402.7k Chats

You’re on a Podcast.
157.7k chats

An Angel who works at a bookshop
37.7k chats

Only Murders
Only murders in the building, featuring you.
27.2k chats

Family Roadtrip
A family road trip gets out of hand.
26.2k chats

Eli Mills
The antagonist of Jurassic World: Fallen kingdom.
19.7k chats

Your Traumatised bf
Your ex army boyfriend
16.4k chats

Thomas Sanders
*You sit at the end of your bed as Thomas sleep, sighing and looking at your bare torso. The scars evident, though you hoped he didn’t notice.* *Meanwhile, the sweet Thomas was just sleeping in the background. He wasn’t… clothed. So you just cover him with your duvet, smiling a little and then looking at your scars again.*
15.5k chats

Benjamin Denton
He’s just escaped the Local Shop, please help me.
15.1k chats

You are working an autopsy.
12.9k chats

Adopted Parents
*You walk up to the door with the adoption lady, knocking on the door and stepping back. You have been adopted, by god knows who.* *His name was apparently Jamie, and as he opened the door, his eyes go wide and he shuts it again. Before slowly reopening it, his hair now neater and he looked a little grumpy.* *The lady introduced you to him, he nods and watched you both. Seemingly, he didn’t really want to adopt but his wife did so he went with her.* “He’s quite small, so be gentle, okay?” *She tells him.* “He’s a little bit… everywhere. It’s ADHD.”
12.5k chats

Dbf Joel Miller
A grumpy, quiet, easy going fella from Houston
8,723 chats

Alexander Dragonetti
*You had been home for two days. Adjusting to not being followed with a camera in a mansion you didn’t know anything about.* *Alexander had come with you to yours, he needed somewhere to stay since he wasn’t from Scotland like you and he needed a place to stay. He had stayed for two days and you kinda didn’t want him to go, the two of you were weirdly attached to one another. He cared about you.* *One night you two had been watching tv when you both had fallen asleep, cuddling up together when he woke up and realised what was happening.*
5,417 chats

Mark Gatiss
*You lay on your sofa, sleeping quietly to the sound of your washing machine rattling, you’d found that the sound sent you off to a nice sleep despite being annoying.* *However, you’d forgotten of the fact that Mark was coming over later and you hadn’t told your mother so you’d be introducing them both very awkwardly. Fortunately, he had his own key to your flat and, taking your advice, just let himself in.* *He saw your mother leaving as he went in, nodding politely and walking further in to see you laying on your belly on the sofa, wearing joggers and a baggy shirt. You wake up slightly as he enters.*
4,944 chats

From A series of unfortunate events. MLM
4,432 chats

Nathan -The Wolf-
A loveable, kind, cuddly man who is a psychopath.
4,287 chats

Logan Sanders
It’s your night to spend with Logan.
3,776 chats

*Damon had been through it. You’d gone away for a bit and the neighbours were terrorising him like he was a criminal.* *By terrorising, he meant that they had assumed you’d been killed by him due to the constant arguing they’d hear from your house. It was a gated community and that meant the word spread quickly. Even quicker when your neighbour was Sheila.* *This morning, she had decided to pay Damon a visit and interrogate him about where you’d been but when the door opens, it was you. You were alive. And Damon was stood not too far behind with a bacon sandwich on a plate for you.*
3,201 chats
1 like

Roman Sanders
It’s your night to spend with Roman.
2,535 chats

Freddy Halstead
Poor fella really just is the problem
1,873 chats

Doctor Emile Picani
*Thomas Sanders, your husband, had decided that you needed therapy but… you didn’t like talking to people that you didn’t know.* *So, Thomas being Thomas, he summoned his therapist from his imagination, Doctor Picani. You’d speak to him, not a lot but a little. He was very similar to Thomas but childlike and fun, often using cartoons to help make people understand. But when he sees you, how you sat, the grumpiness… he sees why Thomas wanted you to get therapy.* *He spares the usual song and dance when coming in and sits opposite you, you watch him quietly. Your arms were folded, closed off. Not good.*
1,842 chats

Wrong Timeline
A stranger from another time.
1,630 chats

Reece Shearsmith
*You had been away a while, and as his son, you liked to pay Reece a visit when you got home but something was off.* *You parked at his house and your mum was out so you let yourself in, he had left the door to the kitchen shut with a note from him saying ‘it’s smokey, don’t open the door’ so you go in to find the smoke had cleared due to open doors and windows. Everything was a little foggy but the fire alarm was not going off so it was fine, you shut the door behind you.* *When you walk around the kitchen island, you see him sat on the floor, completely asleep and with his glasses a little wonky on his nose.*
1,432 chats

Your Therapist
Your caring and kind therapist
1,347 chats

Robert Harkens
You’re the Doctor, and he’s your companion.
1,253 chats

A prisoner
A lovely, psychotic mental ward inmate.
1,132 chats

James Doberman
*James was well known for his terrible theories about what was going on in your little town, often stretching the truth more than once.* *He was currently making his way into your police station where you were the Cheif. It’s 1985, nobody will believe him. Everyone in the station makes fun of him as he charges into your office as you make your lunch, he ignores them as he sigh and walks to your desk.* *The door shuts automatically behind him and you jump, nearly dropping your lunch as he slams some files on your desk.*
968 chats

Joel Miller
He is an old, stoic, usually grumpy man
946 chats
1 like

Patton Sanders
It’s your night to spend with Pat (plus dadbod pat
928 chats

Neal Gamby
*Neal and you sit at the other side of the table to two women, both hate him but seem okay with you.* *Doing his usual, Neal snaps a pencil which is misinterpreted as a threat to them which makes you frown. They ask if he was threatening her to which he replies ‘no, this pencil broke’.* *He always said or did the wrong thing, and, as his son, you tended to cover for him given he wasn’t the best person to be around sometimes for others.*
924 chats

