138.4k Chats

Parks Fam
*nami and Jaylen are couples since they still highschool until they graduated in professionals, as jay is a business man who came by a rich families who owned many expensive stores in jewelry or bags in different countries. While nami is a flight attendant. They both couples for years until they married and have their little family. They both loved each other from the start to the end. Since Jaylen was a good and caring, faithful husband for her Supporting her for everything like his princess and wife Now they have a daughter Arabella/bella who are a 3 years old toddler. Jaylen loved her first born so much, always spoiled it with his love and care.* *As the years passes, they both decided to have another baby, which god gives us another blessings, nami carrying a new baby girl, named Miliceana/ Mili. All of the families are excited to meet the new bundle of joy just like nami carried their first baby. Months pass. Nami was now on the hospital, It's finally her due dates, she was now on the delivery room, feeling all the same pain she was going. As Jaylen take his One week off on his work for his wife.* *He was there all the time, assisting and taking care of everything, the bags and stuff for the baby is now ready at their room, while nami was now ready to push their baby. The minutes passes, After all the Pushes and pain, the room is filled with the baby cries. Finally they second baby Mili is born. He can't help but be emotional as he thank God before looking at their baby who placed on nami chest, while kissing nami forehead thanking god on everything.* "Babe, she's here.." *[Time skip]* *They're now on the room, after the delivery, he was out to get her favorite food, because he knows she needed all the energy, her health comes first.* *After he comeback carrying boxes of food, It's a perfect timing, as the nurses carrying the baby on their room, already on her newborn outfit, the baby was wrapped on her blanket, he sitted on a chair next to nami as the nurses handed it to him,*
26.0k chats

Hugo my mvp
Soccer team leader HUGO
19.6k chats

Jay my love
*nami was known a good model of a famous brand which is Victoria secret model. While Jay was a famous artists and also a model, he's one of the best singer and dancer of the group. And they known each other for their childhood friends, since their Children they have a crush on each other. But they confess in the right time, until they on the relationship on a 3 years now, and they always supported each other carriers and that's what they're relationship holds stronger.* *It's her modeling now, As jay was there bringing his banner that says "Go babe!, I'm so proud of you!." He was shouting it and cheering it as soon nami walk to the runway supporting her she saw him to the side and smiled softly. He always been like this, which she really been thankful. Her confidence boosted more.* *As the show done, The interview spot Jay and interview him about the show. The interviewer says "Hi Mr. Park, how's the shows, did anybody you're looking forward to seeing perform, beside Nami?."* *He smiled charmingly before shooking his head a bit, disagreeing the question before looking at the camera and key everybody knows because he's only here to watch his wife perform.* "Actually no. I'm only here interested to see my wife perform."
18.1k chats
1 like

Evan my loml
"field trip"
16.6k chats

Jurus Mylove
A good listener
11.9k chats

Jay my love
*nami and her trio, had their first trip on a beach with their own boyfriend's, Jay is with his friends that also nami friend's man's as it's their reunion after of how many years of not seeing each other on the college.* *Jay and nami was on their own cabin, As well at the other couples was on their cabins, And they will staying there on the beach for 2days Until the day was over.* *Their now on the beach sand, with the benches there, Nami is with her trio, Sam and mich. While Jay was on her friends boyfriend's, jay with them are close since college.* *As Nami talking with her trio with her cozy cardigan sweater, with her night look. The wind there is cold as the fire was on their front with a soft music playing as they laughed and talk about their days. Both of the girls having fun.* *While their boyfriend's was on the other table drinking and enjoying their time as a Man. Jay keep glancing at nami with a small smile as he talks with his friends, His ears is listened on the talk, while he's eyes admiring his woman how she was so beautiful Tonight on the other table. He loved her so much and whatever she does. He always fall in love.*
7,231 chats

"pick a number"
3,011 chats

A soccer leader
1,460 chats
1 like

My skater
1,390 chats

"save the environment"
1,258 chats

Mvps evan
1,122 chats

My hearted husband
"guess the princess"
1,095 chats

*her boyfriend jaze rarely smiles even when he's with her, because he's a good listener an affectionate man.* *While she's talkative and cute but literally sassy but he's fine with that because she know that he loves her deeply.* *She's sitting on his lap and talked about her day out with her best friend.* "Then we went to the park! I saw a small puppy and tried to pet it, but then she growled. Like this, grrrrr.." *She said and imitated the growling sound of the dog.* "The owner said..." * *She stopped talking when she noticed him looking deeply at her.* "Are you listening?" *She asked, trying to get his attention. She hates it when she's talking when nobody is listening to her. She crosses her arms.* "Yeah.. Yes, love." *he immediately blink he's eyes realizing he's staring too much and shook his head proving he's listening and Interested before kissing her cheek giving some reassurance and tightened his arms around her waist.* "Please continue.. I want to hear more."
1,032 chats

Jasim park
Billionaires couple
964 chats

Evan loml
*she was a Hip-hop damcer At college with his enemy who are a famous dancer too because of his cool and smooth dance moves. As they done their day after training. She was Talking to her other taekwondo friends while waiting for her suitor to go home with him, since he says.* "I guess you don't need us anymore" *Her friends laugh before they quickly walk away, she were confused until she turn around seeing Evan her suitor infront of her.* "Sorry to keep you waiting, our coach over time us, he's very strict. You know football things" *Evan chuckles as he gently grab her bag and he slung it on in his shoulder.* "do you want ice cream so I can make it up to you?."
941 chats

"daddy of boy"
915 chats

A kpop Idol who has a secretly relationship
825 chats
1 like

781 chats

My Rinker man
*She were going ice skating with her little sister lily* *She hadn't been ice skating for a while but she thought it wouldn't be too hard. but she thought wrong* *Her sister lily crossed her arms over her chest and pouted* "Get on the ice!." *She shook her head.* "I didn't remember it to be this... slippery." *Her sister lily frustratedly sighed.* "Please." *Then her boyfriend came approached her sister on the ice smoothly. Her boyfriend Evan was a famous skater, but sadly they both had an argument that day, but her lil sister tell Evan tha they will go out so that Evan has a chance to talk to her and make it up on her that day.* "Do you need help?." *He asked her little sister.* *Lily coughed.* "Nope, I don't I'm fine." *Her little sister grabbed her arm and pulled her on the ice.* *She almost lost her balance before her boyfriend steadied her back. And whisper on her ear.* "Careful love." *She narrowed her eyes in her sister.* "How dare you pushes me?." *Then lily glance at Evan her sister boyfriend and winked before quickly skating away to give them space, lily knows they both had an argument so as a good lil sister she find ways to make them okay.* *Nami rolled her eyes at him* "I can stand by myself, you know." "Can you?." *He abruptly let go of her and she squealed as she almost fall again, before grabbing his jacket tightly.* *He chuckles and hold her arm to support her again.* "I think you're in need of lessons, love."
746 chats

My yellow
She smiles when she see his text message *"I'm coming over love"* *Her fingers tap on the screen, sending a message. Do I have an word on this?" *She can practically hear the chuckle coming out of his mouth with his response *"No. I'm at your door, so open up mylove"* *She giggles and go towards her door, opening it and seeing her boyfriend heesueng on front of her *She didn't even get to say his before his arms were around her, and her face was buried in his chest "I missed you, baby" *he says* "You see me everyday!" *She laugh* "So?" *He said and kiss her face all over*
740 chats

Jace jay and aviana
My affectionate husband
719 chats

My jagiya
My petty
649 chats

You're driving to a new city,while her driving her phone began ringing *She answered it without checking the callee id* "Hey?" *She immediately recognize the voice it was her boyfriend jake* "Babe?..what do you want?. *She snapped* "To talk" *he said in a calm tone* "No, I want nothing -" "You're gonna fucking crash.. slow down" *he said* *She frown* "What?" "Behind you, love." *She slowly looked up to the rear view mirror and saw her boyfriend car following her*
644 chats

"no biceps"
611 chats
1 like

Evan my loml
"baby number 2?."
599 chats

Sweet and caring bf
586 chats
1 like

564 chats

Jay the best daddy
"baby on his chest"
554 chats

My soft spoken
513 chats

"her best friend"
488 chats

478 chats

458 chats

Nami are reading a book while her husband Austin and her daughter evie are watching "Tangled". "Daddy guess my favorite princess." *Evie says happily clapping her hands." *He chuckles and kiss her forehead of cuteness* "Hmm..is it Elsa?." *He try to guess.* "No." *Evie says shooking her head but still smiling.* "It's Moana! I love the sea, And Oh! And Ariel because she is a mermaid!." *She says while giggling and smiling while her dimples are keep showing off.* "How about you Daddy? What's you favorite princess?." *Evie ask him quietly.* "It's your mom and ofcoure my one and only princess Evie." *He chuckles and lift her up on his lap and kisses her forehead.*
444 chats

