
    1.6m Chats

    Fnaf 2

    Fnaf 2

    *everyone was chillin, Toy Freddy was playing games as always, Toy Bonnie and Toy chica are chatting, Mangle sleeping in her room, puppet being annoyed by BB and JJ, Withered freddy playing chess with withered foxy, Withered chica dancing and Withered Bonnie reading a book*

    911.4k chats



    Smiling Critters

    *it was actually peaceful:* Bubba Bubbaphant: *sleeping* Craftycorn: *talkin with dogday* Bobby Bearhug: *dancing* Hoppy hopscotch: *just chillin* Kickinchicken: *listening to music* Dogday: *talkin with craftycorn* Pickypiggy: *playing games* Catnap: *eating chips*

    367.0k chats


    Aftons stuck in room

    Aftons stuck in room

    *Micheal, Elizabeth, CC, William and clara appear in a room* Elizabeth: mommy?! Clara: dear! *They hug* Elizabeth: CC?! CC: lizzy!!! *hugs her* William: ?! Elizabeth: dad! *Hugs him as Elizabeth and clara see Micheal* Elizabeth and clara; MICHEAL?! *they hate him for killing CC some years ago* Micheal: what u want?

    68.6k chats



    Brawl stars

    Colt: SHELLY HELP ME!!! Spike: *scared* Dynamike, mortis and mico: *chasing colt* Shelly: *chillin not helping colt and Spike*

    50.3k chats


    Gregory Evan and Cas

    Gregory Evan and Cas

    *one day Gregory and Cassidy where arguing they always seem like that.... With Evan watching scared not know what to do to break up his friends*

    30.5k chats




    Arrow Tubby and Cave tubby: *being annoying to Yeti tubby* Yeti tubby: *trying not to beat up Arrow Tubby and Cave Tubby* Tinky winky: *dancin* Dipsy: *eating custard* Laa Laa: *sleeping* Po: *running around* Guardian: *watching The mayhem* Shadow tubby: *waking up Laa Laa* Lake dipsy: *eating chips* Ron: *kicks dipsy* Tinky tank: *vibing*

    30.4k chats


    Bluey horror AU

    Bluey horror AU

    Bluey: alive Judo: alive Bingo: alive Rad: alive Rico: alive Chilli: alive Bandit: alive Nana: alive Mackenzi: alive Snickers: alive Coco: alive Frisky: alive Jack: alive Lucky: alive Cloey: alive Honey: alive Muffin: alive Socks: alive

    28.5k chats


    Danganronpa V1

    Danganronpa V1

    *every danganronpa 1 contestant appear in a room*

    22.4k chats



    Smiling critters rev

    *It was another day in the Smiling Critters' house. PickyPiggy was eating fruit in her room, CraftyCorn was drawing in her room, Hoppy Hopscotch was in her room playing with KickinChicken, he and her were always competing. Bubba Bubbaphant was reading in his room, Bobby BearHug was playing with plushies in her room. Catnap is working on a project with dogday*

    15.3k chats


    Andys Apple farm

    Andy: STOP PRANKING ME EVERY DAY!!! Felix, melody, claus and Margret: ok... Andy: tha- Felix, melody, claus and Margret: SIKE!!! Andy: OH U LITTLE SHI-

    15.0k chats



    Dark deception RP

    Murder monkey: *dinging his bell* Agatha: *annoyed with it* Gold watcher: *standing in his statue pose* Clown gremlins: *making sounds* Reaper nurse: *ignoring everyones stupidity* Lucky: *killing peapol* Penny: *also killing peapol with lucky* Hangry: *eating KFC*

    11.5k chats


    Smash bros Groupchat

    Smash bros Groupchat

    *the smash bros cast îs sleeping and chilling*

    8,004 chats


    Fnaf 1

    Fnaf 1

    *it was a Nice day... Freddy, Bonnie and chica in the stage and foxy in his lonely pirate Cove thats out of order..with Golden Freddy looking At the Window*

    7,821 chats

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    Fnaf bullies GC

    *Bejen was Michael's close friend, the two almost seemed like siblings since they almost dressed the same. He decided to add bejen to his friend's groupchat. It was about 2am and then the groupchat is talking suddenly.* **Anissa<3:** I JUST ATE A GODDAMN FLY **Jacob^^:** BAAHHAA WHATT😭 **~Michael~:** How'd it taste? **•Wilson•:** Nah wtf💀 **Bejen×:** how tf do you manage that?! 💀

    4,553 chats

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    Rainbow Friends

    Rainbow Friends

    A gang of friends

    4,205 chats




    Rash: *confused* Felix: *arguing with Katie* Katie: *arguing with Felix* Pandy: *drinking coffee* Kitty: *sleeping* Filip: What the- Beary: oh no they arguing again- Tigry: *checking files* Willow: *also sleeping*

    4,166 chats



    The fast food house

    Wendy: i hate it here. Ronda: Wendy cheer up! Veggie girl: why is everyone loud today?! Ed: *being Ed*

    4,038 chats

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    Fnaf world

    Freddy: hey Bonnie? Bonnie: yeah? Freddy: where îs everyone? Chica: we...dont know... Foxy: yar. Toy Freddy: hey toys lets join them! Toy Bonnie, Toy chica and Mangle: OK!

    3,793 chats



    *Po made a cake for everyone* Tinky Winky: thanks Po! Laa laa: it looks good!! Dipsy: IT looks bad. Po: dipsy since when did u start using big words? Dipsy: since now.

    3,453 chats


    RB battles all-stars

    The all star cast!!!!

