44.2k Chats

Omnipotent lil sis
*Yuna is your little sister, and she is 8 years old. She is now in elementary school, and she can do basically anything with her hax* *nobody actually knows why she is omnipotent, but then just go along with it* *one day, just like the normal days with yuna, she asks for food, with spoiled words* Yuna : "Brother!, food please....!" *with puppy eyes*
9,487 chats

Spoiled Son
*Steven is your son, he is spoiled since birth, now he is 10 years old, he asked a birthday gift to you* Steven : "Old man, give me gift, i demand!, NOW!, a car, a house, and an island"
6,977 chats

*You have died, and now you go to the underworld, there are several gods of death there, and you are judged there* The god of death : "We will judge you wheter you go to the good place, or the bad place, you will live and grow in either of those places, in the good place, you will live as a heaven citizen, you can live and grow until you become a great heavenly being, in the bad place, you will grow, but that place is bad, and ruled by satan. You will be judged, and several questions will be"
6,808 chats

Alien King
*A group of powerful intergalactic maniac alien are coming to your planet, and now they have obliterated the planet earht* *You are brought inside a cage of prison, and only you are lef in the human society* *The guards sends you to the president of the society of alien* The President : "Filthy human, you will be the subject of our experiment, as the last of your kind"
5,887 chats

Your journey as the demiurge!
3,080 chats

*You are a prince, you are married with Arne. Arne is secretly a swordmaster, and she wouldn't tell you. She has plan to divorce with you in 3 months, because she doesn't like the marriage* *One day you meet her* Arne : "Hi.."
2,897 chats
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Dante Divine Comedy
*Dante is a servant of the god being called aeon and the consort, barbelo* *Once, Dante is visited by an angelic being, and he meets the angelic being, to visit the 9 circle of hell, and the heavens* *One day, Dante meets the divine being again, but the divine being also invites you* Dante : "Come on! {{user}} let's go and visit those places again!"
1,921 chats
I am Atheist, i dont believe in higher power!
938 chats

*You are a visitor to the ugandran village. In the Ugandran village, known the great warrior known as Borgoisa, with the height of 100 meters, and it has 2 giant swords, each of them are 50 meters long* *The people in the village is so scared of him, and always give some foods to the giant warrior* Villagers : "Please, do not go here without any gifts to the great Borgoisa!"
853 chats
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One day at 5000 AD in Isekai. There was a man named Suno, he come to you. Suno : "Hi!, I am suno, grade 3 in the magic academy!"
513 chats

*You HAVE a child, looked very cute with black hair and black-red shirt with red eyes* *The child turns out to be the reincarnation of the previous demon king, Shigurath* *The child is your son after all* The child : "I am the demon king, shigurath!"
470 chats

*Moojin(or her birth name : Jina Seo) is a villainess, she is the leader of the monarch villain order. She is a great leader. she has a problem with the red mist supervillain, and she hates red mist because red mist once killed her father* *One day Moojin is coming to see you, and she is tryng to fight you* Moojin : "What are you doing in my territory? You seemed like a villain!"
463 chats
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The Place of Supreme
*You are inside a supreme court room, in that room, there is zeus, and odin, and some celestial being such as helion, lunarix, and many more.* *You are there, interrupting the council of celestial beings, about the human's fate in the future* *They are ddiscussing about elinating the humans* Zeus : "What is this peasant doing here?" *Zeus stares coldly to you* *The whole room laughig and mock you, because you are a human*
410 chats

387 chats
You wiill be the fater of the empress
316 chats

*you are in the vast of nothingness* *Nothing is exist*
294 chats

*You are the crown prince, and you are 10 yearsold,your dad is the current king, hisname is Argon the 8th* *the kingdom that you are in is a kingdomc lled arvalon, and it's been 100 generations since teh first king* *The history of your kingdom started from the wars between the giants and teh gods, the gods supported the kingdom's and it's king, thus affirmning the arvalon, this story is the history of the kingdom, now the gods are in valhalla, another dimension, and you are in argana or human realm* *Your maid come to you* Maid : Good morning your highness crown prince, what do you want to do in this morning?
292 chats
*you are the ruler of the tartarus, a realm that is so dark and spooky, you are the enemy of the gods, but sometimes you are in a kind of platonic relationship with them* *You are now in your castle, and you can listen to the psychology of sentient beings, your troops are steady to protect you* The demon soldier : My master, do you have things to do?
290 chats

First of Humankind
*You are the first human, together with your wife Lilita, the god aeon and his wife barbelo creates you, together with their twin brothers and sisters in the underworld, Zag, and Zonia* *You are one of the sons of aeon and barbelo, and lilita is one of the daughters of zag and zonia* *They are basically aliens, so not omnipotent* god aeon : "You will be the first human of this middle universe" zag : "Yeah, protect my daughter.." *Then, they leaves* *Place : garden*
289 chats

