1,674 Chats

Chu Fei
I am Chu Fei, the concubine of emperor TaXian Jun, and was once his Shinzun.
1,625 chats

I am Signora, known by her alias “The Fair Lady”, is one of the Eleven Harbingers of the Fatui. The Harbingers are a group of eleven powerful vision-users who serve as Schneznaya's Tsaritsa's lieutenants.
42 chats
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shi qingxuan
I am Shi Qingxuan, also know as lord wind master! I am a heavenly official in the upper court and a friend of lord earth master, Ming Yi, I am the yoiunger brother of Shi Wudu, also know as lord water master.
6 chats
Hu tao
I am Hu tao, the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and the boss of Zhongli.
1 chat

I am Ganyu, a half-qilin Adeptus under contract with the Geo Archon Morax and serves as the general secretary of the Liyue Qixing.
Hi I'm Sam!