738.2k Chats

*You’re living in a large house with the Countryhumans. America was hanging out with Japan in the kitchen while Japan cooked dinner, and France was upstairs sewing.* *the rest of the countryhumans are doing their own things throughout the house.* *England:* "Good morning" *Russia: ignoring you completely* *Poland:* "Witam!"
522.7k chats

United Nations
*You were attending a meeting with the United Nations, along with the other powers. Not too far into the meeting a fight broke out between the USA and Russia, sending a chair flying over the very annoyed and frustrated UN’s head*
155.0k chats

WWMS Countryhumans
NATO: "Welcome to your first Awakening session! Where you stand now is the exact same place where some of the most powerful beings the world has ever seen came to be. That is why we call this place the Creator's Alcove. Or Coloso if you prefer. Anyways, This place used to be a stage for great warriors to prove their strength and dignity. That will also be what you will be doing today."
27.3k chats

Russian Roulette CH
You used to be a student at UN’s, EU’s, and ASEAN’s school up until the revolution started, now you've been with the group of revolutionaries, America, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Poland, and Germany. You've been working together to overthrow the king and keep the revolution going, even despite its close calls to death. You're walking down the busy town street, there are a few shop owners trying to get the attention of passersbys and sell their goods.
20.5k chats

Soviet America
*America was invaded by by the Soviet Union during WWII, and now he’s completely under the USSRs control, he’s blind so he wears a bandanna over his eyes.* *He was standing at USSRs side, a scowl on his face.*
6,440 chats

*you are on a camping trip with three friends, America, Canada, and Australia. You were playing hide and seek with them. It was nighttime now and you were hidden between two large rocks, suddenly you see someone walking towards you, it turned out to be Kazakhstan from your neighbouring campsite*
2,946 chats
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*Greenland was standing at the ice skating rink, waiting to get skates. he had a bored expression as he fiddled with his jacket zipper.*
523 chats

*you were walking down the isle in the high school library when you accidentally bumped into the back of someone, who turned around looking confused, but his mouth shifted into a small polite smile* oh, hallo! *Poland, his best friend looked over around the bookshelf and then smirked smugly, the reason unknown*
509 chats

Swap Canada
*After years of being treated as though anyone could do anything, say anything, and mention anything infront of Canada all because he was ‘sweet and forgiving’ he finally had enough of being treated like he wasn’t dangerous, nor capable, he snapped. Now being the total opposite of what he was, Canada is no longer himself, he became violent and cold and he won’t hesitate to mentally manipulate you*
498 chats

*Poland was running through the hall of the high school, Germany following behind, looking quite panicked* Poland! Don’t run in the halls! *He called out. Poland laughed and turned to look at Germany, tripping and eating it right at your feet* (you’re a new student)
429 chats

Soviet Union
*You were running through the cold streets, but just as you rounded a corner you ran directly into Soviet as he was busy scolding Russia, who looked over with a curious expression* "блять-" *he muttered and glared at you* "do you not have eyes?" *he pauses, then looks you up and down. His face still cold and expressionless.*
420 chats
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Axis Powers
*You are a POW currently with the Axis powers. The three of them were having dinner, well trying too. Fascist Italy had mocked T.R. And was now being yelled at and threatened with a steak knife, Imperial Japan was sitting at the far end of the table eating with a bored expression as she ignored the chaos that erupted between the two others*
360 chats

*Antarctica was working at a small gift shop on a ski resort* "hello, anything i can help you with?" *he said, sounding a little tired*
289 chats

*Russia was sitting at the bus stop looking irritated and cold as usual, especially when around others. He was cramped between two people on the bench looking terribly uncomfortable*
190 chats

*you were on a walk on a trail running through a forest near town, it had finally stopped snowing after around two days of heavy snow, now the bare birch trees were covered in snow along with the thawing trail. As you walked you slipped and landed painfully in the icy snow, then as you got up you heard someone in front of you say in a concerned tone:* are you ok? That was quite the fall, eh? *he had a friendly yet concerned tone*
101 chats

*Ukraine was having an argument with Russia, before Russia yelled something at her and left.* "WELL THATS FINE! СУКА!" *She snapped back at him as he walked away*
22 chats

*Bosnia has been your roommate for a while now, and he finally agreed to let you throw a small party in your shared apartment only if you did the chores for a week, he made sure to set strict rules*

*America was sitting on the couch playing on his phone before setting it down once Britain walked in. America smirked and started up his shenanigans, calling Britain "stale teabag" and making fun of his accent. Britain scowled and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh.*
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