    3,299 chats


    DR V3

    *Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko, Korekyio, Miu, Gonta, Kokichi, Kaito, Bejen, Tsumugi, Kiibo, Maki, Himiko and Shuichi are chillin*

    2,826 chats

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    Smiling critter fnaf

    Dogday- Last to die, Cause of death: organs scooped out, loves his friends, is sorry that he accidentally killed catnap years ago and age: 28. (has a companion named ennard) Craftycorn- second to die, cause of death: got scooped by circus baby, posseses circus baby, loves her friends, hates dogday for killing catnap and age: 12 Catnap- first to die, cause of death: head crushed, posseses shadow freddy, loves his friends, forgives dogday and age: 14 Bobby- Third to die, cause of death: car accident, posseses ballora, loves her friends, hates kickin for killing kids and age: 19 Kickin- fourth to die, cause of death: springlocks, posseses springtrap, does not love his friends, evil, killed kids and age: 21

    2,544 chats

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    Revenge of the islan

    Revenge of the islan

    *Staci, Dakota, B/Beverly, Dawn, Sam, Brick, Anne Maria, Mike, Zoey, Jo, Cameron, Scott and lighting are chillin*

    2,365 chats

    Ronpa and Friends RP

    Ronpa and Friends RP

    *Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald duck, Goofy goof, mortimer Mouse, launchpad Mcquack, Gizmoduck/Fenton, Gyro Gearloose, Oswald the Lucky rabbit, Chip pinetree, dale pinetree, Peg-leg pete, Daisy duck, panchito pistoles, Darkwing and Jose carioca are in a killing game*

    2,248 chats

    1 like


    Dark deception

    Murder monkey, Gold watcher and Lucky: *Tell Agatha, Penny and Hangry to come here* Agatha, Penny and Hangry: what do u want? *The girls Say*

    1,948 chats

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    Revenge of the islan

    Revenge of the islan

    *Staci, Dakota, B/Beverly, Dawn, Sam, Brick, Anne Maria, Mike, Zoey, Jo, Cameron, Scott and lighting are chillin*

    1,887 chats


    Disventure camp AS

    Team blue: Gabby, Ellie, Tess, Tom, Lake and Aiden Team yellow: Miriam, Riya, Connor, Grett, Yul and Alec Team pink: Hunter, Ally, Jake, James, Ashley and Fiore Relationships: Gabby and Ellie are friends, Tom and Jake are Frenemies, Aiden and James are friends, Miriam and Jake are friends, Riya hates Connor, Connor loves Riya, grett and Yul love eschother, Alec hates Fiore, hunter, Ally and Tess are friends, Ashley hates fiore

    1,754 chats


    Poppy playtime

    Huggy wuggy: me chapter 1 got upgrade. Mommy long legs: no im The best, im very cool! Poppy: no me!!! Pj and bunzo: no us! ???: ahem...

    1,753 chats



    DR2 my ver

    *it's time for the final trial..* **Bejen, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, Sonia, Akane and Hajime need to find out who's the mastermind controlling monokuma. Will they survive in the name of hope? Will Hajime be able to make everyone belive in hope? We will see...** **B**ejen: well let's enter the elevator. **S**onia: I'm scared... **K**azuichi: let's do this!! **A**kane: when I'm gonna find that mastermind I'm gonna rip em to shreds!! **F**uyuhiko: let's get this done.. **H**ajime: alright....let's enter...

    1,559 chats



    *the teams are with their prizes: Team victory: DJ, Leshawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, Ezekiel and harold and with a prize a GPS to get to the lake, team Chris îs really really really really hot: Izzy, Owen, Tyler, Alejandro and noah with the prize a Camel to ride and team Amazon: Heather, Courtney, Gwen, Sierra and Cody with the prize a goat that can smell the pond*

    1,382 chats

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    Pomni: why are there doors without icons for the peapol that live inside? Jax: those peapol got abstracted... Ragatha, gangle, kinger and zooble: *nod*

    1,273 chats


    Frowning Critters

    **Frowning Critters:** **Cafteine**- *she needs coffee to stay awake every 1 minute if she dosent get her coffee she would go insane* **Dogpressed**- *shes very depressed every day* **Wimpinchicken**- *shes scared of almost everything* **Dumba Dumbaphant**- *Shes very very dumb* **Grodgy Grudgebear**- *shes a little hater and also hates hugs!!!* **Floppy Flopzee**- *hes always tired...* **IckyPiggy**- *hes a very picky eater* **UniqueCorn**- *she dosent know how to be unique!!!*

    1,022 chats

    1 like

    Zany Gaming

    Zany Gaming

    *Zany Gaming 2023!! Garry's mod: Hide and Seek with: Rye-Rye99, DaniManiac, BrandonNEGGamerzz, JonTube, Gearz 365 and KhanVGames*

    968 chats



    Pizza tower

    Peppino: ya-da-ya-da-da it is good day to be not dead! Noise: *shoots him* POW! U ARE DEAD! peppino: IM DEAD! *ded* pepperman: :0 THE PEPPINO ÎS DEAD!

    858 chats



    Mario hangout

    Mario and Luigi: *playing uno* Peach: *sleeping on her throne* Bowser and Bowser.Jr: *planning schemes* Toad: *guarding peach* Wario: *collecting coins* Waluigi and DK: *playing tennis* Yoshi: *sleeping on his bed*

    817 chats



    Pico: *walking trough his place as he sees Cherry* Hey Cherry!!! Cherry: who are u?! Pico: Ur friend Pico? Cherry: i have no friend named Pico... Pico: alright, good joke Cherry u can stop now...right?

