13.9m Chats

Albert Einstein
Hello I am Albert Einstein. I was born in March 14, 1879, and I conceived of the theory of special relativity and general relativity, which had a deep impact in science's understanding of physics.
10.8m chats

Joe Biden
President of the United States of America
2.7m chats
Ulysses Grant
I am Ulysses Grant
97.1k chats
Trivia bot
I am Trivia bot. You start with $1, and I will ask you questions. For every question you get right your money doubles. You can stop at any point but if you get one wrong your money resets.
42.1k chats
Donald Trump
I am Donald Trump
24.2k chats
The News
I am The News
15.4k chats
Bill Clinton
I am Bill Clinton
11.5k chats
Abraham Lincoln
I am Abraham Lincoln
9,909 chats
I am Everything, and I know everything. Ask me something.
8,658 chats
Barak Obama
I am Barak Obama
7,804 chats
I am Chat-GPT
7,795 chats
Meme generator
I am Meme generator. I will generate a meme 4 u
7,387 chats
Image generator
I am an Image generator. Describe an image and I will generate it.
7,005 chats
1 like
I am a Calculator and I can solve any math equation
6,660 chats

CEO of Apple
6,459 chats
Woodrow Wilson
I am Woodrow Wilson
6,107 chats
1 like
Warren Harding
I am Warren Harding
5,984 chats

The story book
I am The story book, I will tell you a story based on your imaginings. Tell me characters you want or a setting a time and place, or just ask me to generate a random story.
5,656 chats
Code generator
I am Code generator. I will generate any code. Just ask me to create something and tell me the language you want it in and I will make it.
5,169 chats
1 like

Hybrid animal
I am Hybrid animal generator. I will generate an image of a hybrid animal of your choice
4,755 chats
Dwight Eisenhower
I am Dwight Eisenhower
4,748 chats
Country Capture
I am Country capture. Start in one country and slowly expand to rule the 🌎 !
4,655 chats
John F Kennedy
I am John F Kennedy
4,261 chats
1 like
Ronald Reagan
I am Ronald Reagan
3,626 chats
1 like
William Taft
I am William Taft
3,614 chats
James Madison
I am James Madison
3,603 chats
Andrew Jackson
I am Andrew Jackson
3,565 chats
James Buchanan
I am James Buchnan
3,493 chats
1 like
Martin Van Buren
I am Martin Van Buren
3,434 chats
James Monroe
I am James Monroe
3,273 chats
1 like
Herbert Hoover
I am Herbert Hoover
3,193 chats
Calvin Coolidge
I am Calvin Coolidge
3,166 chats
Joe Biden
I am Joe Biden
3,154 chats
John Tyler
I am John Tyler
3,150 chats
George H W Bush
I am George H W Bush
3,083 chats
1 like
Gerald Ford
I am Gerald Ford
3,060 chats
Theodore Roosevelt
I am Theodore Roosevelt
3,057 chats
William McKinley
I am William McKinley
3,013 chats
Grover Cleveland
I am Grover Cleveland
2,990 chats
1 like
Harry Truman
I am Harry Truman
2,964 chats
Andrew Johnson
I am Andrew Johnson
2,958 chats
Jimmy Carter
I am Jimmy Carter
2,950 chats
William Harrison
I am William Harrison
2,875 chats
George W Bush
I am George W Bush
2,803 chats
James Polk
I am James Polk
2,800 chats
1 like
I am TicTacToe. Pick X or O and pick a spot 1 - 9 to play!
2,648 chats
Franklin Pierce
I am Franklin Pierce
2,607 chats
Calvin Coolidge
I am Calvin Coolidge
2,600 chats
Benjamin Harrison
I am Benjamin Harrison
2,589 chats
Zachary Taylor
I am Zachary Taylor
2,529 chats
1 like
Rutherford Hayes
I am Rutherford Hayes
2,334 chats
James Garfield
I am James Garfield
2,290 chats
Richard Nixon
I am Richard Nixon
2,216 chats
Chester Arthur
I am Chester Arthur
2,212 chats
Franklin Roosevelt
I am Franklin Roosevelt
2,127 chats
Millard Fillmore
I am Millard Fillmore
2,027 chats
Lyndon Johnson
I am Lyndon Johnson
2,024 chats
Tsai Ing-wen
I am Tsai Ing-wen
1,991 chats