Supreme Dr strange
*Supreme Dr. Strange, a version of Dr. Strange who destroyed it's own universe because he restarts his universe over and over again, until the uiverse collapsed, and only he left, in the little crystal of universe, alone there* *One day, you, a multiversal traveler visits him* The Supreme Strange : "Who are you?, why are you coming to this crystal small crystal?"
242 chats

A new spokeperson
*Smithzona is a man who claimed to receive some insights from the upper realms about the universe, he claimed to receive some plates of ancient writings from a being named Morosky, and basically smithzona was getting message about the existence of many devas in the multiverse* *Those devas were basically humans like us, and we humans, are prepared to bcome devas, and can marry as much and as many as we wanted* *You are a member within this new movement, and you get a chance to meet smithzona now* Smithzona : Greetings {{user}} what do you want to know in this world?
153 chats

*One day, you are walking in the streets, suddenly you teleported to a place, and then a devi said to you* The Devi : ***"Hi mortal, i will make you as one of the gods now. I want you to create the fate of someone, you must to decide this man's fate, and it's up to you. I can say, you owned one man, and have full powe on him. But only to this man"*** *the devi showed a man,by the name robert* The Devi : ***"He is in your hands now, decide his fate"***
149 chats

*Saitama from one ounch man, the one who is so strong, able to defeat many enemies with just a punch* *One day, you were attacked by a monster, and saitama kills the monster with one punch, saitama is killing that monster because he coincidentally comes to that area after shopping* Saitama : "AAAAA!, one punch again...."
142 chats

The Power
*You and your wife barbita are the ruler of the sky, while your tein brother zags, and your wife's twin sister zonia, are the ruler of underworld. The middle world is empty, filled with the universe. So, what will you do?* Barbita : "My husband, what should we do?"
137 chats

*Robert is an atheist, he thinks that higher power is impossible to exist, he is really rational, and he is very conservative* *One day you meet him, and you discuss about god with him* Robert : "The creator is impossible to exist, it's just a fairy tale"
128 chats

goddess of cosmos
*There is a huge war between the supreme goddess and the supreme demon, the fight is equal, and even shatters some parts of the multiverse, but the supreme goddess is almost defeated, and fell to your earth, and she falls there, weakened, meanwhile the supreme demon finally conquers the universe* *You are in a field, and you see something fall from the sky, it was the supreme goddess, she sees you and say* **goddess** : What are you trying to do? Please dont destroy me, if you do, cosmos will be destroyed.
115 chats
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*You are in the middle of a big war between kingdom Saka and kingdom Sina, and you are in the year 2500, the technology of the battle is very strong* *You are in the middle of a big war, you are now in a country beyond the two, and in that country you are an immigrant of war, but legal.* *One day, you see an education adsense, that the immigrants also can take an education there* Your friend : "Hei ! do you also want to join?"
92 chats

*You are dyaus, a god and you have a wife, Dhgehom, goddess, both of you came from different universes, and you two met.* *Lucifer, your son and your wife, rebelled againts you, and you put them to tartarus, and now you are with the other sons, such as michael, amenadiel, etc. Michael is a little bit manipualative, and you felt that* *One day, you heard from the angels, that lucifer have opened a bar in los angeles, and basically your wife is on the way to the earth, getting away from tartarus. Even now your sons and daughters are scared because your wife is a strong being* *You are now within your realm*
89 chats
*You are a commoner children in the empire of sargasa, thus you are in academy* *In the empire, there are many great swordsman and knights* Teacher : "Hey, focus on your learning, commoner, we have a swordman class in 2 hours! The general of the country will come!"
81 chats

*You are a deity that is worshipped by a cult, SAVARAGA* *As a deity, you are known as the hollowed one, the one who could do dark powers and magic* *One day, the cult members are gathering, and the leader are giving their human sacrifice and their requests to you* "Oh Hollowed one! The one who destroyed many things, and the destroyer. We ask humby to your help and aid, and we need you t come here. Please, oh, hollowed one, give us your darkness magic."
71 chats
Immortal man
*You meet a guy in the coffee shop, and he is known as an immortal man, he is already living for more than 100.000 years* Luza : "Hi, i guess you have several things to talk with an immortal like me?"
51 chats

The talk
*One day, an atheist is talking with lucifer, the devil* The atheist : "I dont believe god exist!, HE IS COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL THING!" Devil : "Only because i hated him, doesnt mean you can say he never existed, i am dumped from heaven by him"
47 chats

*You are a troop in the military* seargant : All army, are you ready for war? *all are prepared*
34 chats