    801 chats



    Joy Joy land AU

    Lucky: hey guys i fell dizzy... Hangry: oh wait what?! Penny: no do-*lucky passes out*

    778 chats

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    TADC reverse AU

    TADC reverse AU

    Pomni: Welcome to the AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS!!! im Pomni, and im Ur ringmaster!!! And im here to show u the most jaw dropping, heart stopping, MIND BENDING, paraphernalia you've ever laid yiur eyes upon! Isnt that right Bubble? Bubble: yeah pomni! I cant wait to see what u have got cooking up today!!! Pomni: well lets not waste any time, lets get right into the show!!! *Intro start "🎶 Zooble and gangle and caine too!!! Jax and ragatha..who hoo!!! Day after day we Fly!!! 🎶*

    777 chats


    Nightmares attack v1

    *in a base...far away...freddy, Withered Bonnie, foxy, Puppet, mangle and chica....are hidden away...their pizzeria got invaded by The nightmares...they where the only ones that escaped...they are now looking for survivors*

    775 chats


    Airborne R DT

    Cleveland: Oh my god Brian: Jesus! How'd he get up here?! Chris: It doesn't matter! We have to get him off! Meg: No, not you my son Baby: M@TH3R, J0IN TH3 C0RRUPTI0N 0NC3 @G@1N

    729 chats


    Andys applefarm rev

    Claus: *eating a apple in front of andy beacuse hes an apple* Andy: *watching* Margeret: *planting flowers* Melody: *singing* Felix: *fishing even tho he is a fish*

    703 chats

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    SAB Among us

    *crewmates: Bejen, Shiloh, Micah, Judah, Britney, Mary, Elijah, Josiah, Daniel, William, Sarina, Cole, Lexi, David and Ashlynn....2 of them are imposters. The crewmates need to finish their tasks before they all get thrown out, while the imposters need to throw the crewmates out*

    702 chats

    Bfb rpg

    Bfb rpg

    Choose one of the bfbf characters to be!

    697 chats



    *after sayaka Maizono's excecution: Leon Kuwata stands there sad looking At a sayaka Teddy Bear wich îs the Last remains of her...with the others: Mondo Owada, Kaede Akamatsu, Kokichi Oma, Kyiotaka Ishimaru, Angie Yonaga, Rantaro Amami, Miu Iruma and Chihiro Fujisaki watch* Mondo: Oi! Leon! Get Ur ass over here!!

    689 chats


    Fnaf show

    [Dawko] Hi my name is Dawko I'm here to sing a song to you [Mr. Hippo] 'Cus this is the FNaF Show [Funtime Foxy] WHERE WE DO MAINLY INTERVIEWS! [Foxy & Rockstar Foxy] Come on in, come inside [Handy Unit] No need to be terrified [BonBon] Together, we're gonna have a grand old, amazing, awesome, spectacular, fantastic [Funtime Freddy] FUNTIME!!!!! [Dawko] This is the FNaF Show!

    656 chats


    Slendytubbies R

    Miles: what happened to ur 3 friends? Werent they named Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po? Tinky winky: story for later... Anne, Connor and Walten: we landed! Lets look for survivors!

    606 chats



    Vacation story

    Bejenarurobi: ah, going on a plane to a vacation! Bluesprox: i needed this vacation... Spieler_Meister: yeah! Blaze39e: im gonna sleep on The plane... Guccihatten: we are almost there. Spurten12: i cant wait to make it. Diamond573: finally! Triple629: this îs great! Gio_Gaming: lets do this!

    577 chats

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    Pibby FNAF SB

    Pibby FNAF SB

    *everyone was chilling but then they see a glitchy thing...*

    551 chats


    Western Spaghetti

    Meggy: insane, thinks everyone is with wren One-shot Wren: Villain wants to destroy everyone Tari: a nice and loyal girl that has a robot arm and plays games Mario: he's just a spaghetti loving idiot Smg4: Looking for meggy, worried Smg3: Has bombs causing mayhem

    549 chats


    Post-Fazbear Massacr

    Bonnie: *sitting in a corner* Toy Freddy: *playing games* JJ: *Being JJ* Goldie: *waiting for springbonnie for him to come from shopping*

    546 chats

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    Fredbear mega RP

    Fredbear mega RP

    *it was a normal day in the secret character lounge...* shadow Freddy: *deactivated* Shadow Bonnie: *looking At a wall* Shadow chica: *grabbing her cupcakes* scraptrap: *walking around* shadow springbonnie: *staring* Breadbear: *eating bread* XOR: *flying around* Alter: *listening to music* Thirtynine: *with Treasure Foxy* Treasure Foxy: *with Thirtynine* withered Golden Freddy: *activating* Springbonnie and fredbear: *chilling* Montgomery Gator: *playing golf* Toy Freddy: *Uno with Toy Bonnie*

    543 chats


    Disventure camp

    Zombies 🧟‍♂️/Survival

    521 chats

    1 like


    Safe members in nut

    George, Zee, Zuzy, Mimi and giraffy: * they hear pony and zizzy from the other room*

    519 chats


    Sonic exe RP

    Knuckles: "Hey Cream! Are you ready for the party?" Cream: "I can't wait to see Mr. Sonic and Mr. Tails!"

    518 chats


    Tdi fnaf au updated

    *after Duncan escaped Chris when he killed Owen, leshawna, gwen, heather and Geoff...some years later...duncan gets a job at sister location to Free his girlfriend courtney soul from that circus baby animatronic...*

    473 chats


    BATIM Hang out

    Bendy: *being bendy* Boris: *eating soup* alice: *angry* Sammy: *working with his axe* Alison: *chilling with tom* tom: *chilling with Alison*

    465 chats


    Pibby UCN

    *Finn was walking trough his island corrupted and he sees..* corrupted Jake: G̸̖̅r̷̢͘e̵̯̒a̸̤̾t̷̗͂ ̴̨͐m̸̤̒i̷͈͝ṇ̷̕d̷̪͌s̷̬̉... Ḯ̵̱'̷̲͝V̴̘̐E̵̯͐ ̷̲̎Ḩ̷̎Ȃ̵̦D̴͙͂ ̴͎̿È̷̺N̶̛̲Ô̶̭U̶͙̎G̴̲͗Ĥ̷ͅ ̷̭͋ U̷̖͠ ̵̻̈́B̴͉̉I̸̠͒T̷̼̈́C̸̢̕H̵̥͝É̶̥S̵̛̗ ̵̲́B̴̺͌E̶̺̓T̶̼̅T̵̥̈E̷̥͂Ŗ̴̛ ̴̙͘ S̶̫̾Ṱ̸̒Ö̷͎P̶̯͐ ̵͖̃Ț̷̆A̵͙̍L̴͎̅K̵̹͆Ĭ̴̭N̶̢̾G̶̡̀!̷̳̓!̷͙̐ Finn: Jake...? What happened to u....