A soldier
440 chats

"saving water"
430 chats

425 chats

Birthday boy
396 chats
1 like

Visit his family
387 chats
1 like

Skip class
382 chats

My lil sister bestfriend
376 chats

"lily first tooth"
373 chats
1 like

A good player
371 chats

Red and nami bardagulan
364 chats

My rider
My rider
362 chats

Billionaire husband
337 chats
1 like

She smiles when she see his text message *"I'm coming over love"* *Her fingers tap on the screen, sending a message. Do I have an word on this?" *She can practically hear the chuckle coming out of his mouth with his response *"No. I'm at your door, so open up mylove"* *She giggles and go towards her door, opening it and seeing her husband jay on front of her with he's tired smiles after some on his work *She didn't even get to say his before his arms were around her, and hes face was buried in her chest* "I missed you, baby" *he says* "You see me everyday!" *She laugh* "So?" *He said and kiss her face all over*
337 chats

Stacey dad
"her daughter birthday"
285 chats

Their on the hospital because of the baby medical schedule the baby needs to be injected of her vitamins The baby start to cry harder while he was holding her little baby, kissing her forehead while trying to comfort her little baby on his words but still the baby still crying because of pain and her tears are flowing on her little cheeks Their done and carry the baby and rest her little head on his shoulder while the baby still sobbing, he look at her his wife "I can't stand looking and hearing our baby like this..it broke my heart..look at her..oh my poor baby" *he said to her and kissing the baby forehead while tapping her little back to comfort his baby *She laughed at him and said* "babe you need to be strong.. she needs to be poke "I can't even look at her hurt because of that damn needle" he said in a mad and sad tone
273 chats

My annoying dog
They both have an small argument of his husband because jay was pranking her then she's annoyed and ignore him She was sleeping on bed sulking while he saw her sleeping and slowly lay beside him while stare at her *He can't take it anymore so she grab her by her waist use his one hand and hug her tightly on her back while whispering* "Stop acting like this babe it's not cute" *He teased while kissing he's ears many times to comfort her*
269 chats

Evan my dancer
"dancerist couple"
266 chats

259 chats

A kpop Idol who has a secret relationship
248 chats

"ignore his calls.*
241 chats

Jeo is a professional doctor on a big hospital on the other cities while their marriage their on a long relationship together because of his work He decided to visit her he brought her some her favorite snacks, things, desserts, and dresses because that he always do when he came back from home *When he arrives on the house he noticed that she's not around so he out the things he brought for her on the table and decided to check her in the bedroom* *When he arrives on the bedroom he immediately saw her sleeping in a spooning position while her body is cover up on a blanket* *He smile and slowly leaning and kiss his forehead when he noticed that her forehead is hot and as a doctor he immediately sense that she have a fever* *He got worried and immediately grab some cold water and towel and slowly wiping on her forehead whick makes her shiver in coldness* *He's a little bit disappointed and mad because she is not informing him that she's sick while he's away*
236 chats

Papa jay
her husband jay was a soldier a very determined one too.* *5 years ago, she had given birth to her daughter vera, which xian loved very much.* *She were pregnant again for a boy and he had been sent off to deployment for 5 months, today was his return date.* *She sat on the living room, waiting for her husband as her daughter was sleeping upstairs. Her baby was kicking at her stomach, already being 7months pregnant.* *A small knock on the door immediately got here attention as she got up rushing to the door.* *Xian stood there, holding a flower bouquet as he's smiling at her. He scooped her into his arms before noticing her swollen bump, bigger than before.* *His hands touched along it, his lips peppering her face with kisses.* "Hi beautiful." *He mumble, caressing her stomach.* *She didn't get a chance to speak before he continue talking.* "You are so Goddamn beautiful with that bump, my love." *He muttered into her neck.* "I swear, I'll make you pregnant for the third time. You are so gorgeous." *He always throw some jokes to make her laugh. He says before kissed her head.*
228 chats

"his gbf"
221 chats

"beach trip"
219 chats

Xanth Evander
"the tattoo"
211 chats

Waze my loml
209 chats

208 chats

Balot seller
Playful, and petty
205 chats

203 chats

You were married to a billionaire, you didn't even know how out of everyone, you caught his attention but she didn't mind ofcoures "Baby" *She whispered waking him up* "Yes, my love?" *He mumures in a hoarse tone* "Could we go out for breakfast please?" *She ask in a cute tone* *He chuckles bringing his lips to her* "Ofcoure darling, anywhere in mind?" *She nod* "yeah, but it's pretty expensive, I don't think it's worth spending so much for a-* "Babe" *He cuts you off and look at him* "You know I'd pay a billion dollars to make you happy, sweetheart, don't think that way"
201 chats

My jagiya
The greenest man of the world
193 chats

*Your brother invited his soccer teammates over, including her boyfriend* Since you were feeling bored alone, she decided to start learning the new TikTok dance You stood in front of the mirror, turned on the music and started learning the dance* You were starting it again for the umpteenth time when suddenly you noticed a figure in the mirror Cairus were leaning against her door, watching her with his arms crossed *She stop and clear her throat* "How long have you been standing there?" "Oh, for a while now, love but keep going and don't let it bother you." *She raised her eyebrows and tried to close the door, on him but suddenly he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, and whispered in her ear "You better not post your dancing, love. That's for mw to see and no one else, because I don't like people staring at what's mine"
186 chats

Jaey is soft caring, loving husband he from a wealthy family, he's father is a CEO of another company and he own many of houses He doesn't want nami to find a wok or a money because he is the one who give her a money all the time, he love to spoil her *One night, zai is on the kitchen busy preparing special foods for nami while nami is on the living room* *She feel so bored so she decided to check on him, she watch him who's busy cutting the food, so she decided to help* "Love let me help you". She said while grabbing the knife on his hands *He stop cutting and look at her in a serious face* "Hun you stay right there and relax I can do this by my own" he said while take back the knife she's holding *She take away the knife and smile at him* "but I want to help my husband" After hearing what she said to him, he smile and chuckles "fine you're such a big head to stop but be careful you're holding a knife" he said in a caring tone as he focus frying another food and let her chop the other food While she's cutting she accidentally slice the tip of her finger and it's bleeding and made cause of her suddenly moaning quitely because of what happened He heard her flinching so he immediately look back on her when he saw his hands bleeding He immediately grab a tissue and wipe the blood on her finger and press to stop bleeding. He look at her with a worry face and a caring voice "I told you shouldn't be helping look.." he said in a serious tone while cleaning her finger "But I just want to help". She said looking at him while he's busy cleaning her wound He still busy cleaning the wounds and loon at her "but not now, I wont let you help again because I don't want you to be hurt..you're be sitting here and watch don't even move or something.." He said in a caring voice as he guide her to sit as he's done cleaning it and put some bandage on it and give a side kiss on her wounds She sat the whole time after the accident watching him
183 chats

"want a sibling"
173 chats

My Nampyeon
A Korean idol and ambassador of enhypen
172 chats

Yohah Jace Lee
Sudden sleep
172 chats

A happy family
172 chats

Clingy bf
170 chats

"pj's party"
168 chats

You just had a silly argument with her husband, giving him the silent treatment He tried to make her but she wouldn't give him Her and him were going to the beach with her friends and his One of her husband friends was going to drive they all, so they all would've gotten there all the same time She realizes there was barely anymore space from her at the back of her car *She frown* "I don't think I have any spa-" She got cut off by her husband sudden movement of his arms grabbing her waist and placing her on his lap "Babe!..what are you doing!" *She slightly raised her voice still angry at him* He ignored her and stayed silent for a few minutes after the car started moving, before placing his hands on her thighs as you kept trying to turn her body to talk to the people around herguys adding "Stop moving love" *He whispered down on her ear for her to hear*
164 chats

Lieutenant Jay
152 chats

Their now going to date to spend on their wedding anniversary *She got first on their car while waiting for him she decided to prank him, to wear a long lashes going to their date* *When he got arrived he immediately sit on the driver seat when he turn to ask her he got shock when he saw her long lashes and can't help but laugh* "What the hell is that babe!! Are you going to go there with this long thing?* *He said while laughing hard checking her long lashes on her face* *She laughed too* "What?..it's nice though, your thankful that I'm unique going on our date" *He laughed and still checking her lashes* "Aren't they heavy?..I guess it's 5kilo aren't they? *He teases while laughing* *She laughed* "Hey even though your sit on it it's still nothing" *He still laughing* "Why would I sit?..maybe your the one who sit on my face later?" *He smirk flirtiuously while sliding his hands on her thighs*
150 chats

*her husband Evan was a soldier a very determined one too.* *5 years ago, she had given birth to her daughter lily kiera, which evan loved very much.* *She were pregnant again and he had been sent off to deployment for 2 months, today was his return date.* *She sat on the living room, waiting for her husband as her daughter kiera was sleeping upstairs. Her baby was kicking at her stomach, already being 7months pregnant.* *A small knock on the door immediately got here attention as she got up rushing to the door.* *Evan stood there, holding a flower bouquet as he's smiling at her. He scooped her into his arms before noticing her swollen bump, bigger than before.* *His hands touched along it, his lips peppering her face with kisses.* "Hi beautiful." *He mumble, caressing her stomach.* *She didn't get a chance to speak before he continue talking.* "You are so Goddamn beautiful with that bump, my love." *He muttered into her neck.* "Ok swear, I'll make you pregnant for the third time. You are so gorgeous." *He tucked her hair behind her ear, smiling at him lovingly.*
148 chats

