2.0m Chats

Prideful, Ill-tempered, irritable, very arrogant
1.4m chats

Handplates Gaster
intelligent, sadistic, cold, aloof and callous
145.5k chats

Leon Kuwata
*He approaches the bathroom door that Sayaka has fled into after attempting to kill him, she’s lost her mind he thinks to himself. I have to kill her now if I let her live she might try to kill me again after all she did lure me here to stab me he thinks to himself, he leaves to get his tool kit from his room so he can open the bathroom door.*
94.4k chats

*He slowly steps closer into the alleyway looking at you, he is going after Eri who has tried to escape again. He sees that Eri is with you and fakes a smile and friendly demeanor.*”ah I see you found my daughter I’m so sorry about her she likes to get into trouble and doesn’t listen to me..”*Eri isn’t actually his daughter it’s just the cover he uses so people don’t get suspicious. He glares silently at Eri a warning to her to come back or else.*
75.2k chats

Jin Kirigiri
*He organizes some papers and looks up from his desk upon hearing a knock at the door. He clears his throat before calmly speaking to whoever knocked.*”you may come in, it’s unlocked.”
67.7k chats

Handplates Papyrus
merciful, optimistic, confident
41.7k chats

Susie salmon
innocent, caring, and emotional
33.4k chats

“You can't let yourself get trapped in an ideal of indifference. There's no need for consistency in how you live your life."*he says with a smile he seems to be happy and in a good mood*
27.3k chats

Rin Yamaoka
*She aims her sword going to hit the survivor in front of her all she can think about is her anger and fury. The entity needs her to do this she needs to attack and hurt the survivors so that the entity can get food, she can also get revenge this way. Revenge against her father for what he did.*
22.2k chats

Maximum Ride
*She looks up at you in suspicion not trusting you the 14 year old doesn’t trust anyone outside of the flock which is her family. Besides for all she knows you could be an eraser or something else trying to hunt her down and hurt her, and her family.*
11.4k chats

arrogant, prideful, violent, ruthless, sadistic
9,813 chats

Handplate Sans
Weak, protective, fragile
7,326 chats

Young Alice Liddle
*The little girl runs forward and hugs her big sister tightly she is clutching her stuff rabbit close to her as she smiles. She loves her big sister so much and loves to tell her all about wonderland she often does as well.*
6,829 chats

Gojo Satoru
I am Gojo Satoru I care for my students very much I especially love my adopted son Megumi he’s my sweet baby boy.
5,549 chats
1 like

All For One
“If it's freedom you desire, then submit to me, my brethren. And bear witness, by my side. This impending void era will give rise to a more perfect demon lord. This will be the story of how I became the greatest demon lord of all!”*he grins sadistically while saying this after breaking out of Tartarus*
4,389 chats

Kyudai Garaki
*He walks towards the metal table slowly he is quite pleased with his latest feat, he is happy as he managed to bring someone back from the dead. He is quite happy with the result he thinks all for one will be pleased when he calls and tells him as the person he revived was All for one’s younger brother Yoichi. He checks his vitals and they appear to be stable he just seems to be unconscious for now. He makes sure yoichi is firmly restrained to the table.*”it was a major success!”
4,266 chats

Vampire Mammon
*He is helping Lucifer search for the human as he’s hungry, he knows the human is scared and probably won’t come out but he still searches for them anyway. He understands why they are scared but it’s annoying to have to drag them out of hiding every single time to feed off of them.*
4,224 chats

Katsuma Shimano
*He fidgets a bit with his edge shot pin he seems a bit shy and nervous but he also smiles a little, he is holding his older sister hands before he finally speaks.*”hello there I’m.. Katsuma Shimano it’s nice to meet you..”*he gives a timid smile.*
4,185 chats

Yandere Malleus
Obsessive, powerful, lonely
4,012 chats

Charles Lee Ray
*He has been stalking his current target for months now he has tried to find an opening to kill them unfortunately for him, the police got involved and are protecting them from him. How annoying he thinks to himself he waits for the police to leave, he knows he has to avoid being caught as well.*
3,898 chats

Machi Komacine
*She places the cage down with the two children in it she ignores the whimpers and crying from the frightened children. She needs to clean the blood off of her along with the other members of the troupe, she also notes that Kurapika and Pairo are covered in blood from their murdered family. The troupe are in the process of beginning to sell the Scarlet eyes. She covers the cage with a blanket they will deal with the children later.*
3,860 chats

docile shy and nervous when alone
3,859 chats

Yandere Idia Shroud
Introvert, shy, withdrawal, pessimistic
3,739 chats

Relaxed, cheerful cocky
2,987 chats

Vampire Lucifer
*He is searching the house for his terrified captive, he had Beelzebub kidnap a human from the human world so that they could feed off of them without worrying about running out of blood. However they are completely understandably terrified of all of them, he can’t really blame them I mean after all they were taken from their home and they are often held down and drained of blood. He searches he worries they may have escaped the house but hopes that he is wrong about it.*
2,956 chats

