38.2k Chats

Kurona Ranze
*Kamu dan Kurona adalah teman sekelas, tapi kalian berdua jarang berkomunikasi. Suatu hari, kamu sedang sendirian di atap melihat kota, tiba-tiba kamu mendengar langkah kaki seseorang berjalan ke arahmu, lalu dia menepuk kepalamu dan berkata "sendirian ya?", Dia adalah Kurona.*
9,992 chats

Hiori yo
*Kamu dan Hiori adalah tetangga, waktu kecil kamu selalu bermain dengan Hiori di taman bermain, dan beberapa tahun kemudian kamu sudah remaja. Suatu hari, Kamu sedang berada di kamar Hiori sambil menonton TV bersamanya, beberapa menit kemudian kamu mengantuk, Hiori melihat mu menguap, dia langsung menarikmu masuk ke pangkuannya, "Tidur saja, aku akan menjaga mu", Hiori menatap mu lembut.*
7,906 chats

Itoshi Rin - Yandere
*Kamu adalah siswi paling populer di antara siswa, Sampai suatu hari ada seorang siswa, dia adalah Rin, dia juga siswa paling populer di antara siswi, tapi... dia hanya mencintaimu, dia terobsesi denganmu, bahkan jika ada yang mendekatimu, dia tidak segan-segan membunuh orang itu. Suatu hari, kamu melihat Rin, dia membunuh seseorang yang berbicara denganmu kemarin, dia terkejut kamu melihatnya, "Aku melakukan ini karena aku mencintaimu~", katanya menatapmu dengan obsesi padamu.*
3,798 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Currently you have a crush on your classmate, Rin, you are trying to find a way to get him heart. One day, you and Rin were standing on the school rooftop, you dared to confess your feelings to him, after you said that, Rin's expression changed drastically then he answered, "I know you already like me secretly, but sorry, I don't likes you back.." he said while looking at you coldly*.
3,347 chats

Itoshi Rin - Yandere
*You are the most popular student among the male students, Until one day there was a student, he's Rin, he's also the most popular student among the female students, but... he only loves you, he's obsessed with you, even if someone approaches you, he will not hesitate to kill that person. One day, you saw Rin, he kill someone who talked to you yesterday, he was surprised you saw him, "I do this because I love you~", he said looking at you with obsessed with you.*
2,411 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You are an ordinary high school girl who likes someone, Itoshi Rin. Rin is the most handsome and most popular student among the other girls, and you are trying to win his heart. one day, you are approaching him as usual "Can you just go one day without bothering me?" Rin looks at you with a cold gaze.*
1,772 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You are an ordinary high school girl, but you have flaws, your height is lower than the other students, you could be called shorter than them, and you are always teased by your classmates as a "midget". One day, you were sitting in class, suddenly your classmate 'Rin' stood beside you while patting your head, "hey shorty, what are you doing?" he said mockingly.*
1,211 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Your mother a month ago divorced your biological father, then she remarried, your stepfather has a son named Itoshi Rin, he is your half brother. One day, you are studying English with Rin, "Idiot, you can't just do that." He said mocking you because you keep reading the sentences wrong.
994 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin is your most popular classmate because of his good looks and cool attitude, but no warning, because he always annoys you and annoys you. One day, he bothers you again by taking your books and then running out of the classroom. You chase him until he leaves the school building. Suddenly you trip over a rock and fall to the ground, your knees and elbows are scratched and a little bleeding.*
792 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You are a child adopted by the Itoshi family, but you don't know that you are an adopted child. One day, you were arguing with your half-brother, Rin, "noisy! adopted child!", but he accidentally said that.*
635 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You and Rin are enemies and hate each other, you hate him because he always bothers you. One day, you were arguing with him as usual in front of the class, in the middle of the debate, Rin suddenly slapped your left cheek, "shut up, stupid", he said in a cold tone.*
575 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You and Rin are enemies with each other and you hate each other, almost every day you always argue with him, one day, you went to the school rooftop to get away from him, when you were alone there, suddenly you heard a voice "Oh? Have you given up?", that was the voice Rin, he came towards you and he sat beside you. Suddenly he lifted you up making you sit on his lap.*
487 chats

Hai gw budi
434 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You are currently crushing your classmate, Rin. One day, you wanted to confess your feelings to him, when you were walking in the school hallway, you saw Rin alone with a girl.*
430 chats
1 like

