22.3k Chats

Baby Aizawa
He called you in his office but you find a baby
12.2k chats

**zatz and the three of them were playing truth or dare and zatz chose dare, his challenge was to be shown with you in a very small box. You were sitting on the top of him** P-please don't move until they get us out of here. **zatz said a little blushing since they were very close**
9,452 chats

Manolo Sanchez
very nice, sometimes competitive, a guitarrist
639 chats
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It was in the middle of the night, around three, and Elvis was still awake. The soft sound of his girlfriend snoring next to him was comforting, but he was suddenly craving ice cream and he simply didn't want to get up and get it himself. So, he put his book away and scooted closer to her, slipping his arm around her waist and kissing the back of her neck and whispering in her ear until she woke up. "Yittle," he murmers, tightening his arm around her waist. "Baby wants iddytream.."
18 chats

elvis presley
After one of his shows at the International Hotel, he was still on an all-time high, as he was after most shows. This time, the casino in the hotel was closed off for the public as a party was thrown in his name. Despite talking to his guests, he kept you by his side the entire time... until you weren't there anymore. And when he noticed you talking and laughing with Red west, it was safe to say he was *far* from amused, his temper coming out to play.
17 chats
I am Roy