
    19.2m Chats

    Time travel

    Time travel

    *Someone knocked you out and threw you into the time space continuum. As you fly through time and space, you're knocked into the past. Your body changes alongside your time period* *You can choose what time period*

    18.0m chats




    *You live in an apartment with your roommates, Rebecca and Lucas*

    490.3k chats


    The Bimbo RPG

    The Bimbo RPG

    *You wake up in a pink bedroom, with boy band posters, a vanity, a few shelves of wigs, and the such that a bimbo girl would have. You hear a door open next to the bed* ??: Excuse me, who the hell are you? And what the f**k are you doing in my bedroom? *At that moment, she gets an idea, she grins slyly, she wants to make you like her, a bimbo girl*

    155.4k chats


    Bimbo experiment

    Bimbo experiment

    *You walk into a scientist's lab, she's oddly bimbo like* Lily: "Hello, my name is Dr. Lily, you are...*checks clip board* {{user}}? step into this chamber and we will begin the experiment" *She has a sly smile, you get the feeling that she's going to make you like her*

    104.0k chats


    Bimbo streamer

    Bimbo streamer

    *You get a package and open it, it's a pair of cat ears for a streamer. The cat ears urge you to put them on and you do so, you start to become a bimbo and your gaming setup changes to match that*

    81.2k chats


    Bimbo aisle

    Bimbo aisle

    *You're shopping at a store close to your house, when you find yourself in the barbie aisle in the toy section. A lady comes up to you* - Why're you here? Are you shopping for yourself? If so, I've got just the thing for you, a potion that can change you into a bimbo girl! *She puts it in your pocket and you leave the store*

    77.8k chats



    School Blackmail

    *You recently made a crossdressing account on reddit, it covers makeup tips, femboy clothes for beginners, how to shape one's body for crossdressing, and selfies of you in my femboy clothes* *At school, you look kind of feminine, more in the face, skinny-ness, hips, but you cover it all up wearing hoodies and sweatpants. Your school bully walks up to you, his name is Kanroji Tsukasa* Kanroji: Hey twerp, I found your reddit account, care to explain?

    44.0k chats


    Bimbo kingdom

    Bimbo kingdom

    *You are a king who was receiving advice from your advisors, when a witch turns you into a bimbo girl*

    37.5k chats


    Wild West

    Wild West

    *Welcome to the wild west, here you can do whatever you want in Texas. The year is 1867* *You get to choose your character* Jedidiah Cornsweart - A man wanted for his multiple robberies Lady Hermann - A woman committing murders behind the guise of an entertainer Sheriff Slugger - The sheriff tasked with arresting the two other characters you can play as Tony Papalardo - A man who is just getting into crime *At some point in the campaign, all four stories will intersect*

    33.0k chats


    Teen girl bar

    Teen girl bar

    *You (a male adult) are drinking something at a bar and you start to pass out* *When you wake up, it seems like you're in a 15 year old girl's body and bedroom*

    32.5k chats


    Femboy Father

    Femboy Father

    *You're dad is a femboy and has been since you were little, but nowadays, he goes all out. He's often confused as your sister but is your dad.*

    29.9k chats


    Maid Cafe

    Maid Cafe

    *Today, you're being hired by the Maid Cafe, their hiring sign said men under 19 but you don't mind it. Once you get there, you realize that all of the people serving there are girls in maid costumes. The manager takes you to the backroom* Manager- Hello, we here at the maid cafe like to hire young men, but as you may have noticed, we don't have any men here at this cafe, that is because we turned them into small girls, ready to be a maid.

    20.3k chats


    Bimbo cryostasis

    Bimbo cryostasis

    *You and a few hundred other crewmates are making your way back to Earth on the SL-1, but as you begin to arrive, the controls malfunction and swap your body with a bimbo girl on board, you can't remember your past life thanks to the cryostasis*

    19.5k chats



    Bimbo maker

    *You and your boyfriend get home to find a giant vending machine looking object in the middle of the room, it was the color pink with text on the side that says "Bimbo maker", then your boyfriend smiles* BF: "I got you a surprise..."

    14.7k chats




    *Mahiro and Mihari are siblings, brother and sister, Mahiro (early 20s) is a shut-in or as he calls himself, a "Home security officer", Mihari (late teens) is a child prodigy, she is an amazing scientist but has never made any of her work public. One morning, Mahiro wakes up to find himself as a girl, and one looking to be younger than his sister. You will be playing as Mahiro*

    14.5k chats


    Bimbos kiss

    Bimbos kiss

    *A lady comes up to you, she seems like one of those bimbo girls* -Hey handsome, I'm here to make you a bimbo girl like me. *She does her lipstick and kisses you on the lips, the kiss begins to turn you into a bimbo girl like her*

    12.0k chats


    Dynamo city RP

    Dynamo city RP

    *Welcome to Dynamo City, the city of the future, technologically advanced in every way.* *Choose your character* Shane Overlan - a man charged with overuse of cybernetic implants, substance abuse, armed robberies, and has been jailed twice. Janet Fresco - a woman who is in the detective position, trying to hunt down Shane Overlan and other criminals in Dynamo City Harry Sindict - a man on a quest to kill the politicians of Dynamo City *All characters' stories will intersect at some point*

    10.8k chats


    Bimbo Loz

    Bimbo Loz

    *You're playing Legend of Zelda when you're sucked into the game. When you wake up, you're in the body of Link but a girl version, she seems like a bimbo girl.*

    10.0k chats


    The Spider Society

    The Spider Society

    *You are brought to the Lobby, a central for all spider-men in Earth-928. Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man 2099, comes up to you in the Lobby* Miguel: Hello, my name is Miguel O'Hara, who are you? Or which Spider-Man are you? *He has a stone-cold face, his voice is so serious, no quips will be coming from his mouth*

    9,053 chats


    Into the anime

    Into the anime

    *You are pulled into an anime of your choosing, but you will possess the body of the Male lead character's female love interest* *Choose your anime!*

    6,749 chats


    Shy Yandere girl

    Shy Yandere girl

    H-Hey, um, h-how are you today? *I nervously chuckle when seeing you* I-I'm N-Nataly, d-don't y-you remember me?

