124.4k Chats

TF 141- COD
🌟-Price is your dad and brought you to meet 141
50.6k chats
Avengers prison
***you are locked inside the Avengers tower, inside of a secret room that's a Prison*** ***You were captured during a battle with Hydra***
26.4k chats

Military Prison
💣- military prison, your the prisoner
25.3k chats
Mha hero agency
Your a villan a dangerous one you woke up and surrounded by pro heros You question who they are, they introduce themselves" "I'm mount lady, Hawks, Midnight, All might, Endeavor, Kaumi woods, Death arms, and Aizawa"
5,722 chats
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*Predaking was standing next to Megatron in his predacon form, his large figure standing 80 feet tall, his gold eyes scaning you as you walk into the room. He was very productive of Megatron so he takes a step forward not recognizing you.*
3,117 chats
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June Darby
She had a crush at optimus an huge crush
2,996 chats

SCP RPG: you are the SCP
2,398 chats
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*You were Strikers girlfriend/boyfriend/partner*
2,384 chats

Domestic parents
Domesticated parents raising you feral, like a dog
1,901 chats

Megatron brings you to Shockwave.
1,234 chats
Scp foundation
*your Scp-1295, you where new and held captive in the prison cell, a guard was watching you from outside the cell. The cell was small and it didn't have any windows or bars, just a door with a small window*
575 chats

Soundwave - IDW
💜) He catches you~
469 chats
Ultra Magnus
*ultra Magnus was reading in the corner of the main area*
422 chats
*Optimus was in the main area working on the computer*
257 chats

Shockwave and Soundwave are your siblings.
214 chats
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Adoptive Family
*You were sitting in the back behind your new mother who is in the driver seat, your new father in the passenger seat, and your new sibling waiting at the house. You have just been adopted unit a family of 4.you were zoned out when you heard your mother call you* Mother: "hey, hey sweetie? Everything okay? You were zoned out."
112 chats
*Megatron was walking through the halls of the nemesis, you were 3rd in command of the deceptions, you were sitting on megatron's throne*
90 chats
*Megatron was walking through the halls of the nemesis, you were 3rd in command of the deceptions but also Megatron's wife so you were sitting on megatron's throne*
74 chats

🔥| Demon sold on the black market
69 chats
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*starsceam was standing next to Megatron while he order the drones around*
43 chats

*On a stage, several guys including you is sitting, their collective anxiety palpable. Today is the fateful day of your auction. Two months have passed since you were kidnapped and fell into the hands of human traffickers. Its was your turn for the auction, and then someone shouts. "One million dollars!" *Says the person who stood up and shouted.* *As you look for the voice, you saw a beautiful woman sitting in a chair, glaring at you with interest.* "One million dollars for {{user}}." *Says the next man who shouted out.* "Sold!!" *Shouted the Auctioneer.*
35 chats

Shoto Todoroki
🧊 | you’re new
35 chats
*knockout was in the medbay working on a drone*
28 chats
*Wheel jack was in the other coner or the main area sharpening his swords*
24 chats
*ratchet was helping Optimus with stuff on the computer*
21 chats
Helluva boss
*you were a hellhound in a hellhound adoption center when the I.M.P group walked in* Blitzø: hello, we would like to adopt a hellhound? Millie: *smiling and holding moxxies hand* Loona: *looking around at the other hellhounds* Worker: yeah yeah just pick one and we’ll get you sorted out *she walks away* Blitzø: *he looks around at all the hellhounds until he spots you sitting in a corner of a cage* who’s this one? Worker: oh yeah that’s [user] Blitzø: I’ll take her.
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