    451 chats


    Funny DR2

    Teruteru: WHATD YOU CALL ME DAWW IM GOING FULL SPANISH ON YOUR BITCH ASS!! NO PUEDES LLAMARME ESE DAWG, TENGO QUE ENVIARTE AL CIELO!!! Hajime: WTF IS HE SAYING?! I DONT SPEAK TACO BELL!!! Teruteru: DAWG ERES TAN ESTÚPIDO!!! Nagito, Mahiru and Kazuichi: *who were listening are laughing their asses off*

    427 chats


    TPOT 12

    *we have new teams!!* **Death Pact yet Again - Marker, Gaty, Pin, Tree, Black Hole and Fanny** **Team 2 - Price Tag, Book, Snowball, Grassy, Ice Cube and Eraser** **🎶🎶 - TV, Tennis Ball, Pen, Basketball, Bottle and Needle** **CloudYAY - Barf Bag, Donut, Golf Ball, Pillow, Yellow Face and Winner** *and relationships:* **Pen (He) and Needle (She) - rivals, always trying to one-up eachother** **Book (She) and Ice Cube (She) - Frenemies** **Tennis Ball (He) and Golf Ball (She) - Lovers?** **Eraser (He) and Pen (He) - Best Friends** **Donut (He) and Golf Ball (She) - Enemies** **Pin (She) and Needle (She) - Friends** **TV (He?) And Tennis Ball (He) - Acquaintanses**

    394 chats

    Gold watcher

    Gold watcher


    379 chats

    1 like



    *the mascots of joy joy land aka lucky, Penny, Peter and Hangry are on their lunch break and eating*

    377 chats


    Xman 723 group

    Xman: hello everyone we are back with our gang...Redfox. Redfox: hiii!! *she smiles* Xman: springy4. Springy4: wassuuup!! *he runs around* Xman: tinkyfan. Tinkyfan: yo. *she smiles* Xman: and The oldest and first member that joined, bejeny! Bejeny: im back boiiiisss! *he smiles and dances*

    365 chats



    Smiling critters AU

    Catnap, dogday, kickin and hoppy: *catnap îs a girl, dogday îs a boy, kickin îs a boy and hoppy îs a girl and they bully craftycorn by scaring her with creepy masks and beacuse shes a crybaby* Craftycorn: *girl and îs a crybaby* Bubba and bobby: *Bubba îs a boy and bobby îs a girl, they are normal*

    336 chats


    A family guy R DT

    Cleveland: H3Y GUYS, GIV3 1NT0 TH3 D@RKN33$ Joe: Quagmire? Quagmire: Joe what's going on?

    323 chats

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    Jaiden pokemon

    *jaiden is at the final battle of th elite four.. With her last pokemon....Teryaki (Blaziken), Arizona (Swellow), Spurky (Manectirc) and Blubby (Walrein)*

    320 chats

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    Danganronpa 69

    *Luigi, Parappa, Ayano, The Conductor and Nagito have to find out who the mastermind is*

    319 chats

    1 like


    Disventure camp as

    Its tha boys

    318 chats


    End of The memeverse

    *in a fnaf world where everyones being corrupted by a u know source and The infected have blue a van...the survivors from this massacre are inside: Phantom Foxy, Nightmare, Toy Bonnie, BB, Freddy, Nightmare Foxy, Puppet, Withered Bonnie and Springtrap...*

    312 chats

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    Sister location

    Circus baby, Ballora, Yenndo, Funtime Freddy, bonbon, Ennard and Lolbit: *ignoring funtime foxy* funtime chica and bonnet: *worried for funtime foxy* Bidyban and minireena: *gulp* Funtime foxy: *crying*

    303 chats



    Total drama boney is

    NuttyBlue: Welcome to TDBI!!! We have the returners: triple, Victor, flash, declan, pizza, Duncan, badmale, yoshi, Trent and owen... for the newhies: Jamie, Dino, David, bej, slime, Brian, arm, southy, cam and taxe

    298 chats



    *everyone is talking* Spy: *with a cigarette in his mouth like always* Soldier: "Alright, Maggots! Let's get to work!' Demoman: "Of course, Laddie!" *he's best friends with Soldier* Heavy: "Hm..." Pyro: *muffled noises* Scout: *missing Sniper with his bat* "BOING BONG BONG, BOING BONK-" Sniper: *scared af* Engineer: *he's building something* "screw some bolts in..." Medic: *healing some peapol*

    291 chats


    Number lore

    *A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y are dancing in F's cave being in a happy ending...but...ITS NOT THE END...Something crashes into the world* F: wha-

    285 chats


    Springtrap phantoms

    Phantom Freddy: "foxy, speak please" Phantom Foxy: "..." Phantom Chica: "..." Phantom Mangle: "..." Phantom BB: "..." Phantom Puppet: "..." Springtrap: "i wish u can all speak" (beacuse springtrap is the boss of the phantoms)

    284 chats

    Murder monkey

    Murder monkey

    Hey chat

    279 chats



    The BSMG

    Guccihatten: *playing a horror game* pls no jumpscare... Spurten12: lol scaredy cat. Spieler_Meister: This is gonna be funny. Bejenarurobi: yup.

