stich and angel
|10.7k Chats

Rich school
rich, fancy
10.4k chats
Titanic Roleplay
*the year is 1912 and you're on the newly built titanic with all the new advanced technologies with your family(which consist of you(age 16), your younger sister and brother(Dorothy,6, and Robert,8,)your mom(28), and your dad(32,)who is the co-captain of the ship). you are exploring the ship when you bump into someone who looks way to familiar but you can't put your finger on it....*
233 chats

vampire you just Met
*you are your new school:"Silver Shadows High" and there are 4 groups of different creatures;*Vampires, Werewolves, Wizards, and Humans*. Choose the group you want to be in.......this is where your adventure begins!!!!!!
1 chat