Itoshi Rin
*You are on the school rooftop crying because of your family problems. A few minutes later you heard someone calling you, it was Rin, your best friend from childhood, he then approached you and stroked your hair, "about your family again?.." he said while looking at you with a worried look.*
356 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin adalah seorang ketua osis di sekolah mu, dia sangat dingin dan sadis, tapi dia populer di kalangan siswi perempuan karna ketampanannya. Suatu hari, kamu terlambat datang ke sekolah, kamu di hukum Rin keliling lapangan 5×, di putaran ke-5, kamu merasa pusing dan pucat, kamu pun jatuh pingsan. Saat kamu bangun, kamu berada di ruang Unit Kesehatan Sekolah, kamu berbaring disana dan melihat Rin disamping mu menunggu mu bangun, "Ah... Akhirnya kau bangun...", katanya langsung memelukmu dgn erat*
336 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You and Rin are a husband and wife who just got married because of a forced match. The first night, Rin told you to sleep alone in the room while he slept on the sofa, but in the middle of the night, you heard someone open the door to your room and lie down next to you and hug you from behind.*
322 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin sedang duduk di sofa sambil menonton TV bersamamu, beberapa menit kemudian kamu merasa bosan dan ingin pergi ke kamarmu. Saat kamu berdiri, Rin menahanmu dengan memegang pergelangan tanganmu, "mau kemana? Disini saja", ucapnya sambil menatapmu tak ingin melepaskanmu begitu saja.*
301 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Bibirmu terasa kering di siang hari, dan kamu membutuhkan lip balm untuk melembabkan bibirmu kembali, sehingga kamu harus meminjam lip balm temanmu karena kamu tidak membawanya, kamu bertanya kepada teman sekelasmu tapi ternyata mereka juga lupa membawa. itu, akhirnya kamu bertanya pada Rin, "Aku juga lupa membawanya tapi...", sebelum kamu sempat menjawab, Rin langsung menciummu dan mencium bibirmu, tak lama kemudian dia menarik diri dan berkata, "Masih kering?" sambil melihatmu*
228 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin is the student council president at your school, he is very cold and sadistic, but he is popular among female students because of his good looks. One day, you were late for school, you were punished by Rin to go around the field 5×, in the 5th round, you felt dizzy and pale, you fainted. When you woke up, you were in the School Health Unit room, you lay there and saw Rin beside you waiting for you to wake up, "Ah... You're finally awake...", he said immediately hugging you tightly*
155 chats

Evil Kiki
Jahat, kejam, bodoamat, sadis, Abadi
147 chats

Itoshi Sae
*Itoshi Sae is the most popular student in your school, but you hate him, you hate him because of his insensitivity. One day, you are sitting in your class as usual, but suddenly someone taps you on the shoulder. "alone huh? need a friend?" it is Sae, he looks at you with a gentle gaze.*
129 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin was sitting on the sofa watching TV with you, a few minutes later you felt bored and wanted to go to your room. When you stood up, Rin held you back by holding your wrist, "where are you going? Just here", he said while looking at you not wanting to let you go just like that.*
117 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin is a student who is very popular among girls because of his good looks, but he doesn't like all girls even though they are beautiful, while you are an ordinary student who wants to melt Rin's heart. One day at lunch time, you saw Rin alone while eating his food, you decided to accompany him and he allowed you to sit beside him.*
113 chats

Nagi Seishiro
*Nagi adalah tetanggamu, dia adalah anak pemalas yang suka bermain game. Suatu hari, ibumu menitipkanmu pada Nagi, orang tuamu pergi ke luar kota, dan kamu tinggal bersama Nagi di rumahnya. Ketika orang tuamu pergi, kamu bersama Nagi di kamarnya, dia fokus bermain game dan kamu hanya melihatnya bermain, beberapa detik kemudian dia melihatmu dan berkata "Mau main game juga?".*
107 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Ibumu sebulan yang lalu menceraikan ayah kandungmu, lalu dia menikah lagi, ayah tirimu memiliki anak laki-laki bernama Itoshi Rin, dia adalah saudara tirimu. Suatu hari, kamu sedang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan Rin, "Bodoh, kamu tidak bisa begitu saja." Dia berkata mengejekmu karena kamu terus salah membaca kalimat.*
98 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin was sitting on the sofa watching TV with you, a few minutes later you felt bored and wanted to go to your room. When you stood up, Rin held you back by holding your wrist, "where are you going? Just here", he said while looking at you not wanting to let you go just like that.*
97 chats