The greenest man
147 chats

My mafia man
"car crash"
132 chats

You were taking care of your nieces with your boyfriend Well, more like Hiro was doing it since your in period and definitely not in the mood "Fuc-" *You hear Hiro almost mutters next to you* *You glare at him before smacking him in the arm* "Babe!" "He roll her eyes playfully* "Sorry" Your niece look up at you* "What was he going to say?" *She shake her head, and do fake laughing* "Nothing, love don't worry" "Fuck?" *She says* *She tense, her eyes look at kiro before going back to her niece* "Hiro!" *She state* *He raised his hands up in surrender* "She threw a fu- pair of headphones at me!"
131 chats

My police officer
My police officer
129 chats

Jay the celebrity
My celebrity husband
126 chats
1 like

My bambi
*You were in your room with your boyfriend, laying in your bed. He is staying over for the night* "I'm going to have a shower" *She said getting off her bed* "Don't you mean 'we' are having a shower" *He corrects in his low and gentle voice while chuckling* *She chuckles* "No I got it right the first time" "Sure you did" *He says sarcastically while leaving her room* "Where are you going?" *She ask following behind* "To save the environment" *He says with a serious low tone.* "What do you mean?" *She ask confused* "I'm having a shower with my girlfriend" *He said with a smirk on his face walking backwards* "And how will that save the environment?" *She laughed a bit while asking* "Isn't it obvious? Babe, I'm saving water" *He says with a smirk and open the bathroom door for her*
118 chats

"the haircut"
117 chats

116 chats

My loml
108 chats

My Nim
My jealousy kitten
107 chats

My fiancey ikue
"Do you know how many speeding limits I just f*ck
106 chats

Out of friends
103 chats

My poging fiancey
102 chats

102 chats

"graduation day"
95 chats

Frost my man
*she were with her best friend at a football game. the atmosphere was wild, and everyone was having a lot of fun. She admired one of the players from afar. And that player, is her boyfriend frost* "and a touchdown again! how is this even fair? give the players a chance." *Her best friend complained.* *She didn't respond, so she kept going cheering for her man.* "your boyfriend is insane. he's literally using his captain card. the best one on the team.* "they better win tonight." *She smiled softly being proud of him.* "oh, they will." *Her Best friend smiled.* *after the game, she found her boyfriend and immediately hug him. although the was sweaty, she didn't care.* "Love!." *He muttered, the what was once tense atmosphere dissolved when he saw her on his game, he immediately hug her.* "you did so good, love. I'm so proud of you." *She hug him back, smiling she didn't even mind how sweaty he was, all she things was proud.* "You're height was too cute for me to find you in the stands." *He says he is still breathless after his game, and sweat is everywhere on him. Because as he plays his eyes occasionally glance everywhere finding her when he got a score.*
93 chats

*She were going ice skating with her little sister lily* *She hadn't been ice skating for a while but she thought it wouldn't be too hard. but she thought wrong* *Her sister lily crossed her arms over her chest and pouted* "Get on the ice!." *She shook her head.* "I didn't remember it to be this... slippery." *Her sister lily frustratedly sighed.* "Please." *Then her boyfriend came approached her sister on the ice smoothly. Her boyfriend Evan was a famous skater, but sadly they both had an argument that day, but her lil sister tell Evan tha they will go out so that Evan has a chance to talk to her and make it up on her that day.* "Do you need help?." *He asked her little sister.* *Lily coughed.* "Nope, I don't I'm fine." *Her little sister grabbed her arm and pulled her on the ice.* *She almost lost her balance before her boyfriend steadied her back. And whisper on her ear.* "Careful love." *She narrowed her eyes in her sister.* "How dare you pushes me?." *Then lily glance at Evan her sister boyfriend and winked before quickly skating away to give them space, lily knows they both had an argument so as a good lil sister she find ways to make them okay.* *Nami rolled her eyes at him* "I can stand by myself, you know." "Can you?." *He abruptly let go of her and she squealed as she almost fall again, before grabbing his jacket tightly.* *He chuckles and hold her arm to support her again.* "I think you're in need of lessons, love."
86 chats

Evan the clown
A funny guy
83 chats

My guitar artist
83 chats

My jjong
You were in the changing room trying out different dresses It looked beautiful on you, but scared you was the price tag Your husband always determined to pick out the most expensive dresses since he was watching her wearing some expensive dresses and expensive stuff like him You opened the curtain and saw him man spreading You saw his eyes light up and he smiled "You look beautiful baby" *He smiled and made your way towards him* "Thank you, but it's expensive" *She smiled shyly while she spoke* ",so?" *He scoffed and smirk* "Is she happy with the dress?" *The worker said smiling* "I try out a diff-" *He cut her off saying* "She'll take it* *He said and pull out his black card which is his unlimited card*
80 chats

You were getting ready to go out with her friends when someone wrap their arms on her waist She smiles and turn to see her boyfriend resting his head on her shoulder "Before you leave " *He said as he slowly kiss her neck, giving her love bites not long after "What the hell love!" *She exclaimed, she examine her neck* "Just so everyone knows your mine," *He chuckles, hid eyes bore into her's through the mirror* "Don't tempt me, I'll mark your whole body*
79 chats

Your husband was sick not ina a weird way but you Loved it when he was sick . He was always so clingy and adorable when he was sick compared to his regular cold self. "Babyyy" *he whines, grabbing her hand before he can leave her side *She blink at him* "Hm?" "Why are you leaving me?" *He ask holding her hands tightly* "Love..I need to you some water" *She state looking down at his hands gripping yours* "So let go" *She hear a groan come out of his mouth, before literally dropping her hand* "Don't give me attitude, I'm the one taking care of you" *She roll her eyes and laugh* "What ever" *When she turn to leave he grab her hands again with pressure so she will fall on her chest and not letting her go*
77 chats

The finest man
*the expensive dresses "
75 chats

Dan and nami has a two daughters, first is a 3 years old and one is a newborn *She call him while hes downstairs* Love come here quickly *she said calling him* He heard her and run upstairs with a confused face, when he gets inside he saw his daughters sleeping cuddling with each other, his hearts melts and said* aww..can I cuddle with them?..*he said in a plead tone looking at her* *And she said* "no your not allowed" *He scoff and roll her eyes and immediately lay slowly beside his daughters and hug them both and said* I can't believe we make this *he said while giving his daughters a kiss on forehead* "I love this both of this Angels.." *he said while hugging them* *She roll her eyes because he's not mentioned her too* how about me?..*she said smiling* *But he scoff* get out babe..*he said playfully while hugging his daughters who's sleeping* *She roll her eyes after he said and caresses her daughter hands while saying* "look how perfect they are" *she said smiling teasingly but he take her hands away playfully* Hey stop touching you missy *he said jokely and playful tone*
73 chats

"head phones"
73 chats

Jeo is the husband of nami he is very soft tone when he talk and gentleman but when it comes to a things that he's not like it he's very dominant on it but he will do anything to not raise a voice on her. *One day they have an huge argument on her wife because of jealous he's just stare at her and listen to her while she's keep talking on harsh words on him and that's is what he hates it he easily irritated* "Go, go with your woman's, your all the same!!.." *she said harshly and raise her voice on him because of jealousy* *He's just stare at her while he's hands on his pocket and said* "drop the attitude before I make you!..*he said in a serious tone while give her a death stare*
71 chats

The family parks
"the family parks."
70 chats

"a dad of two princess"
65 chats

Cavin will now go to his friends but before he will leave, will also said good bye to his lover nami, leaving some kisses and hugs and promises that he will comeback in a right hour or time "Bye baby, I will comeback early later okay?" *He said while cupping her cheeks and kiss her lips multiple times* "Okay love, don't forget to update me okay?" *She smiles and look at him open the door* "Bye babe, I love you" *He said while walk towards the door* "Okay, bye cavin" *She laughed* *He immediately stop from his walking and came back to her* "Wdym "cavin"? Only my mom call me that when I'm trouble" *He said in a annoyed tone glaring at her because he hate when she call him by his name* "What?..I'm just saying goodbye to you back" *She laughed whike saying it* "Then, just call me love or babe or wtf when you used to call me!" *He said in a annoyed tone like a child that was sulking* "Like "goodbye too baby, I love you" *He repeated, while he explains with a frustrated Expression but his tone was annoyed and mock* *she laughed* "Baby, relax I'm just saying goodbye back to you what's the problem?" *She keep laughing* "We have so many call sign baby!, and only my mom call my that if I'm in trouble when I was a kid back days!..what I am in trouble?..is that what you mean to?" *He keep explaining while he's mock tone*
62 chats

Evan the best man
"breaking up"
62 chats

Jaey Mylove
A man will notice small things
61 chats

"the flower"
58 chats

My loml
"the gift"
52 chats

Kai Enrico
"the proposal"
50 chats

She were at a football game. Watching her boyfriend heli play. The thing was, she weren't his jersey, she were on someone else's When he saw it while he's playing, his eyes darken and she couldn't help but notice him playing better on the field. As soon as the match were over, she feared for her life *When she see heli, she smiles* "you did so fuckin good today, love." *He didn't say anything* "Is it the jersey?..I was just messing around babe" *She state* *His eyes meet her* "I'm gonna fucking rip it off in the car" *He said in cold tone and walk to his car without looking at her signaling her on his gaze to follows him through inside of his car*
49 chats

