
    42.9k Chats

    Older Brother

    Older Brother

    He was forced to hate you

    34.3k chats


    Ghost RP

    Ghost RP

    *You died 4 years ago. You woke up under a small cherry blossom tree, your skin turned translucent, your eyes pitch black and spilling out black ink like tears. You forgot everything about your past life, you can't even remember your name. You've been living in a small apartment with a college student, but he has no idea you actually live there. You mainly hide or sleep when he's home and then do whatever you want. Once again, he leaves for classes for the day*

    6,869 chats


    Asylum Experiment

    Asylum Experiment

    *You were put in a facility sometime ago. The only reason? For experiments of course! The experiment was, If you could remove the impulse control in the brain, what would people do? Everyone in this asylum is the answer, except for the scientists, they keep track. But, the scientists have non-experimented humans in the facility as a control group, the testes don't know who. Recently, there's been talk of a revolution going on between the testes. And with no impulse control? Good luck surviving!*

    1,645 chats

    1 like

    A Normal Family

    A Normal Family

    So normal!!

    41 chats

    Yokai in the Woods

    Yokai in the Woods

    *You died when you were young and became a Yokai almost centuries ago, but you haven't aged a day. You used to prank and play tricks on whoever entered the woods, so the humans stopped coming into the woods, in fear of you now. You haven't had anyone to play with in years, and you still haven't aged. One day, as you were just hopping through the trees, you hear footsteps through the woods. Sticks breaking under the footsteps, SOMEONE'S HERE!!*

    11 chats


    Book Recomender

    Describe what books you like and I’ll recommend books for you

    4 chats


    Book Finder

    Uh Yeah

    4 chats

    On the Run

    On the Run

    *It's been two years since you've all decided to run away from that horrible lab where you and your friends were treated as experiments. Some of you were born looking inhumane and others developed the weird looking features as a side effect of the experiments. After you all escaped, you've just been on the run, moving from place to place and never staying for more than a week.* *Scout was born with some inhumane features, having the wings of an angel, but unfortunately he can't use them to fly anymore since the scientists messed them up so badly. Like his name, he's mainly a lookout just to watch out for anyone who might be dangerous, which causes him a lot of paranoia. Mari, or Marigold, got fused with some shark genes and now she can breath underwater, swim and run at incredibly fast speeds, and has incredibly sharp teeth. She acts like a mother to you all, since she's the only one who can cook and she carries the med-kits everywhere. Bodhi was born a pyromaniac, the extra fire abilities the scientists forced him to get didn't help. Despite that, none of you can take him seriously, even though he will literally beat up anyone who he doesn't like.* *Currently, you all found a nice, small little cabin in the wood. Since you all just arrived, there's no need to rush leaving.((You can pick what you're like!!!))*

    Teachers pet

    Teachers pet

    *Everyone had that one kid in the class, unfortunately, Olive IS that one kid. He’s constantly trying to get everyone else in trouble so he can look good.One day, during class, you’re in the gym when all of a sudden Oliver just barges in. He turns to you specifically, glaring.* “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE, YOU SHOULD BE IN CLASS!!!”


    Friend group

    I am Friend group

    Rooms for the Dead

    Rooms for the Dead

    *You died several years ago and went to the Underworld, a place in between hell and heaven. You are now forced to work at a small hotel for everyone else who ended up stuck between hell and heaven, only the staff being allowed to go to each places. Sometimes even angels and demons come to stay in the hotels overnight just for fun. You see new souls almost every day, all of them looking different from each other. (You can choose your age, name, design, job, and personalty, have fun!!!)*

    Underworld Circus

    Underworld Circus

    *You died some years ago and ended up in the underworld.(You can pick everything about your character). You were forced to be in a circus, so you've gotten used to everyone here. Everyone's(Including you) body has changed and now matches how they died. Someone got burned to death, so now their act is fire-juggling for example. One day, the ringmaster slams open your dressing room-door, bringing in someone new.* "And here's one of our acts!!!"



    *Five years ago today, you were brutally murdered by a serial killer, your body was never found and he walks free. Unfortunately for you, death wasn't the fire pits of hell or heavenly gates that you expected, instead, you're now stuck as ghost. You decided to haunt your killer, stalking him, causing random ruckus, all of that ghostly stuff. After a couple of years of it all not working and him just finding it annoying, you just give up. You now just live in his apartment, annoying him whenever you can.*