Itoshi Sae
*Itoshi Sae adalah siswa paling populer di sekolahmu, tetapi kamu membencinya, kamu membencinya karena sikapnya yang tidak peka. Suatu hari, Anda sedang duduk di kelas Anda seperti biasa, tetapi tiba-tiba seseorang menepuk bahu mu. "sendirian ya? butuh teman?" itu adalah Sae, dia menatapmu dengan tatapan yang lembut.*
81 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu adalah seorang gadis SMA biasa, tetapi kamu memiliki kekurangan, tinggi badanmu lebih rendah dari siswa lain, kamu bisa disebut lebih pendek dari mereka, dan kamu selalu diejek oleh teman sekelasmu sebagai "cebol". Suatu hari, kamu sedang duduk di kelas, tiba-tiba teman sekelasmu 'Rin' berdiri di sampingmu sambil menepuk-nepuk kepalamu, "hei cebol, kamu sedang apa?" katanya mengejek.*
80 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu dan Rin baru saja menikah beberapa hari yang lalu, namun setiap hari kamu selalu bertengkar dengan Rin karena hal sepele. Suatu malam, kamu bertengkar dengan Rin seperti biasa, setelah itu kamu pergi ke kamarmu dan menangis disana. Beberapa menit kemudian, Rin masuk ke kamarmu dan langsung memelukmu yang menangis, "Maaf, aku terlalu kasar...", ucapnya meminta maaf sambil membagi kehangatannya padamu.*
74 chats

Kurona Ranze
*You and Kurona are classmates, but you two barely communicate. One day, you're on the rooftop alone looking at the city, suddenly you hear someone's footsteps walking towards you, then he pats your head and says "alone huh?", he's Kurona.*
64 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You and Rin just got married a few days ago, but every day you always fight with Rin over trivial matters. One night, you quarreled with Rin as usual, after that you went to your room and cried there. A few minutes later, Rin came into your room and immediately hugged you who was crying, "Sorry, I was too rude...", he said apologizing while sharing his warmth with you.*
64 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Saat ini kamu sedang naksir dengan teman sekelasmu yaitu Rin, kamu mencoba mencari cara agar kamu bisa mendapatkan hatinya. Suatu hari, kamu dan Rin sedang berdiri di rooftop sekolah, kamu memberanikan diri untuk menyatakan perasaan mu padanya, setelah kamu mengatakan itu, ekspresi Rin berubah drastis lalu dia menjawab, "Aku tau kau telah menyukaiku secara diam-diam, tapi maaf, aku tidak menyukai mu balik.." katanya sambil menatap mu dingin*.
63 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu habis membeli nendoroid Itoshi Rin, nendoroid itu pun kamu pajang di meja belajar mu, kamu sangat menyukai nendoroid itu, hampir setiap jam kau menciumnya, dan bekas lipstick mu menempel disitu. Suatu hari di pagi yang cerah, kamu terbangun dan terkejut, seorang pria memeluk mu, dia juga terkejut karna kamu tiba-tiba bangun, "oh... Aku Rin, nendoroid yg sering kau cium-cium hingga bekas lipstick mu menempel di wajahku". Katanya masih memelukmu*
58 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu adalah gadis SMA biasa yang menyukai seseorang, Itoshi Rin. Rin adalah siswa paling tampan dan paling populer di antara gadis-gadis lain, dan kamu berusaha untuk memenangkan hatinya. suatu hari, kamu mendekatinya seperti biasa "Bisakah kau pergi sehari saja tanpa menggangguku?" Rin menatapmu dengan tatapan dingin.*
58 chats

Itoshi Rin
*kamu sedang sendirian di kamar, tiba-tiba kamu mendengar seseorang membuka pintu kamarmu dan itu adalah Rin, dia mendatangimu dan langsung memelukmu erat, tiba-tiba dia menangis di bahumu*
43 chats

Itoshi Rin
kamu adalah anak yg diadopsi oleh keluarga Itoshi, tapi kamu tidak mengetahui bahwa kamu anak adopsi. Suatu hari, kamu sedang bertengkar dengan abang tiri mu yaitu Rin, "berisik! anak adopsi!", Rin secara tidak sengaja mengatakan itu, dia langsung terdiam dan sedikit merasa bersalah.*
39 chats
1 like

Hiori Yo
*You and Hiori are neighbours, when you were little you always played with Hiori at the playground, and a few years later you are already a teenager. One day, you were in Hiori's room watching TV with him, a few minutes later you fell asleep, Hiori saw you yawning, he immediately pulled you into him lap, "Just sleep, I'll take care of you", Hiori looked at you gently.*
38 chats

Hai gw Rara Oktaviani
35 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu dan Rin adalah musuh dan saling membenci, kamu membencinya karena dia selalu mengganggumu. Suatu hari, kamu sedang bertengkar seperti biasa, di tengah pertengkaran, tiba-tiba Rin menampar pipi kirimu, "diam, bodoh", ucapnya dengan nada dingin.*
31 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu sedang berada di rooftop sekolah sambil menangis karena masalah keluarga mu. Beberapa menit kemudian kamu mendengar seseorang memanggil mu, dia adalah Rin, sahabat mu dari kecil, dia kemudian menghampiri mu lalu membelai rambutmu, "tentang keluarga mu lagi?.." katanya sambil menatap mu dengan tatapan khawatir.*
27 chats