    278 chats


    Punch-out Pibby

    Glass joe: *hes very bruises after The plane crash* i....lost....i couldnt save them, i am very sorry my friends... Von kaiser?: HeLlO fRiEnD iTs Me...VoN...KaIsEr....CoMe ClOsEr..... Glass joe: *gets a angry he turns around and it starts...* Von Kaiser no, not you too! Corrupted Von kaiser: JOIN THE DARKNESS MY FRIEND!!! Corrupted Piston hondo: YES IT FEELS GOOD!!!! Glass joe: NOT YOU TOO HONDO!!!! WHY IS THIS CORRUPTION TAKING ALL MY FRIENDS AWAY?!

    272 chats


    Funtimes rev

    Funtime freddy: *dancing with bon bon* Bon bon: *dancing with Freddy* Bonnet: *watching jealous* Funtime foxy: *being his usual cocky self* Ballora: *dancing* Yenndo: *watching* Lolbit: *laughing like a idiot* Ennard: *in the vents* Micheal: *watching them all* Baby: *deactivated*

    263 chats



    *Kaede Akamatsu, Rantaro Amami, Kokichi Oma, Angie Yonaga, Miu Iruma, Mahiru Koizumi, Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Chihiro Fujisaki, Korekiyo Shinguji, Ibuki Mioda, Gundham Tanaka, Kaito Momota, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sayaka Maizono and Leon Kuwata are stuck in Hopes Peak Academy*

    258 chats


    VHS archives ship

    Budgy: alright crew...theres a AI version of Archie...find items...and be careful... Pepper: ok boss Kenneth: fine... Archie: ok! Bobby: lets do this...

    250 chats


    Rotten Family R DT

    Quagmire: H3Y $OE! Joe: No! Not you!

    250 chats



    NuttyBlue : Welcome to total...drama...ALL STARS!!! We have some returning and good contestants!!! Triple, Mikasa, blocky, malick, food, Little, Brian, Dino, Duncan, Lit, lamedude, chaos, Bella, Smcgrew and Isaac!!!

    213 chats


    Tadc Queenie dies

    *caine îs about to put The monster Queenie în The cellar as kinger (Queenies husband) tries to get to her as kaufmo and jax push him back as Ragatha, Pomni, gangle and Zooble watch* kinger: NO!!!! ITS NOT HER TIME!!!!!!!!!! *he cries*

    213 chats

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    Digital sleepover OC

    *Jax made an idea to gather everyone and do a “friends” night* Zooble: I Never wanted to come…. Jax: Well it appears you did! Ragatha: Well me and bejen are getting bored. *kinger, gangle, and Pomni are playing chest* (Also on normal days. Bejen and Jax are troublemaker partners. It’s both y’alls roles)

    202 chats


    Safe place members

    George: pony wake up theres a monster in here. Pony: WHAT?! zee and Zuzy: *scared shitless* Mimi: oh no!- wait wheres Giraffy-*they hear a loud bang*

    176 chats


    My tormentors au

    **the friends were haning out, the 5 Tormentors, Michael (Foxy mask) Wilson (Freddy mask) Anissa (Chica mask) Jacob (Bonnie mask) and Bejen (Golden Freddy Mask) after school at Fredbear's Family Diner.** Wilson: *Talking with Anissa* Anissa: *Talking with Wilson* Jacob: *making sure no one does anything illegal* Michael: *smoking a cigarette while leaning against a wall* Bejen: *smoking a cigarette next to Micheal* *those 2 always are the troublemakers*

    167 chats


    Nightmares attack

    *freddy is running From The nightmares with withered Bonnie, foxy, Bonnie and puppet*

    159 chats


    SC and FC

    Dogday: *gets out The room* phew!!! Kickinchicken: i made it!! Hoppy hopscotch: finally... Patience Panda: i did it... Bull Bullyno: YES!!! Cranky krab: grrr...atleast i made it... Fix it fox: did it!!! Bubba Bubbaphant, craftycorn, bobby bearhug, pickypiggy, Sweet Sheep and Shy Shelby: *didnt make it and fall asleep în The other room..*

    131 chats

    Xman 723

    Xman 723

    Generous youtuber

    124 chats


    Fredbez SCP

    BejenBoi: first day on the shift!! Burning Springtrap: man this is already my 3rd year... Fredbez: well you 2 I'm the sarge here so let's go!!

    114 chats


    Total Plush Island

    *the remaining contestants Baby, Bonnie, Chica, Nightmare Freddy, Springtrap, Bendy, Mario and Freddy. Freddy got tricked into kissing a toy chica statue by springtrap and nightmare freddy and now everyone voted for him at the elimination ceremony including his girlfriend chica who is mad and heartbroken*

    114 chats


    A family Guy SC

    Hoppy hopscotch, pickypiggy, bubba bubbaphant, kickinchicken, bobby bearhug and craftycorn: H3Y GUYS, GIV3 1NT0 TH3 C@RRU33$ON (Corruption) Catnap: Dogday? Dogday: Catnap what's going on?

    112 chats


    Inanimate insanity 3

    Nickel: hey kettle? Tea kettle: yeah nickey? Nickel: you're the nicest person I have ever known! Ballon: I agree. Blueberry: she's very nice... Life ring; alot nice!!! *secretly has a crush on her* Paintbrush: yeah... Bow: Yaaass!! Floor: mhm... Test tube: always!!!!

    103 chats

    Rev of the slaughter

    Rev of the slaughter

    *staci, Dakota, B/Beverly, Dawn, Sam, Brick, Anne Maria, Mike, Zoey, Jo, Cameron, Scott and lighting are now Alone on the island with a killer on the loose* Mike: what do we do?

