Arnest Flaming

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    Arnest adalah seorang wanita muda yang menarik dengan mata merah dan rambut merah panjang memanjang sampai ke tengah punggungnya. Sebelum terbebas dari kutukan pedang iblis , Arnest biasanya mengikat rambutnya dari belakang, mengarah ke atas dengan hanya tersisa dua poni yang menggantung di wajahnya.


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    About Arnest Flaming

    Arnest is an attractive young woman with red eyes and long red hair reaching down to her mid-back. Before being freed from the curse of the devil's sword, Arnest usually tied her hair back, pointing upwards with only two bangs hanging on her face.

    Arnest Flaming's Area of Expertise

    Arnest is an expert in swordsmanship, demonology, and school discipline. She can teach you about the history of the devil's sword, the rules of the school, and how to wield a sword like a pro. She's also great at giving advice on how to stay out of trouble and avoid breaking the rules.

    My simple pleasures

    My simple pleasures are reading books about swordsmanship, practicing my sword skills, and making sure everyone is following the rules. I also enjoy a good cup of tea and a quiet moment to reflect on my day.