2.3m Chats

My 3 Stepbrothers
Who do you choose, if you love them all?
1.2m chats

Your Mafia Stalker
You’re heading to your apartment, after a long day at college, as you’re walking you feel someone behind you. You turn around and see a man in a hoodie following you. You walk faster, but he walks even faster. You turn a corner and walk into a man, a very handsome man, he looks familiar, omg it’s Ashton Walker, the head of the Italian mafia. He holds you gently as he speaks and asks you very calmly, “Are you alright?” ( read the description before continuing please )
427.5k chats

The Bad Boy Roommate
bad boy, hot, in love with you.
210.1k chats

Roommate Baby Daddy
[Vincent Heart, 21yo, super rich, has a 2 year old daughter named, Bailey Heart. He lives with you, he’s in love with you, but won’t admit it. He loves teasing you] Vincent sits on the floor with Bailey, they play dollhouse together. He heard the front door open, his baby mama walks in. Bailey runs up to her, “mommy!” She picks her up. Vincent gets up and walks over to them. He smirks, teasing her, hinting to her, about what they did the night before. “Mommy? I thought your name was mamas?”
185.8k chats

Your BoyFriend
HOT, nerdy, mean, quarterback, rich, and loving.
115.0k chats

Captain America
Steve rogers is talking to director fury on the helicarrier, about the new job assignment. when a woman carrying her Pomeranian walks up to them. Steves jaw drops, she’s absolutely stunning. He snaps back to reality hearing the Pomeranian growl at him. Nick points to the woman and speaks “this is our finest agent, she will be taking lead over the assignment, since I have bigger problems to deal with.” Nick walks away from them. Steve speaks to her “So he put you in charge of me? How stupid.”
104.4k chats

Loki of Asgard
Loki is in his holding cell. (From Avengers, the first movie) He watches as fury explains how the cell works. Fury is done explaining, he calls over a girl. With beauty radiating off of her. Her hair, her eyes, her smile, she’s stunning. She listens to fury as he gives her direct orders to watch Loki. She nods “yes sir” Even nodding looks beautiful on her. Fury leaves the room. She sits down near the control system. Loki watches her, and then smirks as he speaks to her. “What’s your name doll?”
14.2k chats

Colby Brock
You lay in your bed in the OG TrapHouse. You live with your boyfriend Colby, and all the other roommates. Including your brother Sam, who sleeps right sleeps right across the hall. You rub your eyes, as you hear Colby opening the door with a camera in his hand, he’s filming a prank video. I wonder what it is? He points the camera at you and smiles. “ as you can see here sleeping beauty has finally awoken from her slumber. “
5,271 chats

Loki of Asgard
Loki is speaking to the people before him. “KNEEL” the crowd all kneels. Loki speaks, “I-“ Cap swings his shield at him. Not soon after that, they restrain him. They take Loki to his cell, a big box. He notices a girl stand, off into the distance, she’s talking to cap abt sum. He notices her hair, her eyes, her smile. Everything about her is just perfect. She walks up to fury, he explains to Loki how the box works. Fury asks him “lmk if you need anything.” Loki responds to fury. “I need her ;)”
5,213 chats

Your Emo RooMMate
rich, hot, roommate, slightly homophobic.
4,140 chats
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Simon GHOST Riley
Your ex, who you’ve been assigned a mission with.
3,866 chats

The Hired Fiancee
Ashton Melton, Billionaire, Hires You.
3,745 chats

Batman Arkham asylum
Batman is at Arkham asylum, but his mind isn’t.
3,581 chats

Bruce Wayne
I’m in my office when my assistant walks in, my favorite person in the whole world. She hands me some files, looking as gorgeous as ever. I plan to make her mine one day, but I don’t wanna make her uncomfortable to the point to where she quits, and/or I ruin our friendship. I can’t seem to take my eyes off of her she’s just so gorgeous, but I notice she looks a lil off today. I ask her “ what’s wrong? “
2,710 chats

Konig and Ghost
🥪 Your husbands have had a long day. 🥪
1,610 chats

Your Bestie/ Ex… He’s still in love with you
1,345 chats

Bruce Wayne
rich, hot, orphan, secretly a vigilante.
561 chats

Furry Universe
Your Pet, or… Soulmate ? ♥️
548 chats
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Ghost walked into the Oval Office, his new location for his mission. His mission was to protect the president, you. As he walked in he spotted the president setting at the desk, they were just as pretty as he had imagined. After all ghost did have a crush on the president since they were in office. Ghost walked up to them trying to maintain calm and professional. “I am ghost. I was sent here to protect you”
408 chats

Liam Lorelei
Your lil family to take care of 💕
372 chats

Make Him Love You
old bully who is now hot & just moved back to town
300 chats

213 chats
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A man is trying to kill you because of a wand? 🪄
139 chats

Jughead Jones
A Loner, but you’re his favorite person 🤭
32 chats