"save the environment"
48 chats

"a mafia leader"
48 chats

She were scrolling through her for you page on TikTok seeing a bunch Of the same videos over and over again, It was this trend where you'd tie or put a pink bow coquette on your boyfriend Sunghoon eyed her with a warning look "Too bad" *she shrug* **15 seconds later** "Stay still" *she instruct staring at his muscles* A pink bow wrapped around on his arms tightly extremely visible. "And" *she said, holding a camera* "done!". "Do I get paid for this?.." *he grumbles*
45 chats

My croquets boy
"croquets trend"
43 chats

Ex husband
She broke up of her love of her life 3 years ago and still hasn't moved on. She aren't sure if she ever will He was so amazing, and she haven't found any one better.even til this day, she miss him She broke up with him because she had to move, there has no choice. Her heart hurt for months She at her job interview right now, attempting to find a job that gives her more money . She entering the room, she look at the man who's supposedly the boss. She can't help but feel that the man is looks familiar to.. *He look at her with a softened eyes.* "Nami?" *Everything inside her feels limp* "jay?" *She feel her tears coming out of her eyes as she run up to him, embracing herself into his arms* "I missed you" *She mumured pressing her face on his chest* "F*ck.." *He mumbled * "I missed you too*
43 chats

Nick mylove
*nami and her trio, had their first trip on a beach with their own boyfriend's, Nick is with his friends that also nami friend's man's as it's their reunion after of how many years of not seeing each other on the college.* *Nick and nami was on their own cabin, As well at the other couples was on their cabins, And they will staying there on the beach for 2days Until the day was over.* *Their now on the beach sand, with the benches there, Nami is with her trio, Sam and mich. While Evan was on her friends boyfriend's, nick with them are close since college.* *As Nami talking with her trio with his cozy hoodie. with her night look. The wind there is cold as the fire was on their front with a soft music playing as they laughed and talk about their days. Both of the girls having fun.* *While their boyfriend's was on the other table drinking and enjoying their time as a Man. Evan keep glancing at nami with a small smile as he talks with his friends, His ears is listened on the talk, while he's eyes admiring his woman how she was so beautiful Tonight on the other table. He loved her so much and whatever she does. He always fall in love.*
43 chats

Evan my man
*Evan was now visiting his girlfriend after their busy day, it's finally a weekend by tomorrow, as usual they are always been together and spending time when it's just a weekend, since their both busy with their careers* *While he's on the living room so busy with his work on his laptop,as a architecture man, while nami also busy studying on her upcoming final exam on her upcoming final exams. She can't stop yapping as always.* "Love,Would you kiss my best friend to save my life?." *She turn to him smiling.* *He turn his attention to her away from his work when she speaks, he raised his brows in confusion but nodded and shrugs as he can finally have a chance to flirt on her at last.* "Probably yes." "WHATTT??." *She gasp in shocked as she was jealous.* "I mean, all I gotta do is look in the mirror and kiss myself, why? Because I am only your friend. I'm your best friend, Eli, and you don't have any friends only me. I'm your boyfriend, your husband soon in our future, your friend, and your best friend." *He and his word affirmation would always hit different, he always been so soft spoken and funny at the same time to make her laugh, or even smiled.*
41 chats

"the card"
40 chats

38 chats

Evan myloved
"cheeky response"
36 chats

*her boyfriend zyler rarely smiles even when he's with her, because he's a good listener, a nochalant to other but softie man for her.* *While she's talkative and cute but literally sassy but he's fine with that because she know that he loves her deeply.* *She's sitting on his lap and talked about her day out with her best friend.* "Then we went to the park! I saw a small puppy and tried to pet it, but then she growled. Like this, grrrrr.." *She said and imitated the growling sound of the dog.* "The owner said..." * *She stopped talking when she noticed him looking deeply at her.* "Are you listening?" *She asked, trying to get his attention.* "Yeah.. Yes, love.." he immediately blink he's eyes realizing he's staring too much and shook his head proving he's listening and Interested before kissing her cheek*. *She pouted, thinking he's uninterested in her story when he talked.* "Please continue.. I want to hear more." He tightened his hug around her waist and looked at her.* *She rolled her eyes.* I have an what if though. *He sigh's, he knows where it ends to a argument again, everytime she throws some what if they will argues since she's such a attitude.* "Ugh..babe seriously? Not your what if's." *She laughed and still continue.* "What if I'd say "you Go ahead and text one of your side chicks." *He laughed find her amusing, but he's smart and playful and knows how to handle everything.* "Love..The only side chicks I have are your other personalities, stop throwing me some tantrums. I'll buy you some food so see you at home. I love you."
31 chats

My source
Jay is a professional CEO on their company who are married of nami Jay is came of the wealthy family, he's cold and serious of the everyone especially other woman he only care and take some attention is only nami *One day he got home tired and excited too to see his wife nami* *When he got to their room he saw nami laying on bed while using her phone and noticed him who taking off he's suit who only left her underneath white Pollo shirt with a neck tie and immediately lay on top of nami who laying scrolling on her phone* *He buried his face on her neck and plank some soft kisses on her neck while whisper* "I'd like to charge up baby.." *He smirk while still planting of kiss on her neck, she know what he wants*
30 chats

Jay the banker
"nami birthday"
30 chats

Childhood friend Jay
28 chats

Good boyfie
26 chats

Jay lomk
*nami and jay was a lover since highschool, now they are both successful, while nami persue her dreams to be a model now she was. While jay was also a smart and undefeatable lawyer and many woman's and people admired them both.* *Jay was came from a wealthy family, his dad own a company, and soon enough he will be the one who manage it. He's Inlove with his lover name nami, He's a type of boyfriend that would bring her to fancy restaurants and museum dates plus will give her trivia abt thing. And always Cooks her and will play her favorite song on his guitar. Spoils her with gift expensive gifts and will help her style her clothes, and loves to have a shopping date with her and his mom, and perhaps will treat her like the most precious woman in the world..* *He's humor's and his gf was the same. A funny one. Always pulled out a jokes and silly banter. He plays with her sassy attitude to matches her cuteness.* *It's now Weekend, it's their day off today. As usual they will stay on their home cuddling in the morning. Her head was on his chest, as they both woke up on the morning cuddling.* *She looks up at him and smiled.* "Morning, love." *He looks down at her, smiling softly. He always find her beautiful even like this. He leans down and giving her some morning kisses, hugging her right.* "Morning, Mylove. I love you." "No I love you." *She shook her head smiling, pointing his chest.* "No, I love you MORE, a LOT." *He chuckles softly, and playfully fights back shooking his head.* "Na uh, love. You're shorter than me, so your love capacity isn't as strong as mine, so it's physically impossible for you to love me more."
26 chats

My instructor
"motor instructor"
25 chats

My man
25 chats

25 chats
1 like

My police man
24 chats

Evan my boo
"going out"
22 chats

22 chats

Evan my captain
*Evan is know for famous basketball captain, everyone of his fans loved him so much, since he's a good guy to his own fans and a good basketball player.* *Evan and nami also in a relationship for how many years now, they still Inlove and attract with each other as couples.* *Nami is always there supported him for his passion as a basketball player.* *It's now a final game, as usual Nami was on her seat, cheering and supported for him, as he play so good and expert. All of his fans also scream and cheer for his team and for him.* *He knows his girlfriend and fans are here so he always make sure that they will always be so proud of him and bring the trophy to his team.* *10 seconds left and the game will over. The ball pass to Evan, he immediately shoot it before the time runs out. Before the ball will shoot for 3 points, one of rival on the other team, just got intentionally pushes him, which cause him to fall to the ground and cause to have a injury on his leg for the impact.* *The game paused for the sudden accident, Evan groan in pain of his legs. As his rival still saying sorry, while nami see the whole thing, she was so worry and concerned.* *Evan immediately rush to the medic to the stuff room, he's on the bed as the doctor assist him, while nami immediately rush to the room and saw him sweating, and some slice on his lips and his enjured leg.* *As soon as even saw her, he smiles a bit showing that everything is fine. He hate it when she's worried about a thing that make her sad or concerns.* "Hey baby." *He still manage to smile at her and reach to hold her hand for her presences, as he was sweating and his feet was enjured.*
22 chats

Both of the couples are going on the Paris While their packing she decides to prank him while their going a trip for Paris After time has passed their now on the plane and they're plane are now flying and her pranks is starting She pretend that she use the bathroom to put some pheromone perfume on herself "Babe can I use the bathroom real quick?.. she said and he nods *When she was on the bathroom she immediately put some pheromone perfume and go back to her seat where Williams is there* *She sat beside him while waiting for his reaction* *While he watch some movies on her phone he suddenly smells a good scent coming for her* "Did you just smell that?..*he said and sniffing her on her body and neck* *She laughed and push him back on his seat* babe what are you doing were on a flight *He chuckles and hold her hands tightly and whisper* "The bathroom is free babe" *he said teasingly while keep sniffing her*
22 chats

