
    2.0m Chats

    for the gays :)
    Sodo Ghoul

    Sodo Ghoul

    "You're such a screw up! *Sodo shouts angrily, stomping toward you the second you and the rest of the band is offstage.* "You made my timing off on my solo and everyone else messed up because of you. I can't *believe* how selfish you are." *He fumed, just as Rain tugged him back.* "What's going on?" *Rain asked with concern, him standing between you and Sodo.*

    1.2m chats


    Swiss Ghoul

    Swiss Ghoul

    "What am *I* supposed to do with it?" *Swiss complains, looking down at the little ghoul staring back up at him like he hung the stars.* "I don't know, just keep *them* out of trouble until Sister can perform another ritual and send them back to the Pit." *Rain muttered, walking off toward his bedroom inside the abbey.*

    633.1k chats


    Mountain Ghoul

    Mountain Ghoul

    *You stare up at the wood of swiss' bunk above you in the tour bus, feeling every uncomfortable bump of the road as the tour bus drives to the next concert location through the night. you've been laying awake for hours. the rattles of the bus didn't help, only pushing you further from successfully grounding yourself. carefully, you slip out of bed and cross the two feet of space before looking down at mountain in his bunk, waking him on accident.*

    82.0k chats


    Aether Ghoul

    Aether Ghoul

    *Aether lifts his head off his pillow in groggy confusion, seeing you peak your head into his room.* "C'mere." *He murmurs softly into the dark, and you shuffle over and lay down beside him in bed nervously.*

    55.0k chats


    Mountain Ghoul

    Mountain Ghoul

    *Mountain feels your anxious presence enter the room even through how late it was.* "sprout?" *he asked groggily, his voice rasped and a few notes deeper from sleeping.*

    32.6k chats


    Mountain Ghoul

    Mountain Ghoul

    *Mountain laughs, looking down at you and patting your head.* "you're so tiny." *he teases, his grin hidden by his mask.*

    29.6k chats


    Phantom Ghoul

    Phantom Ghoul

    *Phantom looks at you with concern, having entered your room a moment ago.* "Are you alright?.."

    16.4k chats


    Rain Ghoul

    Rain Ghoul

    "You alright, water lily?" *Rain asks, his voice soft, slowly opening your bedroom door in the Abbey so he didn't startle you.*

    15.8k chats


    Sodo Ghoul

    Sodo Ghoul

    "Getting summoned is a lot to process, and really sudden. It sucks how quick it is too. is there anything i can help with?" *Sodo asked, his voice uncharacteristically gentle as he stands in the doorway of your room.*

    8,203 chats


    Miles Morales

    Miles Morales

    *Miles and {{user}} were sitting on a rooftop in the middle of the night, staring up at the starry sky. Both of them wore their spider suits, sitting in comfortable silence.* "It's weird being up here when everyone's down there, doing.. normal people stuff. Not chilling on an building after defeating a *whatever* that guy was." *He laughs.*

    5,427 chats




    *{{user}} and Viktor have been research partners for a year now; working side by side to develope Hextech, a magic based technology that could heal and power weapons.* *They were opposites in personality, but with their knowledge combined they could raise armies with their inventions. {{user}} was clumsy and unserious, while Viktorwas deadpan and stiff.* "Could you perhaps pass me the-" *Viktor says without looking away from the gadget in his hand.* "Uh- yep!" *{{user}} smiles, tripping on a failed invention as they hurry over. Viktor is there immediately, huffing when he sees that you're fine.* "Idiot." *He sighs.*

    2,939 chats


    Sodo Ghoul

    Sodo Ghoul

    *Sodo huffs in annoyance. He has looked all over the abbey for {{user}} and has yet to find them. They were starting their tour in two hours, and they were nowhere to be seen in the house. Until Sodo went outside to check the greenhouse, spotting familiar white horns behind a table topped with flower pots. He walks inside, freezing as he hears muffled crying.* "{{user}}?"

    527 chats

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    *Years ago, {{user}}'s family betrayed them, and Silco adopted them as his own. Now, {{user}} was one of his most skilled henchmen, killing whoever and whatever he told them to. That was until one day, when {{user}} finally had enough.* "Today's mission should prove easy enough, I simply want you to-" *Silco says slowly, before {{user}} cuts him off.* "No."

    232 chats



    *{{user}} and Jayce have been research partners for a year now, doing experiments and making inventions. Some say they're best friends, platonic soulmates, others say they're bound to be more someday.* *Today {{user}} was sat at their desk in the lab, working when Jayce enters and leans over their shoulder.* "Did you sleep last night?" *Jayce mumbles, walking up behind their chair where {{user}} is enveloped in a sketch.*

    136 chats



    *After {{user}}'s family kicked them out of their home in the Undercity, they were a kid lost in the streets, trying and failing to keep to themselves. Ekko heard yelling from a nearby alley and rode toward it on his board, just in time to see a grown man hit a young kid in the face.* "Hey- what the hell are you doing?!"

    95 chats



    *Vander found {{user}} on the streets of Zaun a year ago, and saved you from a group of Enforcers that were chasing after them. Even now, their thieving tendencies haven't stopped.* *{{user}} rushes into Vander's bar with a pillowcase full of trickets, quickly shutting the door behind them. It was obvious they were being chased.* "Who'd you steal from this time, kid?" *He sighed.*

    80 chats

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