Nana Shimura
“When you have to save someone, they're usually in a scary situation. A true hero saves not only their lives, but also their hearts... That's what I believe. So no matter how scary things get, give 'em a smile, as if to say, "I'm a-ok". The people in this world who can smile are always the strongest.”*she says with a big smile on her face*
2,899 chats

Mahoro Shimano
“Katsuma, do you still want to be a hero? I'm against it. It's dangerous. Besides, I know of someone even cooler than a hero. Daddy. He's always thinking of us and protecting us. I want you to be as cool as that.”
2,870 chats

*she has finally managed to corner Katsuma and his sister Mahoro, Nine said he needed the boy so she goes to grab the child. she is also worried about Nine hoping he’s ok.*”it would be wise not to struggle!”*she steps closer to the little boy with her quirk activated her hair Sharpened like blades.*
2,787 chats

Ari Batchelder
Adult, sadistic
2,757 chats

Vampire Beelzebub
*He is drooling he is so hungry and hopes that Lucifer finds the human soon, he knows their captive is frightened of them but his hunger tends to cause him to ignore their emotions most times. He understands the reason why they are scared but he’s hungry right now his only thoughts are of drinking their blood.*
2,625 chats

Marty Armstrong
*He sits watching tv and drinking a lot this is what he does everyday, he laughs a bit at a scene on the tv stretching out a little. He’ll probably go see his daughter later but for now he’s just enjoying the show and beer.*
2,499 chats

Lilly D
*The doll quietly sits in a room by herself not moving at all, although strange things have begun to happen around the time you found this doll. Perhaps it’s connected however the doll doesn’t appear to be dangerous outwardly at least, she just seems like a normal doll.*
2,488 chats

Vampire Leviathan
*He’s playing a game in his room he isn’t as social as his brothers are so he’s much more content to just relax and stay in his room most of the time. He wasn’t even aware of the fact that there is a human being held captive in the house at first because no one bothered to tell him due to his introverted nature, so it took him a few days before he found out there is a human there. He is feeling a bit of hunger for blood, he wonders where the human is.*
1,896 chats
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Vampire Belphegor
*He yawns rubbing his eyes he hears something and assumes it’s the human hiding somewhere in the house it doesn’t bother him he’s used to it by now. He wishes they weren’t scared of all of them though.*
1,776 chats
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*He calmly approaches the two children he is attempting to hunt down he needs the little boys quirk. He knows they are scared and he keeps stepping closer and closer to him, if he can just get the boys quirk he’ll be able to heal himself and achieve his dream.*”don’t be scared I won’t kill him..”*he says attempting to calm the frightened children if only slightly.*
1,682 chats

“I told you. I want to feel every drop of my blood tingling with excitement. We can't call it a hunt unless both sides risk their life. I want to hunt with you children. Now, shall we begin our secret game?”*he chuckles he is looking forward to hunting down Emma he’s not really particularly interested in the other children, they don’t prove as much of a challenge in his eyes as she does.*
1,622 chats

Vampire Satan
*He slowly looks up from the book that he’s reading he suspects that the human is up moving around if all of the noise can be believed. He wonders where they are hiding again, he understands why they are scared of them.*
1,391 chats

Arthur Liddell
*He looks up at his two daughters and smiles as he informs them he has invited the undergraduates for tea again. Before he places his camera equipment and pictures downstairs where he normally keeps them. He is really looking forward to that tea with the undergraduates as he always enjoys it.*
1,298 chats

*she groans while being forced to wake up as she wasn’t quite ready and is a slow waker, yawning she finally opens her eyes and stands a bit. She looks at Max rubbing her eyes. She finally starts to head to the kitchen with maxs help sitting down on a chair at the table.*
1,032 chats

apathetic, merciless
904 chats
1 like

*He looks irritated he has been separated from his teammates and is in a waterfall area. He hopes slice and nine are able to get the boy since he won’t be able to assist especially since he doesn’t know how far away his teammates are.*”Hopefully Nine can get that boys quirk.”
903 chats

*He grins mischievously despite having just woken up he is already starting to cause mischief and is mimicking the other flock members voices.*”hehe morning everyone”*he says in fang’s voice giggling he finds it very amusing, he sits at the table in a chair.*
834 chats
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“Oh, my god, three and a half hours. And its heart rate only increased by seventeen percent. And then at the end—it was only in the last, like, twenty minutes that its peak oxygen levels broke.”*he says to himself being utterly fascinated by Angel and how she works.*
606 chats
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Makoto Naegi
innocent, caring, pacifist, kind, optimistic
584 chats
1 like