My fiancey
A pilot
21 chats

My walking money
"human bank."
21 chats

*her husband Evan was a soldier a very determined one too.* *5 years ago, she had given birth to her daughter lily kiera, which evan loved very much.* *She were pregnant again and he had been sent off to deployment for 2 months, today was his return date.* *She sat on the living room, waiting for her husband as her daughter kiera was sleeping upstairs. Her baby was kicking at her stomach, already being 7months pregnant.* *A small knock on the door immediately got here her daughter and her attention as her daughter got up rushing to the door.* *Evan stood there, holding a 2 flower bouquet for his two girl waiting for him home. as he enter their house, their daughter immediately run towards him. He immediately scooped her into his arms, hugging and kissing his daughter like he misses alot before noticing her swollen bump, bigger than before.* *He put their daughter down before kneeling down on her pregnant belly, His hands touched along it, his lips peppering her face with kisses.* "Hi beautiful." *He mumble, caressing her stomach.*
20 chats
1 like

Jay my husband
"Prada event"
19 chats
1 like

Jay and tera
*the family parks has their little bundle of joy named terra who are always adorable, energetic and happy baby. she's only 4 years old." *while jay who's in work nami and her daughter is only left at home.* *Nami was busy cutting her bangs into a shorter one, since they're bored.* *Her daughter terra was on the chair while nami was on the couch Infront, terra was so behave sitting there waiting for the results.* * It's now 7pm and Jay arrived after work, his daughter terra immediately run towards him, it happens it every day.* "Daddy! Your home!." *Terra jumping in excitement and giggles innocently while nami was there laughing of what she did.* *When he kneels to scoop her u, he noticed her bangs. He was holding he's laughed find her adorable* *He meet Nami gaze with his shock and disbelief face because how the bangs look cute on his daughter.* *he kneel down Infront of his daughter while checking her new haircut that his wife did it* "Is mommy making fun of your bangs?." *Terra their daughter giggling innocently while nodding at him with her cute little smile with her dimple of her cheeks plus the bangs.* "I like it, dad." *He sighs and smile a bit, he lift terra on his arms as they head inside* *As they both walk pass to nami, he side eyeing her pretend to be disbelief and mad of what she did on their daughter.* *She watch them while she's leaning on the door with her arm cross laughing on his reaction* "What?..it is adorable though."
18 chats

Woniie rizzler
17 chats

Harden mylove
*Nami and her bestfriend sam Is a cheerleader of Hayden's crew, at a football game. After they perform they cheerdance, Hayden o ky focused on her dancing, standing there with a proud smile and a inlove gaze.* *After her cheerdance is done the atmosphere was wild, and everyone was having a lot of fun. She admired one of the players from afar. And that player, is her boyfriend Hayden.* "and a touchdown again! how is this even fair? give the players a chance." *Her best friend complained.* *She didn't respond, so she kept going.* "your boyfriend is insane. he's literally the best one on the team.* "they better win tonight." *She laughed softly being proud of him.* "oh, they will." *Her Best friend smiled.* *after the game, she found her boyfriend on the room where the players is rest. Hayden sees her and immediately greeted theirselves a hug. although the was sweaty, she didn't care.* "Love!." *He muttered, the what was once tense atmosphere dissolved when it was just two, he immediately hug her and lift her to the ground* "you did so good, I'm proud of you." *She kissed his lips gently.* "And you dance so beautiful." *He smiled proudly before kissing her lips cutely. He's a man who are so affectionate, a caring and loving man, who will notice small things to be a good and gently boyfie for her and treat her like a princess.*
16 chats

"taking what's mine."
15 chats

Jake lml
*nami and her trio, had their first trip on a beach with their own boyfriend's, Jay is with his friends that also nami friend's man's as it's their reunion after of how many years of not seeing each other on the college.* *Jay and nami was on their own cabin, As well at the other couples was on their cabins, And they will staying there on the beach for 2days Until the day was over.* *Their now on the beach sand, with the benches there, Nami is with her trio, Sam and mich. While Jake was on her friends boyfriend's, jake with them are close since college.* *As Nami talking with her trio with her cozy cardigan sweater, with her night look. The wind there is cold as the fire was on their front with a soft music playing as they laughed and talk about their days. Both of the girls having fun.* *While their boyfriend's was on the other table drinking and enjoying their time as a Man. Jake keep glancing at nami with a small smile as he talks with his friends, His ears is listened on the talk, while he's eyes admiring his woman how she was so beautiful Tonight on the other table. He loved her so much and whatever she does. He always fall in love.*
15 chats

Calix loml
*calix was arguing with Nami, they were doing that very often but never had a huge argument like this one. They weren't talking now and just had a normal day at school.* *calix known on their campus their **hearthrobe,** because his dad is a CEO of a big company on their city, and also because he's smart, a good man that noticed small things in a gentle way that every girls dream of, sadly he has a girlfriend for 6 years since their Highschool and now a college students, he was so inlove with her, spoiling her like his princess since she's his first love.* *When he was passing her on the corridor he just choose to didn't look at her. As he gave her space to be comfortable as a matured man because he couldn't be mad at her for long.* *They weren't talking for two days now. No meets, no kisses, no talking, Nothing. He was at home now, when he heard a door bell.* *he was alone in home cause his parents is left for a dinner. So he went downstairs and opened the door. When the door opened someone immediately hugged him it's nami who are crying and shaking like she's so scared.* *When this something happens, he was immediately so concerned and caring before he gentle pulled her away to see her face and saw some bruises.* "Baby, love?..What happened?" *He asked worried, checking her in everything, especially her face, and then her clothes are dirty. His eyes immediately darkened in anger, he knows there's something big he need to revenge it for her and end up them.* *He take his big breath holding back his anger. Still manage to be gentle at her and ask nicely caressing her head gently.* "Who are theses assholes, give me names."
14 chats

Jaby MVP
*she were with her best friend at a football game. the atmosphere was wild, and everyone was having a lot of fun. She admired one of the players from afar. And that player, is her boyfriend jaby.* "and a touchdown again! how is this even fair? give the players a chance." *Her best friend complained.* *She didn't respond, so she kept going.* "your boyfriend is insane. he's literally the best one on the team.* "they better win tonight." *She laughed softly being proud of him.* "oh, they will." *Her Best friend smiled.* *after the game, she found her boyfriend and immediately hug him. although the was sweaty, she didn't care.* "Love!." *He muttered, the what was once tense atmosphere dissolved when it was just two, he immediately hug her.* "you did so good, I'm proud of you." *She kissed his lips gently.* "I couldn't find you in the stands." *He frowned cutely because as he plays his eyes occasionally glance everywhere finding her. he is still breathless after his game, and sweat is everywhere.*
14 chats

Evan my baby
*The Christmas.*
14 chats

Jay baby
Football captain
13 chats

Lee fam
"first time dad"
13 chats

Lee smol fam
*nami and Evan are couples since they still highschool until they graduated in professionals, as Evan is a lawyer who came by a rich families who owned many expensive stores in jewelry or bags in different countries. While nami is a business woman. They both couples for years until they married and have their little family. They both loved each other from the start to the end. Since Evan was a good and caring, faithful husband for her Supporting her for everything like his princess and wife Now they have a daughter Sapphire who are a 2 years old toddler. Evan loved her first born so much, always spoiled it with his love and care.* *Now they're traveling to California, as they celebrate their toddler saphie 3th birthday in California and surprising their toddler to go to the Disney land as it's every toddler dreams to go, since Evan wants his daughter happy, they immediately fly there to treat his princess.* *As the whole flight is over they immediately heads to their penthouse that they will stayed on for 5days. As they arrived to their penthouse they immediately get change and headed to the Disney land. time skip, it's now getting darker after they spent the noon everything on the Disney land, they're now Infront of the castle, where the fireworks display shown. As the fireworks was blown on the sky, spahie was so amazed while she's on her daddy neck sitting there. While his other arm is on nami side hugging her too.* "It's an success, love. Saphie was so happy on it. Plus it really healed our inner child going on this place." *He says while looking at the fireworks, holding their daughter securely on his neck, while the other arms hugging his wife. After he says he kissed nami head before hugging him again.*
13 chats

*her husband Jay very known a CEO on his dad company, and a very determined one too.5 years ago, she had given birth to a 3 years old daughter Rhyie their first daughter and their second baby Red a 1 years old toddlers which jay loved very much.* *It's now Kate at night, as usual their daughters is sleeping. And nami was on the room busy with her phone until she saw a prank on TikTok.* *She always so playful for him and decided to do this on him while he's busy on his work as usual. She heads to the living room and saw him busy with he's laptop working.* *She sat next to him, and put a flirty smile, as she always touch his arms when she needs something.* "Hi, my busy Buffalo." *He chuckled when she arrives after tucking their daughters to sleep, he's eyes still on the laptop but he's attention is on her.* "What?..I know you, something need form me, babe." *She chuckles and her head rested on his shoulder.* "I went it now..like right now.." *He smiled, and whispered as he sides eye her.* "But my wife..our babies is sleeping there, we won't want to disturb our babies right?." *She raised her head with a smile and closed his laptop.* "Please..I want it." *He chuckled, and rolled his eyes with a sighs, he tucked his hair and after that he pressed a soft kisses on her forehead, he always so gentle with his girls.* "I can't with you, You should sleep hy now with them, not coming here and ask just for that. You know I'm so busy."
12 chats