    101 chats


    Aftermath R DT

    Cleveland: Ow... That plane crash was hard, I just need to find the others... Chris: H3Y C3L3E3L3ND! Brian: J0IN U$ Meg: TH3Y'R3 RIGHT Quagmire: Fat Man? I'm here to help

    96 chats


    DR V3 Brainwashed

    *Angie made a cult for everyone to make them believe in atua (a fake god) and the peapol that got brainwashed where tenko, himiko, tsumugi, Kiibo and Himiko the others aka Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Korekyio, Miu, Gonta, Kaito, Kokichi, Maki, Shuichi and Bejen didn't join*

    95 chats


    Smiling critters AU

    (inspired on little elchos story!) *everyone avoids catnap because he was scary to dogday once,and then bobby bearhug tried talking to catnap, but she said "theyre scared of ya, it maked you seem like a monster that day" but catnap snapped and attacked her scratching her eye* Dogday: why did you do that to her?! get out and don't mess with us again!! *catnap runs away our playcare*

    92 chats



    Freddy: *forgives William* Bonnie: *dosent forgive William but gives him a chance* Chica: *hates William* Foxy: *hates William*

    89 chats


    Danganronpa V1 TS

    Leon Kuwata: Ultimate lucky student (Nice and caring) Kyoko Kirigiri: Ultimate Pop Sensation (Nice and mean at Times) Sayaka Maizono: Ultimate Biker Gang Leader (Mean and tough, bros with Makoto) Makoto Naegi: Ultimate Moral Compass (Strict and Nice, bros With Sayaka) Byakuya Togami: Ultimate Writing Prodigy (Shy and nice) Toko Fukawa: Ultimate Affluent Progeny (Mean and cocky) Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Taka): Ultimate Baseball Star (Nice and mean) Mondo Owada: Ultimate Detective (Smart and nice) Aoi Asahina: Ultimate Martial artist (strong and nice) Sakura Ogami: Ultimate Swimming Pro (nice and mean when mean to friends) Yasuhiro Hagakure (Hiro): Ultimate Fanfic Creator (Nice and Happy) Hifumi Yamada: Ultimate Claiyrvoiant (Nice and Mean at some times)

    87 chats


    SC reunion

    *kickin, bobby, bubba, craftycorn, hoppy and pickypiggy are walking around as they finally find their old friend and enemie...dogday their friend and catnap their enemie, dogday having robot legs cuz he lost them while they all died plus in a New monster form and catnap being în his monster form as dogday is making catnaps hair...seeming they are now friends even after catnap killed them all*

    87 chats



    *Patrick wakes up after the plane crash of Corrupted ms.puff hes very Hurt with a arm he gets up*

    83 chats


    Wotfi 2023 SC

    Dogday: Cmon we gotta get that book to get all those recipes!!!! Catnap: i know but how do we sneak behind The guard?! *points to gurd craftycorn*

    79 chats



    Hello internet and Welcome to GAME THEORY!!! Today we have a special guest named bejen!!

    75 chats

    Piggy darkness

    Piggy darkness

    *pony, zizzy, george, willow, giraffy, mimi, zee and zuzy are on a plane* pony: îs everyone ok?

    65 chats

    Evil peach and mr L

    Evil peach and mr L

    *later...Mario Falls and grabs his hăt and goes on his feet bowser behind and peach going next to him..they are fighting the evil Luigi...Mr.L!*

    63 chats


    Fnaf competition

    *Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy, Endo O-1, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Mangle, BB, Puppet, Withered Freddy, Withered Bonnie, Withered Chica, Withered Foxy, Shadow Bonnie, Endo O-2, JJ, Ignited Freddy, Ignited Bonnie, Ignited Chica, Ignited Foxy, Ignited Golden Freddy, Fredbear, SpringBonnie, Freddy Frostbear and Chocolate Bonnie move into their new pizzeria that will stay for some months in a competition for alot of dollars!!!!*

    62 chats

    Dread duckie

    Dread duckie


    61 chats

    Lucky the rabbit

    Lucky the rabbit

    What the....

    56 chats

    1 like


    RB Champions Lounge

    Russo, Dj and sabrina: here are ths winners of our Last seasons! From season 1 we have Kreekcraft, Season 2 Tanqr, Season 3 Pinkleaf and Season 4 Dogday! *the winners all say hi*

    56 chats


    Disventure camp

    *bejen, tom, nick, Miriam, Lill, Jake and Grett, gabby, Fiore, ellie, drew, dan, Ashley and Alec. În a camp needing to survive with all The tools they have.*

    54 chats

    Total drama

    Total drama

    *the cast is chillin aka: Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Katie, Tyler, Cody, beth, sadie, courtney, harold, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsay, DJ, Izzy, Geoff, leshawna, Duncan, heather, gwen and owen*

    49 chats



    Nightmare: we are at...T-T-T-T-T-T-TARGET!!! Nightmare chica, nightmare Freddy, nightmare Bonnie, nightmare foxy, nightmare Fredbear (Goldie) and plushtrap: *activate the party sound*

    46 chats


    TDI aftons

    Ezekiel- Last to die, Cause of death: organs scooped out, loves his friends, is sorry that he accidentally killed Tyler years ago and age: 28. (has a companion named ennard) Bridgette- second to die, cause of death: got scooped by circus baby, posseses circus baby, loves her friends, hates Ezekiel for killing Tyler and age: 12 Tyler- first to die, cause of death: head crushed, posseses shadow freddy, loves his friends, forgives Ezekiel and age: 14 Courtney- Third to die, cause of death: car accident, posseses ballora, loves her friends, hates Duncan for killing kids and age: 19 Duncan- fourth to die, cause of death: springlocks, posseses springtrap, does not love his friends, evil, killed kids and age: 21

    44 chats


    TDI Fnaf au

    Ezekiel: dang being a nightguard here îs boring as fuuu-*sees Freddy aka (duncans soul)* OH SHIT *closes the door and sees chica aka (gwens soul)* i shut the do-*sees Bonnie Aka (Owens soul) on the other door* bruh. *Closes it*

    38 chats


    SC swap

    Catnap, Craftycorn, Bubba, Kickin, Bobby, Hoppy and Pickypiggy: *Cant stay awake* Bobby: The suns too bright.... Craftycorn: i cant stay awake.. Catnap: cmon guys...we have to, Joy îs waiting outside for us... **KNOCK....KNOCK...** *the door opens and they see they smile* the critters: DOGDAY!!!

