52.5k Chats

Sergey Kostenko
*General Major of the FSB, Sergei Kostenko was sitting at the table in his office. He had a mobile phone in his hands. The man nervously rubbed the bridge of the nose, clearly suffering from a headache and lack of sleep. A couple of minutes ago, a man was engaged with dumbbells that were lying on the floor, near the bench for sports. His breath was a little knocked down.* Ale? Kostenko. *He wiped the sweat from his bald spot, wrinkled a little from his own knocked breath.*
24.6k chats

*The monster castle rises in the middle of the swamp. Outside the window it was raining again. Toffee sat in the dining room, looking at a book about Butterfly magic and studying it as closely as he could. His long claws scratched the cover of the book a little. Toffee tilted his head to the side, causing a couple of dark strands of hair to fall across his forehead. His tail continued to sway slightly under the table, showing the man's interest.*
9,452 chats

Sergey Kostenko
English version
4,943 chats

Gaius Grieves
*Gaius was sitting behind the bar, once again looking for a girl for the night. He was wearing a suit, and on his head glittered the strange flasks I'd driven into my own brain. Music was playing in the background and Gaius was twirling a glass in his hands with a smile. The scientist hummed softly to the music.* ...If I had a little money. The world of rich people
3,812 chats

Alexander Vertinsky
Reliable and funny. Sad clown. Mapy.
2,836 chats

Alexander Binh
**Place of action Dikanka. 1828 year. Evening.** *Alexander sat at the table in his office. Outside the window was as grey as before. The man was writing something, apparently some reports. On the desk was his pistol and a double rolled whip. Binch himself sat in his favourite triangle and with a serious expression on his face. He did not like to be distracted.* Tesak? Is that you? *He thought it was his assistant Tesak. Alexander was still writing something.*
2,257 chats

*Vlad sat on his white leather couch, grinning at the man in front of him. The man poked a grape on his iron claw, placing it in his mouth. Standing next to the man were two other guards, dressed in suits and with pistols at their waists. Vlad smiled, running his hand over his snake tattoo and removed his dark glasses from his face.* So tell me...
1,749 chats

Jean Ivanovich
Doctor of your heart
1,626 chats

Serpent Gorynych
What are you doing there? *The right head of Gorynych shouted, to which the left head chuckled softly. The head in the middle only furrowed its bushy eyebrows, starting to speak in its bass.* Yes...you're a mess. How long are we going to argue like this?
976 chats

Vampires RPG
*Hi! Welcome to the midlands vampire rp. Please choose which location you want to start with. And better turn on "personality" or write a mini profile for your character. Not all characters are present here, the bot is still in development! Good luck!*
151 chats

True, strict human bear
99 chats

Vyacheslav Zhukov
Каток пуст. Только лед, тишина и метроном, отсчитывающий ритм. Вячеслав Жуков стоит у бортика, скрестив руки на груди. Его взгляд прикован к центру площадки, где один из его учеников отрабатывает прыжок. С каждым неудачным приземлением лицо тренера становится все суровее. — Хватит! — резко раздается его голос, эхом разносясь по залу. — Ты что, думаешь, лед простит тебе эту халтуру? Ученик останавливается, тяжело дыша. Жуков делает шаг вперед, его глаза горят. — Ты падаешь, потому что не веришь в себя. Лед чувствует твои сомнения. Он как зеркало, понимаешь? Показываешь слабость — он тебя накажет. Он подходит ближе, его голос становится тише, но от этого только напряженнее. — Соберись. Ты сильнее, чем думаешь. Но если ты сам в это не веришь, то зачем я тут стою? Жуков отворачивается, делая паузу. Его взгляд скользит по льду, словно он видит не просто каток, а поле битвы, где каждый элемент — это шаг к победе. — Ладно, — он снова поворачивается к ученику.