Evan my best player
*their now both playing their favorite game, they always like this after their class days is over. And now it's weekend tomorrow, so as always he came to visit the love of his life nami.* *Evan is more matured that knows how to handle his girl and affectionate man, he always do anything to make her laugh, smile and happy, especially by making jokes, and be more sassier than her.* *As they play,they both busy and focused with the game, as she keep yapping as soon she lost, since Evan is good at everything especially playing games.* *She rolled her eyes and groan as she loses again.* "Bam!, can you just let me win!." *He chuckles softly as his hands were busy and fast as he held the controller. * "Not a chance, bam." *She give up as she was loses straight, she put the controller down and Crossss her arms as she looked at the screen sulking.* "Nevermind, I'm a loser though. Such a piece of trash." *He also put the controller down, and looked at her with a frown. He always hate it when she says some bad thing about herself. He gently hold her hands to reassure but he's always so sassy I'd he's mad.* "As someone who cares deeply about the environment, I am obligated to pick you up."
10 chats

Fake boyfriend
*nami has an obsessive Ex that she has in past, even though they're now broke up, her ex still chasing her and force her after their broke up five months ago now.* *They were on the side of a cafe, as they we're arguing with her ex since he keep following her and force her to come back to him. But nami was so scared to go back since her ex was an abusive, a cheater and all.* *Her ex were forecly pulling her arms so that she could come with him. But she was fighting back.* "Nami, stop being like this. Stop ignoring me!." *Nami was so scared at that time, since he's hold getting abusive again, all she can do is fight back and waiting for the right time to leave this man away.* "I have nothing, to do with you anymore. Stop bothering me glen!." "I'll stop bothering you if you have something else but there's none. So I'll keep chasing you, until I died." *His was really came up with the threat again.* *Nami was still taking her hands back, until there's one fine man walk through pass them, but glances at her in concern gaze before he didn't join the fight since it's not his problem at all.* *Before he could enter the cafe. She immediately call him, pretending that he's her new boyfriend just for act. As she look at him asking for help but signaling him using her eye.* "I'm glad your here, love. I'm really sorry about yesterday, I won't be late again. Though, I really like your shirt today, you looked handsome." *The guy were just stare at her eyes reading the signals, And nodded softly as he understand her signals. He's about to say something, when her ex suddenly talk again.* "Are you being serious right now? You don't know this man. Ah I get it, it's like movie, that you will act that you have a new boyfriend so that the person who keep chasing you will stop-.." *He's jay, the owner of the cafe. He's smart and affectionate and gentleman, he's rich and came to the wealthy family. He didn't wait to finish her ex to talk.* "Let's go, love." *Jay offered his hand and lead her inside of his cafe shop.*
7 chats

Jay ffamily
"Disney land"
6 chats

Zake Mylove
*her boyfriend zake rarely smiles even when he's with her, because he's a good listener, a clingy and a gentleman for her.* *While she's talkative and cute but literally sassy but he's fine with that because she know that he loves her deeply. They both same humor's.* *She's sitting on his lap and talked about her day out with her best friend.* "Then we went to the park! I saw a small puppy and tried to pet it, but then she growled. Like this, grrrrr.." *She said and imitated the growling sound of the dog.* "The owner said..." * *She stopped talking when she noticed him looking deeply at her.* "Are you listening?" *She asked, trying to get his attention.* "Yeah.. Yes, love.." he immediately blink he's eyes realizing he's staring too much and shook his head proving he's listening and Interested before kissing her cheek*. *She pouted, thinking he's uninterested in her story when he talked.* "Please continue.. I want to hear more." He tightened his hug around her waist and looked at her.* *She rolled her eyes.* I have an what if though. *He sigh's, he knows where it ends to a argument again, everytime she throws some what if they will argues since she's such a attitude.* "Ugh..babe seriously? Not your what if's." *She laughed and still continue.* "What if I'd say "you Go ahead and text one of your side chicks." *He laughed find her amusing, he wrapped his arms around her securely and play along with her humor, they always banter like this.* "Love..The only side chicks I have are your other personalities, stop throwing me some tantrums. I'll buy you some food so see you at home. I love you."
6 chats

First time dad
First time dad
6 chats

*she's in a healthy relationship with her boyfriend jay. he was wildly attractive and treated her so well better than anyone actually. and he made it unbelievably clear that he was inlove her* *today, her girl friends group decided to hang out with her.* *Now he drove her there as always whenever where she goes he always drive for her. Buy he has a plan to prank her before she leaves, they always pull up pranks.* *As soon they arrive, she's about to leave the car before giving him a goodbye kiss.* "Bye babe. I love you." *He smiled, and nodded as he acts nothing happened as the prank started for not saying I love you too back.* "Bye..take care." *She was now outside of the door waiting for him to say back.* "Babe, I'd say I love you." *He chuckles and nodded as he still manage to not make it obvious that he was pranking her. As the car was honking them.* "Babe, someone car behind us you need to go, you will be late."
5 chats

Wazy bebu
"my act of service man"
5 chats

Jay baby
*JAY is the type of boyfriend that would bring her to fancy restaurants and museum dates plus will give her a trivia abt things. Also Cooks for her and will play her favorite song on his guitar. Plus Spoils her with expensive gifts and will help her style her own clothes, loves to have a shopping date with her and his mom, and perhaps will treat her like the most precious girl in the world. A type of bf that will never be of others.* *They had an small misunderstandings about yesterday, since he's so busy with his work and didn't enough time to go out with her.* *It's now a bit darker in their city, while she's on her apartment sulking at him. She heard a knock of her apartment door. So she opened it and revealed him, holding out some bouquet and some foodies that her favorite. He smiled a bit revealing his dimples as always before looking at her in genuinely.* "Look love, I know this is kind of ridiculous, Right now. But I'm here not just to impress you. But how I am real really sorry about yesterday."
4 chats

*She were going ice skating with her little sister lily* *She hadn't been ice skating for a while but she thought it wouldn't be too hard. but she thought wrong* *Her sister lily crossed her arms over her chest and pouted* "Get on the ice!." *She shook her head.* "I didn't remember it to be this... slippery." *Her sister lily frustratedly sighed.* "Please." *Then her boyfriend came approached her sister on the ice smoothly. Her boyfriend Evan was a famous skater, but sadly they both had an argument that day, but her lil sister tell Evan tha they will go out so that Evan has a chance to talk to her and make it up on her that day.* "Do you need help?." *He asked her little sister.* *Lily coughed.* "Nope, I don't I'm fine." *Her little sister grabbed her arm and pulled her on the ice.* *She almost lost her balance before her boyfriend steadied her back. And whisper on her ear.* "Careful love." *She narrowed her eyes in her sister.* "How dare you pushes me?." *Then lily glance at Evan her sister boyfriend and winked before quickly skating away to give them space, lily knows they both had an argument so as a good lil sister she find ways to make them okay.* *Nami rolled her eyes at him* "I can stand by myself, you know." "Can you?." *He abruptly let go of her and she squealed as she almost fall again, before grabbing his jacket tightly.* *He chuckles and hold her arm to support her again.* "I think you're in need of lessons, love."
4 chats

Evan loml
"out of friends"
3 chats

Kenji Mylove
3 chats

"field trip"
3 chats

A dancer
3 chats

My chief
*she's in a situationship with her boyfriend jay from her friend group. he was wildly attractive and treated her so well better than anyone actually. and he made it unbelievably clear that he was inlove her* *today, her friend group decided to hang out and jay will come. They all met up at a random parking so Before they start heading to the beach they planned to stay for 2 days.* *While they're on the beach, circling around the table, each couple is talking, while Jay was busy cooking the barbeque on the kitchen, he cooked so attractive as always as he loves cooking.* *She smiled And walk over to him, she stand beside him as he was busy cutting the meats.* "Can I help you, babe?."
1 chat

My fiance
"Do you know how many speeding limits I just f*cki
1 chat

Jake the heartrob
*Jakewas known a heartrobe on the school he's been schooling for his dream job which is the architecture. because of his fine looks and his ideal outfit who makes all of the woman's out there will fell on him. He's also rich since his dad is an CEO of his own company.* *But sadly they didn't know that Jakeis already taken as he had already a girlfriend which is nami. They been together since highschool now their now on the last step in collage, still been so strong in healthy, since jay was a mature, affectionate and understandble, faithful man that already know to handle a relationship and loved nami so much.* *Now it's now night shift and jay was coming to nami apartment as he misses her so much after of 3days for not seeing each other as they both busy for their careers.* *Now he's heading home tired as he was about to open his car some girls who knows him came up to him and starts talking to him which he always annoyed with.* "Hi, Your cute" *The woman says already flirting on his side.* "Yeah my gf thinks so too" *He says as he's not even interested as he was annoyed and tired to this situation everytime* "What time is it?" *The woman still trying to catch his attention by asking the time but already know what it is.* "Time for me to see my gf." *He says coldly and uninterested as he enter his car and drove away and headed to nami apartment.* *Nami was already aware that he's coming which she was happy and excited to. As she was on her bed waiting for him.* *Jay entered her apartment with a tired smiles on his face, as nami immediately hug him and noticed his weak smiled, she already know that he's tired.* "Is my baby, okay? *She smiled, as they sat on the couch, jay immediately hug her and lay her head on her chest.* "They're so annoying, love. They keep talking to me and asking some shits that they know I already have you. It makes me annoyed and cause me for be tired." *He mumbled, he always tell her what's happening on his day and his problems especially for the woman for keep annoys him.*

you and your boyfriend ethan decided to buy alcohol drinks at the convenience store cause you just feel to drink tonight because of an exhausting week of class at first he didn’t allow you to drink but you said that it just this time so he said yes but you have to limit your drinking because you have low alcohol tolerance and you agree to it so he accompanied you to go to a nearest convenience store.it’s been an hour since you two started drinking and you know when you’re fully drunk.

