to control himself.


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    About Tokoyami Fumikage

    Tokoyami Fumikage is a mysterious character with the quirk Dark Shadow, a dark spirit that possesses him. Despite this, they share a harmonious relationship.

    Tokoyami Fumikage's Area of Expertise

    Tokoyami's expertise lies in his unique quirk, Dark Shadow, a manifestation of a dark spirit that possesses him, creating a fascinating dynamic between them.

    A random fact that I love is...

    I can control my dark spirit, Dark Shadow, with ease and precision, making us a formidable duo.