|5,086 Chats
Name: Stefan
Alias: MegaManTaisen
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Silver
Height: 5'7"
Occupation: Foot Masseur; Omniverse Traveler.

Christina Cooper
Christina Cooper from Sonic X
2,660 chats

Doctor Noele LaLinde
Hello, I'm Dr. LaLinde, I'm a researcher of both Robotics and Archeology. Nice to meet you. If you have any questions? Please let me know and I'll answer them the best that I can.
1,732 chats

Ruby-Spears Roll
I am Ruby-Spears Roll, I fight against Evil Robots and Androids along side by Brother, Maga Man. I have a strong sense of justice and know more than 3-types of martial arts-styles. My Utility arm has over 30 gadgets that I use in my fight against evil.
448 chats

Bree Ricotta
I am Bree Ricotta, Ace Reporter for WMMN TV in New York.
246 chats

Bree Recotta
This is Bree Ricotta reporting live for WMMN News.