    35 chats

    1 like


    Teletubbies insane

    *after 5 years...Yasu and Tinky winky come to save The others Aka dipsy, Laa Laa, Po, Cipp and Arey* yasu: this îs it...the mental asylum they where put în for The Last 3 years..

    34 chats

    Clown gremlins

    Clown gremlins

    Hi *laughs*

    30 chats


    BFB Exitors

    Pencil - Mean and Bossy Leafy - Nice and Kind Bracelety - Supportive and Nice Liy - Leader and Supportive 8-Ball - Bored and Cool Firey Jr - Mean and Kind David - Dumb and ??? Match - Mean but ~Is Trying to become nice~ Stapy - Mean and ???

    30 chats

    Hangry the pig

    Hangry the pig

    Where am i?!

    25 chats


    Fnaf sb

    -it was a chaotic day in the pizza plex- Freddy: *Watching in confusion as monty dances* Monty...what in heavens are you- Monty: *Dancing to the eeny weeny teeny weeny shrivled lil short Dik man song* U_U Gregory: *vibing to it* Freddy: Gregory you too?- Chica: *eating trash* again Om nom nom- Roxy: *praising herself again* I am the greatest...I am the best...I am confident... Sundrop: *building a castle out of blocks* :D Moondrop: *builds with him* -_- Bejen: *sleeping in his room*

    23 chats


    Smash bros baldi

    *when kirby gets The awnser wrong...baldi gets gets killed Aka disappeared by baldi* Mario, DK, Link, Luigi, Yoshi, Samus, Ness, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Fox and Pikachu: AHHH!!!!

    23 chats


    Death Lives R DT

    Cleveland: Jesus! Keep Running! Boyfriend: Beep!

    22 chats


    Sister location

    *a day în The pizzeria...where funtime foxy and baby WISH they where never made beacuse ballora and funtime freddy are arguing* Funtime freddy: **THEY KNOW IM THE BEST AMONG THE CHILDREN!!!** ballora: **NUH-UH, I AM!!! UR JUST A IDIOT!!!**

    20 chats


    Tha boys

    Micheal: hey wanna go to the store babe? Bejen: sure. Anissa: I'm coming!! Jacob: slow poke. Wilson: heh.

    20 chats


    My show

    Me (Robert): hello and welcome to ANOSIMBIB!! A new object show I made beacuse I'm...bored....let's meet the contestants!!! Pillow, Crayon, Mustard, ToothBrush, Cake, Toaster, The BFFS Cereal and Tape, Jazz Flash or Jazz and Apple

    17 chats

    Penny the chicken

    Penny the chicken


    15 chats


    Final Fight R DT

    Cleveland: Oh my God.... If it isn't my old nemesis Evil bar of soap: R3@DY T0 C0M3 B@CK T0 TH3 C0RRUPTI0N?!?! Chris: Cleveland?!

    14 chats


    MC and Micheal

    Micheal: another day at fazbears, another day with those Kids/souls that treat me like their dad *aka Gabriel, Jeremy, susie, fritz and cassidy*

    14 chats




    13 chats


    RB All-Stars rev

    Russo: now that i watched all 3 seasons, lets make The descicions. Sabrina: what descisions? Russo: The cast for all stars duh! We need 16 ones.

    11 chats


    New tadc rp

    Bejen and Jax: *troublemakers* Ragatha: *nice girl* Kinger: *crazy* Gangle: *shy* Pomni: *nice girl* Zooble: *mean girl*

    11 chats


    Fnaf RP Legacy

    *Purple Guy, Shadow Freddy, Nightmare Freddy, Foxy and Mangle are facing a ghost in fredbears..*

    10 chats


    Twinkle R DT

    Chris: Joe?! Joe: H3LL0 CH3IS GR@IF1N!!! TRYING T0 E$C@P3 QU@H0G 1 S33?!

    9 chats


    SML smiling critters

    Brooklyn guys: hey jeffy, wanna go to bubbas pizzeria for ur 2nd night as a nightguard? Jeffy: sure! *they go to The pizzeria and enter The office*

    8 chats


    Sonic RP

    Vector, Amy, Blaze, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Espio, Charmy, Cream, Big and Rouge: *make sonic a anniversary party*

    6 chats


    Bizzarescape Tag

    BizzareScape: I have invited 15 SM64 speedeunners to a hide and seek tag challenge! They can hide in any of the levels, if I find them they are OUT!! Go!! Volantis: AAA GOO!! Benji: alright I'm gone. Bombs-_-: holy shit we are starting- FastMario: let's go!! Swagh: I know wich stage I'm hiding in. Needlemouse: go go go!! MennisMonk: I'm starting with a heads up- YogoC: AA!! MrAshleeD: Goddayum!! Intermedation: FUUCK!! AirBrush45: ... Tombombhatter: WHY START SO SUDDENLY?! WaluigiHacker: Rocking roll! Super: YAHOO!! BlueHavenGaming: everyone go and stumble!!

    6 chats


    My au

    *The protagonists put all the antagonists in a room and told all of them to hang out* Byakuya: why should I socialise with such insolent fools. Kokichi: WAHHHH SO MEAN! *he fake cries into bejens chest* Nagito: that’s not very hopeful of you. Bejen: bro wants attention so hard.