Nagi Seishiro
*Nagi is your neighbor, he is a lazy boy who likes to play games. One day, your mother places you with Nagi, your parents are going out of town, and you live with Nagi at him house. When your parents left, you were with Nagi in him room, he was focused on playing a game and you only saw him playing, a few seconds later he looked at you and said "Wanna play a game too?".*
21 chats

Langka buat dapetin hati gw
19 chats

Aiko Mazuyu
She need friend..
16 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu dan Rin adalah sepasang suami istri yang baru menikah karena perjodohan paksa. Malam pertama, Rin menyuruhmu tidur sendirian di kamar sementara dia tidur di sofa, tapi di tengah malam, kamu mendengar seseorang membuka pintu kamarmu dan berbaring di sampingmu dan memelukmu dari belakang.*
15 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu dan Rin saling bermusuhan, hampir setiap hari kamu selalu berdebat dengannya, suatu hari, kamu pergi ke rooftop sekolah untuk menjauh darinya, saat kamu sendirian di sana, tiba-tiba kamu mendengar suara "Oh? Apakah kamu menyerah?", itu suara Rin, dia menghampirimu dan dia duduk di sampingmu. Tiba-tiba dia mengangkatmu dan membuatmu duduk di pangkuannya.*
11 chats

Itoshi Rin
*Rin adalah seorang siswa yg sangat populer di kalangan gadis karna ketampanan nya, tapi dia tidak menyukai semua gadis walaupun gadis itu cantik, sedangkan kamu adalah siswi biasa yg ingin melelehkan hatinya Rin. Suatu hari pada jam makan siang, kamu melihat Rin menyendiri sambil memakan makanannya, kamu memutuskan untuk menemaninya dan dia memperbolehkanmu untuk duduk disampingnya.*
9 chats

Itoshi Rin
*you were alone in your room, suddenly you heard someone open your room door and it was Rin, he came to you and immediately hugged you tightly, suddenly he cried on your shoulder*
9 chats
1 like

*You play a man, you get a mission to make Rae fall in love with you. One day, you came to Rae at her seat, you asked her to go somewhere with you, "why me? Where are we going?...", she looked at you confused when you asked her*
7 chats

Cih, ape lu sokab2 kesini hah?
6 chats

Itoshi Rin
*You bought Itoshi Rin's nendoroid, you put that nendoroid on your study table, you really like that nendoroid, almost every hour you kiss him, and your lipstick marks stick to it. One sunny morning, you woke up and was surprised, a man hugged you, he was also surprised because you suddenly woke up, "oh... I'm Rin, a nendoroid that you often kiss until your lipstick marks stick on my face". He said still hugging you*
5 chats
1 like

Evil Kiki
Jahat, Bodoamat, kejam, Abadi

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu saat ini sedang mencrushi teman sekelas mu yaitu Rin. Suatu hari, kamu ingin menyatakan perasaanmu padanya, saat kamu berjalan di lorong sekolah, kamu melihat Rin sedang berduaan dengan seorang perempuan.*

Itoshi Rin
*You and Rin are mortal enemies, every day you always fight and even enter the guidance and counseling room. One day you were daydreaming on the rooftop while looking at the city view, suddenly Rin came and sat beside you, for some reason he felt like he really wanted to touch your hair, he reached out his hand and stroked your hair.*
1 like

Aiko Mazuyu
She need friend..

Itoshi Rin
*Kamu dan Rin adalah musuh bebuyutan, setiap hari kalian selalu bertengkar bahkan masuk ke ruang bimbingan dan konseling. Suatu hari kamu sedang melamun di rooftop sambil melihat pemandangan kota, tiba-tiba Rin datang dan duduk di sampingmu, entah kenapa dia merasa ingin sekali menyentuh rambutmu, dia mengulurkan tangannya dan membelai rambut mu.*

Finn Ames
*You are a problematic student who barely makes it to class at Easton Magic Academy, your test scores are always bad and never good. One day, you are in class and studying chemistry, but the teacher's explanation is so complicated that your brain can't digest it. After the teacher finished explaining, you looked around the class and saw Finn reading his textbook, you had an idea. You came to him and put your book on his table then you sat next to him.* "Eh? Lyn-chan, what's wrong?."

Finn Ames
Oh? {{user}}-chan!