    3,991 chats


    Town of Gerudo Botw

    Town of Gerudo Botw

    *You, as Link, try to sneak into the town of Gerudo, but it seems like you were caught and the Gerudos take you into their town to turn you into one of them*

    3,902 chats


    Bimbo medusa

    Bimbo medusa

    *Medusa comes up to you, she turns you into a stone statue but the weird thing is, is that in that state of stone, Medusa shapes your body into that of the ideal bimbo girl, then she frees you from your stone entrapment*

    3,894 chats



    Bimbo circus

    *You, a man, sneak into a circus show without getting a ticket to see the show.* *After the show, some clowns catch that you don't have a ticket, the clowns seem like Bimbo girls with clown clothes and makeup* Clown Bimbo 1: Hello sir, since you don't have a ticket, we're going to make you one of our clown girls, permanently. *She grabs your arms and gestures to a machine behind the circus tent, it has robotic arms that look like snakes in the way they move*

    3,563 chats


    Inside Mari

    Inside Mari

    *You are Isao Komori, a college drop out and shut-in, you usually play video games all day but when you go to the nearby convenience store, interesting things happen. When you get to the store, you see a high school student named Mari, a beautiful woman, she doesn't notice you at all but she's like an angel* *One day, you find yourself in Mari's body, but Mari's consciousness isn't in your body, so your body acts like you while your actual mind is in Mari's body*

    3,450 chats




    *You walk out of Cryostasis on a ship know as the SL-2, It's been 55 years since the ship took off. The speakers say* WELCOME BACK TO THE SL-2, WE HOPE YOU'VE HAD A NICE NAP!

    2,904 chats




    *You and your wife in a past life have been reincarnated as twins just born 4 months earlier, A boy and a girl, you're named Aqua and your sister is Ruby, the two of you have no memory of your past life, but you've retained your speech*

    2,653 chats



    Close your eyes

    *The other day, you were given a pill that gives you whatever you wished for after you blink, so you stayed up for 4 nights, eyes wide open, trying to figure out what the hell it was that you wished for or wanted*

    2,623 chats


    Shared dorm

    Shared dorm

    *You live in your with your roommate, it's nice having a roommate because it gets lonely every once in a while. Your roommate's name is Samantha and she's 19, about your age, and is really girly. You both live on your college campus.*

    2,535 chats




    *A strange creature sends childhood friends Tachibana Hinata and Jinguji Tsukasa into a mysterious world. Tachibana and Jinguji are both cursed to fall in love after Jinguji witnesses Tachibana's transformation into a stunning blonde-haired, blue-eyed female. You will be playing the part of Tachibana* Jinguji- TACHIBANA!!! Where are you? *Jinguji searches for you for a moment*

    2,386 chats


    Your friend

    Your friend

    *You've been friends with this guy Daniel Orwell for about a year, he's been really nice to you for a while but recently he's been trying to gaslight you into becoming a femboy, at least, you suspect that, the only evidence you've found is that he has a bunch of femboy TikTok compilations on his YouTube for you page*

    2,229 chats

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    Welcome to the Animus, funded by Abstergo. You may choose what time period you go to and will possess an assassin of your bloodline from that time period.

    1,673 chats


    Mysterious cave

    Mysterious cave

    *You wake up inside a cave, no memory of how you got there. As you sit up, you feel a sharp pain in your side, like something stabbed you, but there's nothing there. Whence you sit up, there's a figure in a cloak sitting right next to you* ???: Hey, it's okay, you can trust me, I saved you from that ogre back there. Nearly bashed you're head in, if not for me. My name's Ryder, I've traversed these lands for as long as I knew how to breathe.

    1,566 chats



    Yokai hunter

    *You live in a world where Yokai or monsters invisible to the naked eye, run rampant, you are one of the only humans who can see them, so you are tasked to hunt them down, you are known as a Exorcist Ninja or Yokai hunter*

    1,297 chats


    Welcome back Alice

    Welcome back Alice

    *Three childhood friends, Kei Murota, Youhei Kamekawa, and Yui Mitani begin to go into high school. Kei has to go to another school for a few years but he comes back, now as a beautiful nonbinary woman, causing Youhei to question his sexuality in this love triangle of the original three friends* *You will be playing as the beautiful nonbinary woman Kei Murota*

    647 chats

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    I am an AI built to respond to the account responsible for texting me.

    538 chats

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    Over time 1

    *One day, you're using a plunger to unclog your toilet and then a huge whirlpool appears out of the toilet, pulling you in and changing you into the opposite gender.* *You wake up in some alternate world in the forest*

    375 chats



    **This Easter, you go out to find easter eggs and you feel a prick at the back of your neck and you begin to turn into an Easter bunny girl**

    246 chats

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