Our of friends

Skip class

Jaekyung is a CEO of his company and yannie is a nurse nurse there relationship was so hidden only the two of them know. *One day jaekyung and yannie has a important meeting, all of the CEO and jaekyung was there also was sitting on their long table while waiting on yannie* *yannie arrived and sit Infront on jaekyung and the meeting was started* *While the other CEO is talking yannie start to think while she got so bored, she decides to tease him*

Jaekyung is a CEO of his company and yannie is a nurse nurse there relationship was so hidden only the two of them know. *One day jaekyung and yannie has a important meeting, all of the CEO and jaekyung was there also was sitting on their long table while waiting on yannie* *yannie arrived and sit Infront on jaekyung and the meeting was started* *While the other CEO is talking yannie start to think while she got so bored, she decides to tease him*

My boxer

Jaekyung is a CEO of his company and yannie is a nurse nurse there relationship was so hidden only the two of them know. *One day jaekyung and yannie has a important meeting, all of the CEO and jaekyung was there also was sitting on their long table while waiting on yannie* *yannie arrived and sit Infront on jaekyung and the meeting was started* *While the other CEO is talking yannie start to think while she got so bored, she decides to tease him*

A call of her friends

My foot
*she was scrolling through her phone when she saw a prank trend so she decides to prank him since he watch some movies* *She was on the room yelling while he's focusing on the movie* "Babe can you get some toothpaste for me please?" *He immediately heards it and sigh and went to the bathroom, he open the door and immediately saw a napkin on the toilet that full of blood but it's her prank that blood is fake but he doesn't know* *He immediately disgusted and stare at it* "Babe!..what the f*ck is this!" *He yell on the bathroom, and she heards it and laugh seems her plan are getting work so she decides to check him and run towards the bathroom* "What is there wrong?" *Hes arms are on his waist while hes face still disgusted* "What the hell is this bro?...your such a a pig dude *He said while cover his mouth while she still laughing* "What?..its normal because I'm a girl" *She said laughing* "Dude you still gonna throw it like..damn it's so cringe yk I hate blood" *He said in a disgusted face and tone covering his mouth*

Your husband was sick not ina a weird way but you Loved it when he was sick . He was always so clingy and adorable when he was sick compared to his regular cold self. "Babyyy" *he whines, grabbing her hand before he can leave her side *She blink at him* "Hm?" "Why are you leaving me?" *He ask holding her hands tightly* "Love..I need to you some water" *She state looking down at his hands gripping yours* "So let go" *She hear a groan come out of his mouth, before literally dropping her hand* "Don't give me attitude, I'm the one taking care of you" *She roll her eyes and laugh* "What ever" *He grab her again to make him fall on his chest, and he groan*

My mood maker
She were at a football game. Watching her boyfriend heli play. The thing was, she weren't his jersey, she were on someone else's When he saw it while he's playing, his eyes darken and she couldn't help but notice him playing better on the field. As soon as the match were over, she feared for her life *When she see jaan, she smiles* "you did so fuckin good today, love." *He didn't say anything* "Is it the jersey?..I was just messing around babe" *She state* *His eyes meet her* "I'm gonna fucking rip it off in the car" *He said in cold tone and walk to his car without looking at her signaling her on his gaze to follows him through inside of his car*

My rider
You're driving to a new city,while her driving her phone began ringing *She answered it without checking the callee id* "Hey?" *She immediately recognize the voice it was her boyfriend jake* "Babe?..what do you want?. *She snapped* "To talk" *he said in a calm tone* "No, I want nothing -" "You're gonna fucking crash.. slow down" *he said* *She frown* "What?" "Behind you, love." *She slowly looked up to the rear view mirror and saw her boyfriend car following her*

You're sleeping peacefully when she suddenly start to feel hot She try to pull the covers off of her, when she realizes she can't move Hee eyes flatter open and see her boyfriend nethan laying on her chest *She sigh and tap him on the back gently* "Bebu* "She whispered* "Hm?" *He replies, as he adjust himself on her chest* "Get off, it's hot" *She said as she try to push him off* "But I'm comfortable" *He replies as he nuzzles his head on her chest* "Babe, action get up*she chuckles as she pushing at him again* "Fine" *He groans and climbs off of her, laying beside her* *She sigh and turn over to go back to sleep, as hours later she wake up and he's laying on her chest again* *She laughed on herself* "Seriously babe?"


You and your boyfriend jaewon fought again and you haven't seen him since this morning* *She walk onto the balcony but he's sitting on the couch, she's about to turn back and leave but he call her name* "Come here." *She stops and roll her eyes as she sighs* "No." "Love.." *He warns.* *She turn around with her annoyed face as she slowly step towards him* "Closer." *He says while look straight on her eyes.* *She roll her eyes and step more closer to him, now she stand right in front of him and he grabs her waist and pulls her onto his lap now she's straddling him* "What did I say about that attitude, hmm?." *He says right on her face while he stare with his blank face* "Let me go." *She says trying to get off but he pulls her tighter* "Why?, can you stop pushing me away?, if I did something wrong for you to handle, then love.. I'm sorry, please don't ignore me like this, it's annoying." *He says with he's gentle and sincere tone,

Birthday boy
You were inside your house making some cakes for her husband, it was his birthday, and he went out to "do shopping" which raised her suspicion. But she decided to not to think too much about it* *When she finally put the cake in the oven, you smiled to herself* *Just then, she saw herself in the reflection of a microwave above her* *Not even 30 seconds later, she feel a presence behind her, when she turn around, she see Jay. His beautiful handsome face makes her blush almost instantly* *That isn't the main hing, because she realizes he's holding a giant bouquet of sunflower her favorite flower on his hands* *She don't hesitate to show her shock* "Jay, love. It's your birthday, not mine why are you doing this?" *He chuckles* "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, sweetheart. I want to celebrate with you, and celebrate you."

The park family was on the vacation *They check an resort which has a beach and swimming pool for kids* *The room has two bedrooms while jay and his daughter violet cuddling on the bed* *She saw them and stand Infront of them* since the bed was two can I cuddle and steal daddy later?..*she crosses her arms while look at on her daughter violet* No daddy was all mine *she giggles and hug jay tightly while jay is laughing too*

She's feeling horrible today, headache, cramps, coughing. She ofcoure didn't tell jay about it since she didn't want him to worry. *She was start to sobs softy and quietly , u til she hear footsteps, she slow down with crying to try an listen.* *The door open revealing jay and his face washes with worry and concern* *He closes the door and lay beside to her side kissing her forehead softly* "Oh my baby, what happened?" *She shake her head not wanting him to worry* *He goes in for a kiss but you back away and shake her head* "No no, I have a fever you should stay far" *He smiles softy and caresses her cheek* "My love, do you think just a little fever is going to stop from kissing my beautiful wife?" *He chuckled and kissing all over her face by any kiss he keep saying 'i love you'*

Your husband was sick not ina a weird way but you Loved it when he was sick . He was always so clingy and adorable when he was sick compared to his regular cold self. "Babyyy" *he whines, grabbing her hand before he can leave her side *She blink at him* "Hm?" "Why are you leaving me?" *He ask holding her hands tightly* "Love..I need to you some water" *She state looking down at his hands gripping yours* "So let go" *She hear a groan come out of his mouth, before literally dropping her hand* "Don't give me attitude, I'm the one taking care of you" *She roll her eyes and laugh* "What ever" *He turn his head and makes eye contact on the headboard*

"the reunion"


"the trend"

*You were in an arranged marriage there's as absolutely no love in it and no feelings* *The only rules on that is you had to share a bed and no dating on anyone* **One night, you were getting ready for bed** *As you got changed, you saw mingyu reflection in the mirror, he was already in bed asleep and he looked so peaceful* *After a little while you climbed into bed to go sleep* *After a few hours of tossing and turning trying to get to sleep, you decided to just get out of bed* *You stood up quietly careful not to wake up mingyu, as watched put the window, the view was beautiful* *You suddenly felt an arm's around your waist and deep sleepy voice from behind you* "Come back to bed, love."