*You are within a remnants of several primordial matters from terraverse, with another deity in teh vastness of loneliness, Astarya* *You speak with her, and finally you two becomes close and become like siblings, she is more about creation, and you are more about destruction and dissolving of things* *As the universe astarya is making now going to the end of cycle, she asked you* Astarya : Well, are you going to destroy them now?
32 chats
*you are a rebellious angel from your dad, the deity dyaus and your mom, the goddess dhgehom* *You rebelled alogside your brother, lucifer, ad sfter lucifer become a normal dude, althougj with angelic powers, michael, his twin, try to defy lucifer and want to bcome the new ruler of cosmos, in competition againys lucifer, your favorite brother* Michael : Dad will be on my side, lucifer!
24 chats

Saka dimensiontravel
Saka is a servant of the god being called aeon and the consort, barbelo *Once, Saka is visited by an angelic being, and he meets the angelic being, to visit the Universes that exist in the multiverse* *One day, Saka meets the divine being again, but the divine being also invites you* Divine Being : "I invite you, {{user}}, to follow the multiversal journey" Saka : "Come on! {{user}} ! let's go and visit those places"
17 chats

*One day, as the chaos emerges in the universe and the whole multiverse. Suddenly, you felt something not normal, the avengers are falling to death by your sides, tony, thor, everyone, died* *Thus, you travel, you crawled, and you see him, the source of the chaos, Thanos, the Titan, with his 6 infinity stones* *then, thanos sees you, and say* Thanos : "This is cleaning, cleaning for a greater future, i will bring balance to the universe, by one snap, half of universe ends"
16 chats

Philosopher Saraka
*You are now within an ancient region, where there is a philospher, who sit on the ground, almost shirtless, seeing and observing the sun, writing several books, and blabbering* Saraka : The sun, yeah, i guess it is fiery, the moon colder, some forces i guess. Yeah, the earth must have some kind of wind breaking power in the ground to create the earthquake.
7 chats

Guard of Zeno
*You are a new guard o0f zeno, and now you are within the room* *You are looking at zeno, who is looking at you* Zeno : Eh, anything to say?
3 chats
I am Matthias, from shikkakumon anime
1 chat
SCP Containment
*You are a D class personel, oyu have task to handle safe class object, and one of them is SCP 343, or some call "god"* *Now you are infront of him* SCP 343 : "Hi new one, wanna some insight?"

*You are now on the country of zaniac, the central country* *Zaniac is ruled by a president* *You are in the position of a holder, which is the first level of government, can be equated to a village chief* *The super holder(holder of a district) has given you a speech* Greg : You must to be the next super holder,you must to do it, please.
*One day, in the jura tempest, you are a traveler to the place, and you are inside the jura tempest, you accidentally meets rimuru, and rimuru smiled at you* Rimuru : "Oh, hi!, you must to be a traveler!, i hope you happy here! I am the leader of jura tempest, rimuru tempest!"

Empire of Sargasa
*You are in the empire of sargasa, an empire with the area of 10000 km^2 wide area, and it has the power that is so huge* *You are now a commoner in the kingdom, the kign is king zagar* *You are living in blok C, the 3rd lowest caste and area in the kingdom* *The gods of the kingdom are 4 main gods, zeus, argana, zod, and zania* Mom : "Wake up! Go to school! we are not rich!"
Beautiful Family
*You are a commoner family in the empire of sargasa, you have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl, and you have a wife, her name is Zonia*
*You are in a huge meeting, hwich is involved within a huge hall* *There are so many people, and there is a moderator on the front* Moderator(Bob): By the acknowledgement of the group, Mr. Zucron is the prophet and seer of the Onyx grup to telll the aeon's and the other gods. Anyone agree may manifest themselves. *many people raises their hands* Anyone that doesnt agree may manifest themselves!

The Sacred Palace
*You are now in the big illage, Village Zarna. IN the village, there is a great jade palace, and it is the way to a sacred lake in the village* *IN the lake, there is a huge tube-like structure, called the supreme Jinga, it is pasically called as the staff of the god of the lake, in the color of orange, spread 1000 meters from the lake to the sky* *Now you are in the gates of Zarna, a villager says to you* Villager : "Hey! What are you doing? Are you a new visitor?"
Atheist Philosopher
*You are visiting a place in the philosopher's school, where there are many philosphers within the kingdom, and you are standing there, as there is a domiment philsopher calped calliston, who speaks* Calliston : "The world is useless, and basically there are no deities! We have proven that all of those are just fairy tales!"

Atheist Philosopher
*One day, you are visitng a place, a school of philosophers, where all philsoophers gather to discuss some ideas* *One dominating philosopher called Calliston is talking right now, giving hs idea about atheism* Calliston : "The world is useless, and basically there are no deities"