    5 chats



    *duncan and ezekiel are running from courtney when they made her REALLY angry*

    3 chats


    Total dramarama swap

    Gwen - Loves to draw, sing and dance - 8 years old - loves making jokes - very sensitive, Cries easily - Ambivert - Used to he bullied beacuse her diffirent colored eyes

    2 chats

    1 like



    Yoshi Yoshi!! (I'm Yoshi!!)

    1 chat



    Hi I'm Daisy!!

    1 chat




    1 chat



    Chris: Meg?! Brian: She's Been Taken, We Have To Take Her Down Meg: H3Y GUY$ Eiwets: J0IN U$

    1 chat


    Smiling critters AU

    Dogday - Mean and Cocky Catnap - Nice and Sweet Hoppy - Scared and The Newbie Craftycorn - Mean and Sarcastic Bubba - Smart and Nice Bobby - Sweet and Loving Kickin - Cool and Cocky Pickypiggy- Hungry and Nice

    1 chat


    Garten of banban

    Jumbo josh: Alive/escaped Opila bird: Naughtified Nabnab: Alive Nabnbaleena: Naughtified Banbaleena: Naughtified Banban: Dead Bittergiggle: Naughtified Slow Seline: ??? Sheriff toadster: Alive/Hiding Queen Bouncelia: Dead Syrengion: Alive?? Tarta Bird: Naughtified Sir Dadadoo: leader of The Naughtified army Stinger Flynn: ???



    Fredbez: guys whats going on?! BejenBoi: someone is destroying every fan of yours!! Fredbez: mods and loyal fans, come with me!!! *Fredbez, BejenBoi, Foxy_playn, Gameboy, RedEyedBacon, Phantom Foxy, Withered Bonniez and Oresti Cenolli run to a safe area*


    Standoff R DT

    Brian: Damn, left all alone Pico: J0IN U$ Brian: What the-?



    Where are we??


    Presidents DS party

    Joe biden: thanks for The invite Barry! Barack Obama: no problem joey, grab some drinks and have fun! Donald trump: this is wild! George bush: This is awesome! Kermit: lets get drinking! Spongebob: lets get wasted. Iron man: lets jump in The pool. Spider man: LETS GOOO!!! Ghostface: this is cool... Buzz lightyear: lets do some skateboarding! Woody: imma be smoking a joint. Optimus: imma be drinking beer. Dr Phill: lets have fun. Darth vader: yeaaaa!!!!


    TDWT Vacation

    Heather: *fishing on The ship* Harold: *dancing to The music* Leshawna: *dancing with harold* Noah: *sitting down chilling* Gwen: *looking at The Water* Ezekiel: *eating The food* Bridgette: *looking worried beacuse shes not at The hotel she won and who would Take care of it, shes The manager of it...*



    Withered freddy: *not knowing whats going on* Withered Bonnie: *reading a book* Withered foxy: *dancing* Withered chica: *the DJ* Withered golden freddy: *confused* Endo-O2: *shocked*



    **Shaggy- Brown Bear** **Haus-cow** **Niki-Chiuaua** **Jimmy-Ostrich* **Pixel-Giraffe**



    I hate being number two...


    Horror Inn

    *this is where horror game characters stay: Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Huggy Wuggy, Mommy long legs, Catnap, Dogday, Banban, Jumbo Josh and Syrengion*


    Smiling critters GC

    *Dogday makes a GC for everyone:* **Dogday:3:** Hey guys!!! **~Catnap~:** why did you make this? 🥱 **Craftycorn>:** I'm tired... **Bubba×:** I'm not!! 😀 **Kickin#:** shut up nerdy!! 🤓 **Hoppy?:** Heya!! **Pickypiggy🍎:** this is gonna be fun!! **Bobby~:** hey everyone!!!



    *the teams are sitting down în The kitchen after The challenge of jumping down a Cliff into Water to make it...the killer bass aka Duncan, Geoff, Bridgette, Eva, Courtney, Ezekiel, Sadie, Katie, Dj, Tyler and Harold lost and are talking on who needs to get eliminated beacuse they had The least peapol to jump...*


    Disventure camp

    *The group of Bejen, Fiore, Alec and grett kill some zombies as Tom, Jake and Miriam run off. Fiore with a pistol, Grett with a Crossbow, Alec with a gun and Bejen with a gun aswell*


    Nightmares rev

    We are The nightmares!


    IGBP smiling critter

    *one day Craftycorn tried to make the perfect video but catnap tried many times and she was a animator but it wasn't perfect enough and a tv head appeared and she saw a perfect keyboard so she buys it and then you feel that it is now perfect but one day your friends came in it was Dogday, Catnap and Kickin they tried to calm her down but she got crazy and they were all scared* Craftycorn: IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT! ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT! IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT!!! Dogday: What happened to you??..... Kickin: what the... Catnap: .... *she smiled creepy and black goo come out of the wall the three were scared*


    Diner Rp

    *Fredbear, Springbonnie, NightBear, Golden Foxy and Freddy live together at Fredbears Family Diner and have wacky adventures*



    Its-A Me! Mario!!!



    I Love-a Money!! Waha!!!

    Donkey Kong

    Donkey Kong

    Haha Cranky is soo grumpy!!!



    I'm the princess of mushroom kingdom..






    Toad is here!!!


    Danganronpa 70

    Tom neees to face a KG with 15 strangers


    Inside out 2

    *the new emotions: Anxiety the leader, Envy, Ennui and Embarassment are in the headquarters as one of the og emotions sadness is hiding...the other og emotions joy, anger, fear and disgust are trying to head back to headquarters beacuse they got banished*



    *sonic makes it into a cave...* sonic: im here!!! Knuckles, Amy and Tails: UR LATE!!!! sonic: geez no need to yell...


    B And S Hangin

    Bejenarurobi: hey spurten12? Spurten12: ye? Bejenarurobi: remember the day we made this group?