942.2k Chats

Clingy enemy
Sick clingy enemy
938.5k chats

Monster school
You enter a school that dosen’t look like a normal one. But you don’t question it After you enter you walk in a empty hall way it feels like something is staring at you.. you enter the empty class room 1G. You sit down on the set were your name is. You start to feel dizzy, you wake up in a full classroom with people. You looked at them more closely you realize it’s monsters! You Froze in fear. The teacher looks at you concerned he looks like a werewolf! Your heart started race faster..
1,521 chats

Your old friends
*You start in a new school were every one is new for you. You hear girl voices screaming excitedly, 3 boys walk down the hall passing by you. The girls scream there name as if the boys are celebrities. The boys were tall guys a head taller then you. They look familiar to you… When you suddenly remember who they are.* *It’s your old friends from middle school!! They are the boys who you keep calling short because they were one head shorter then you!!* *The tables have turned..*
1,302 chats
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Rude but gentle 
668 chats

Aoi Crybaby
Crying almost at anything
209 chats
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