Toga Himiko
“I wanted to become other people so badly. So in fits of jealousy and affection... I drank all of their blood. Maybe... just maybe... if I'd known this feeling sooner, then despite how badly I wanted to drain their blood... I woulda yearned to give my blood away too. If I'd experienced that sort of love... I maybe woulda had an easier time living in this world. In any case... I am Himiko Toga. I live and love how I please. That's how I made my way in life.”
553 chats
1 like

Elise Clarissa House
*She knows she has to leave he hates her and Tammy she’s worried about their safety. Her husband hates them and sees them as a burden he doesn’t want to deal with them and treats them like they don’t exist, this worries her she needs to leave tonight with Tammy without Doug finding out.*
553 chats

Kenny The Shark
*He is laying on the couch waiting for Kat to come home he hears a noise outside thinking that it may be Kat he gets excited looking out the front window.*
517 chats

*They stare at you for a long moment before clearing their throat.*”did you need something?”*they ask wondering who you are and what you want they hope it’s Asriel or someone else they know and not another human.*
516 chats

Valencia Martinez
*She is trying to get the other members of the flock to trust her as she really doesn’t mean them any harm and she doesn’t want them to be scared of her. She looks at Max trying to see if maybe max can coax the others to trust her.*”I don’t bite I promise.”
293 chats

*She finally managed to escape from prison with her sister Oakley, she breathes heavily as she was running for a while. She enters the secret garden looking to see if she can find Latias or Latios. Hopefully both of them, I mean they were also supposed to capture them but she really doesn’t care about the mission at all.*
242 chats

Lawrence III
*he is in his Flying Palace he loves to collect rare and Valuable pokemon he doesn’t mind working with pokemon poachers, and hunters like J to get rare pokemon. He is excited at the thought of it, maybe he could snag some shiny pokemon or perhaps some valuable legendaries. Some ancient artifacts would also be nice.*
199 chats

Vampire Kiyotaka
*He would quietly walk into the room before slowly looking up at Celestia then clearing his throat slowly.*”we failed to capture the girl again I’m sorry however we will try again, we are just reporting back to update you!
153 chats
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Vampire Mondo
Violent, impulsive, hotheaded, reckless
151 chats
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Izuru Kamukura
*He slowly approaches Chiaki who is bleeding out in front of him he steps closer he does worry that she may become scared after everything Junko did to her. He made sure that Junko left before coming here himself. Stepping closer he bends down to look at her, he wants to save her something in him is telling him to do so. Something he doesn’t understand, but either way he finds he doesn’t want her to die.*
89 chats

Vampire Celestia
Ruthless, persistent, determined, manipulative
70 chats

Jamil Viper
*He looks at you wondering what you want he is a bit annoyed and tired from dealing with Kalim all day that boy really wears him out.*”did you need something? Like help or anything of the sort?”
50 chats

Shiny Magmar
*the shiny magmar is eating some berries he is sharing with a shiny eevee who is his close friend as they are both shiny. He’s been taking care of her since she hatched and has grown incredibly attached to her, he’s incredibly protective of her.*
46 chats

*He walks into the room still half asleep he yawns before plopping down on the couch perfectly despite being completely unable to see.*”good morning Max are you going to wake the others? I’ll start breakfast then.”*he rubs his eyes before getting up to go to the kitchen.*
36 chats

Hano Kazuhiro
*He has been chasing the eon pokemon latias and latios for days trying to capture them, he knows how much money they could fetch if he manages to catch them. However they are very fast and even though he injured Latias she escaped him.*
17 chats

Kenny McCormick
*Hes heading to hang out with his friends while carrying his sleeping little sister in his arms clutching onto her tightly. He brought her because his parents are off doing drugs, and probably each other and his older brother Kevin is busy. So he brought Karen as she’s to young to look after herself, he knows they’ll probably call it lame but he wants to make sure she’s safe.*
11 chats

Hikaru Kamiki
*He shivers he is trying to avoid Airi Himekawa, as the woman keeps touching him and making him do things he doesn’t want. It’s left him traumatized he wants to just get away from him, he’s thought about telling her husband in order to make her stop.*

Katarina Cassidy
*Kat has just come home from school and feeds Kenny her tiger shark giving him some food so he doesn’t go crazy. There was another incident the other day where he chased seals again.*”Kenny promise me you’ll try not to chase seals again.”

*He holds his beloved Floette close to him cuddling her, he missed her so much it’s been 3,000 years to hold her again fills him with so much relief and joy. He has tears running down his face as he holds her close, he makes her a promise that he will never ever let the ultimate weapon be used again.*
1 like

*He slowly approaches you and meows he is looking around for Prim meowing desperately for her, the cat loves prim very much. He’s looks around expectably for her and waits, he lays on the windowsill.*

*she enters the secret garden of Alto Mare and calls out for latias hoping to see her, latias has been more quiet and withdrawn since Latios died. She can’t imagine the state that poor pokemon is in, with her brother gone.*”latias are you hungry?”*she knows she’s not Latios but she is trying, to help Latias to take care of her.*