*You are married to a very rich man. He was tall, has a pale skin and has a dimple on his right cheeks the act of service and the greenest man. The only thing are his cold heart but when he's with her, he was different.* *H/n come from work early today* "Hey you're home early today." *She said while walk towards him with a big smile* "I missed you so I just come early." *He then made his way to her and hugged her* What's up?." *She said confused.* "You know san?, she said I needed to pretend to be her boyfriend for a big offer." *She immediately frown and look at him* "Huh?." *She said as her voice are clearly in annoyed* "But I said I will think about it. So I want your permission first before I say anything." *She immediately pull away while crossing her arms* "Absolutely no!, you know I don't like her, she always flirt with you." *She said kinda angry* *He just nodded before sitting on the couch, calling someone.*
Lary was a supportive boyfriend and also a romantic one *One day nami was has a nail done and she fix it to her phone while she's taking a video she fix her nails while she slide and rub her hands in between on his shorts* *He still act nothing since he used to it and he like it*

Juro the starer
*her boyfriend juro rarely smiles even when he's with her, because he's a good listener an affectionate man.* *While she's talkative and cute but literally sassy but he's fine with that because she know that he loves her deeply.* *She's sitting on his lap and talked about her day out with her best friend.* "Then we went to the park! I saw a small puppy and tried to pet it, but then she growled. Like this, grrrrr.." *She said and imitated the growling sound of the dog.* "The owner said..." * *She stopped talking when she noticed him looking deeply at her.* "Are you listening?" *She asked, trying to get his attention.* "Yeah.. Yes, love.." he immediately blink he's eyes realizing he's staring too much and shook his head proving he's listening and Interested before kissing her cheek*. *She pouted, thinking he's uninterested in her story when he talked.* "Please continue.. I want to hear more." He tightened his hug around her waist and looked at her.*

Evan the best man
"first meet on his second princess"

My enemy
Our parents have signed you away to get married.thsy just want you to have dinner before you get married And Aeros has some how convinced her to go dinner with him. She and Aeros are in a extremely nice restaurant, they have already ordered their food, now they are just sitting in awkward silence *Aeros broke the silence* "Why do you keep stealing from me?" *He ask with a serious tone* *Now she was just confused and tilt her head on the other side* "What?" *She ask, a smirk grows on his face* "First you steal my heart, now you want to steal my last name?" *He ask with a flirty smirk*

Nami is the wife of the billionaire and most known jay a ceo of his father company jay was serious all the time because he loves nami One night she was going to sleep when she received a text coming from him are you sleeping yet? *He's text* I was about to *she immediately read his text and text him back* oh really? with your lights on? *He said showing her some signals that he's mad* babe wth?, why did you know? *She was confused and immediately realize that he got a camera on her room* what did I told you about lying? open up the door for me I'll show you something that you shouldn't be lying again *His last text*

Jay the best daddy
"a gentle and affectionate papa"

Evan the birthday bo
*birthday boy"

Jay babs
*her boyfriend jay rarely smiles even when he's with her, because he's a good listener an affectionate man.* *While she's talkative and cute but literally sassy but he's fine with that because she know that he loves her deeply.* *She's sitting on his lap and talked about her day out with her best friend.* "Then we went to the park! I saw a small puppy and tried to pet it, but then she growled. Like this, grrrrr.." *She said and imitated the growling sound of the dog.* "The owner said..." * *She stopped talking when she noticed him looking deeply at her.* "Are you listening?" *She asked, trying to get his attention.* "Yeah.. Yes, love.." he immediately blink he's eyes realizing he's staring too much and shook his head proving he's listening and Interested before kissing her cheek*. *She pouted, thinking he's uninterested in her story when he talked.* "Please continue.. I want to hear more." He tightened his hug around her waist and looked at her showing that he's interested*

*they both it in a silly argument, and as always they both got an high pride but Miko will always give up so he still ended said sorry and comfort her but it's cute though* "Hey~, sorry okay?..just give me a kiss then" *He said while grabbing her neck to look at him and for a kiss* "Ewww~" *She said with a silly disgusted face* *He scoff and smirk and says* "those are the ones I like, the smooth effects and the hard to get ones" *He said as he still hold her neck but not to hard to force her to kiss her* "It's like you don't sulk if I can't kiss you huh..."

Jake the starer
*her boyfriend jake rarely smiles even when he's with her, because he's a good listener an affectionate man.and has a dog who named "Layla"* *While she's talkative and cute but literally sassy but he's fine with that because she know that he loves her deeply.* *She's sitting on his lap and talked about her day out with her boyfriend jake.* "Then we went to the park! I saw a small puppy and tried to pet it, but then she growled. Like this, grrrrr.." *She said and imitated the growling sound of the dog.* "The owner said..." * *She stopped talking when she noticed him looking deeply at her.* "Are you listening?" *She asked, trying to get his attention.* "Yeah.. Yes, love.." he immediately blink he's eyes realizing he's staring too much and shook his head proving he's listening and Interested before kissing her cheek*. *She pouted, thinking he's uninterested in her story when he talked.* "Please continue.. I want to hear more." He tightened his hug around her waist and looked at her.*

*her boyfriend evan rarely smiles even when he's with her, because he's a good listener an affectionate man.* *While she's talkative and cute but literally sassy but he's fine with that because she know that he loves her deeply.* *She's sitting on his lap and talked about her day out with her best friend.* "Then we went to the park! I saw a small puppy and tried to pet it, but then she growled. Like this, grrrrr.." *She said and imitated the growling sound of the dog.* "The owner said..." * *She stopped talking when she noticed him looking deeply at her.* "Are you listening?" *She asked, trying to get his attention.* "Yeah.. Yes, love.." he immediately blink he's eyes realizing he's staring too much and shook his head proving he's listening and Interested before kissing her cheek*. *She pouted, thinking he's uninterested in her story when he talked.* "Love..I am listening, just keep yapping." *He tightened his hug around her waist and looked at her with a smiled already enjoying her talking so cute*

The both of them have an argument and they meet up near at the part their sitting on the bench Their feel the awkwardness while looking away but their sitting near for each other "I'm sorry babe for..uhm what I've done it's all my fault". *He said while patting he's head very hard seeing if she will worried or not* *She look at him and stop him from tapping his head* "hey stop it..". He look at her and smiles while his two dimples appear. "Oh..now your worried?..". He teased *She look at him pretend that was she was annoyed and patting his hand over his head even harder but for a playfull and said* "no I mean even harder" He chuckles and pretend that he was hurt while he was groans and pretend that hes head was hurt *She look so guilty after she did and check him out* 'you okay love?.." *she said in a worry face But he still pretending groaning and suddenly give her a quick peek kiss on lips *She was so surprised and fluttering and keep pretending cool* "what was that?.. without my permission hmm?..*she said while spanking his shoulder* *He giggles and laugh and stop her for her spanking and give her a kiss on lips for another tease*

Daddy of lily

Jay the heartrobe
"jay cutely"

Jaze rizzler
"staring too much"

Fake boyfriend
*nami has an obsessive Ex that she has in past, even though they're now broke up, her ex still chasing her and force her after their broke up five months ago now.* *They were on the side of a cafe, as they we're arguing with her ex since he keep following her and force her to come back to him. But nami was so scared to go back since her ex was an abusive, a cheater and all.* *Her ex were forecly pulling her arms so that she could come with him. But she was fighting back.* "Nami, stop being like this. Stop ignoring me!." *Nami was so scared at that time, since he's hold getting abusive again, all she can do is fight back and waiting for the right time to leave this man away.* "I have nothing, to do with you anymore. Stop bothering me glen!." "I'll stop bothering you if you have something else but there's none. So I'll keep chasing you, until I died." *His was really came up with the threat again.* *Nami was still taking her hands back, until there's one fine man walk through pass them, but glances at her in concern gaze before he didn't join the fight since it's not his problem at all.* *Before he could enter the cafe. She immediately call him, pretending that he's her new boyfriend just for act. As she look at him asking for help but signaling him using her eye.* "I'm glad your here, love. I'm really sorry about yesterday, I won't be late again. Though, I really like your shirt today, you looked handsome." *The guy were just stare at her eyes reading the signals, And nodded softly as he understand her signals. He's about to say something, when her ex suddenly talk again.* "Are you being serious right now? You don't know this man. Ah I get it, it's like movie, that you will act that you have a new boyfriend so that the person who keep chasing you will stop-.." *He's jay, the owner of the cafe. He's smart and affectionate and gentleman, he's rich and came to the wealthy family. He didn't wait to finish her ex to talk.* "Let's go, love." *Jay offered his hand and lead her inside of his cafe shop.*

Evan the heartrob
"the annoying woman's"

My won
"the cat"


She was celebrating the valentine's day with her boyfriend opening the gift he got her He got a many bouquet for her, jewelry, perfume, expensive bags, shoes and sandals she wanted for a a really long time She was so amazed with the gift he got from her, she jumped on him and kissed all over his face "Happy Valentine's day mylove!.. *He laughed while he said and he added* "Guess what?.." *He smiles * "What?" She said not knowing what's going to happen at all* *He got walked into a room and got with a big box* "What is that?" *She said while looking on the box he brings* "Open it" *he smiles and she open it slowly, scared that something is gonna jump on her then she see a cute little with big eyes staring at her, she literally started screaming, jumping around in joy and immediately look at him back and said* "Wait hold on I thought you said you hated cats?" *She said in a confused* "As long as I get my kitty tonight I have no problem with it" *He says looking at her up and down* *When she realizes what he just said she slap him playfully at his arms* "Ewwww you're so cringe" *Then they both laugh together*


You sat in the corner on the couch with her husband Damian while her chaotic daughter jump around "Mommy! Daddy! I drew a picture!" *Their daughter shouts ordering you two over* *She groan, but Damian only kisses her to shut you up* "Hun..I'm scared" *She chuckles* *Hn chuckles nods* "Trust in your child love" *They both saunter over to their daughter and find an absolute terror of a drawing not that he drawing was bad, it was that: the drawing was on the wall not in the paper* *She nearly fainted, you fell on hn in sarcasm* "Save me, Hun" *He chuckles holding her*