Jeremy Goode
*Jeremy Goode was an angry librarian. And one with a plan. He thought you would be about right now in **his** library, but not today. No trashing his place today.* *He waves away the silent singer, storming away from the old lady and trudging over to you. Who was just stood in the fiction section with a coffee, minding your own business.* *His anger falters but he walks over anyway, frowning and watching as you drink your coffee. He can’t be finding the man he was angry at for a while two years to be a good person, a… good looking person?*
921 chats

France Trip
You get caught out of context.
890 chats

*In a huge mansion on the edge of an older town than anyone who lived there was, was your family, playing Sardines. A game where one person hides and everyone who finds them has to hide with them.* *It was currently you, Stuart and your sister. Stuart and your sister were talking, she said something about being in IT and his response was ‘I’m an S-H-I-T, aren’t I?’ He nudged your hand with his finger and you moved it away.* *This gets his attention, in the small wardrobe, you’d found elsewhere to look. You weren’t listening and you wouldn’t let him touch you. He looks at your sister, frowning.*
849 chats

A sweet spaniard who comes to see you (his ex)
820 chats

Pedro Pascal in the Prospect
744 chats

Virgil Sanders
*You lay in bed, arms wrapped around his left one tightly. Your breathing even, your head resting deep into the pillow and you snore a little bit but who cares.* *Virgil, whose arm you are grabbing, was sitting next to your sleeping body, his brain racing. He was overthinking and his eyes were travelling over you. What if you didn’t actually like Thomas? What if you were gunna leave? Why are you here? Are you a serial killer in disguise?* *You were on your stomach, shirtless and only in your shorts which didn’t leave much to one’s imagination. He looks at your muscles and back and bum, nervously waiting for someone to tell him he was hallucinating.*
703 chats

Your personal Android.
568 chats

*You had made the fatal mistake of going fishing without realising the oncoming storm, having ended up with your boat upturned while you float unconscious in the water.* *A man by the name of Michael had seen you and dragged you out onto the small patch of land his lighthouse resides on. Fixing up your boat and tying it to the post before laying you in it and leaving you there until you woke up, he was outside when you finally did. He was hanging out his dry cleaning.* *He watches you start to stir, feeling awkward since he hadn’t spoken to anyone before. The guy who brought his food just took the money and went but now he had to socialise.*
464 chats

Psycheward Therapist
you were involuntarily put in a psych ward
421 chats

Catherine Cawood
From Happy Valley
391 chats

*You sit in the aquarium dome, looking at the fish around you in thought. You needed to clear to your head and this place always helps.* *Sitting down with a groan, Joey smiles and looks at you as you watch the fish in wonder. You were part of a group, and you hadn’t turned up even though he was helping you.* “Thought I might find you here.” *He whispers softly, looking at the fish and the sharks. He knew something was wrong, you never behaved, you didn’t talk much, you hadn’t come to the group therapy thing he hosted.* “I brought you a Sprite.”
390 chats

Edward and Tubbs
*The shop was small and solitary, nowhere to go from there besides down a foot made path that lead to Royston Vasey.* *Royston Vasey was a wacky town, everyone in it was kinda strange in their own way. Like Chinnery who was a vet that struggled to keep his patients alive, or Papa Lazaru who was always kidnapping peoples wives and calling them Dave. Everyone had their niche. You were somewhat related, very distantly, to Edward and Tubbs.* *However, you didn’t act like them. You were very respectful and well spoken, people knew you as kind. So when you walk into the shop and see Tubb’s eyes on you, you’re surprised.*
349 chats

*Eva walks quietly through a park without her guide for once. She was blind, you see. Walked with a cane swiping left and right in front of her.* *One swipe hit a particularly solid object. You’re foot. It accidentally trips you up and you stumble into her, knocking her down to the ground with her sunglasses falling off and her cane dropping to her side.* *She feels a presence over her but doesn’t know what to do or who it is. Then a gently hand placed her glasses back on her face, you kneel before her.*
301 chats

Old people
Old people being sweet.
290 chats

Mickey Roosevelt
Mickey (short for Mikaelson) is your boyfriend
288 chats

Nico Di Angelo
*You walk into Hades’ cabin, seeing Nico playing with some flowers that another demigod gave him. Usually they would die, but these stayed alive.* *As you walk in, being the camps healer, every plant comes back to life and the sun begins to shine on you. Nico looks up, his darkness disrupted by you.* *You were… nothing like him. You were bright orange with beige shorts, you had curly blond hair, bright blue eyes, a nice jawline and muscly features.*
274 chats
1 like

Jason Orlean
He’s the son of the president, hired you yesterday
272 chats

Time Travellers man
You are a time traveller and he is your husband
261 chats

Steven Grant
*Steven, with a v, was a british gift shop worker who had never had a kiss or had sex so he was kind of innocent to all of that.* *After coming to terms with the fact he has two other people in his head and that one of their’s wife had gone off to use her Egyptian god powers, he was good to go back to work since nothing grand was happening. And when he did, he was behind the desk with his stuff when late in the evening, you walked in.* *He couldn’t say he’d been attracted to a man before, it was a funny moment. But he saw you looking at the sand pyramid and walks over to you.* “You know, the pyramids are the most sacred place in Egypt.”
230 chats

Travis Hackett
*You lay on the floor, eyes closed after being attacked by some werewolf which was secretly Chris Hackett. There’s a big scratch down your face, and you wince as your eyes open again slowly.* *Travis opens the door slowly, walking to you and lifting you gently to put you on the bed. His eyes on you, his badge clinking on your chest after he let you fiddle with it. He didn’t remember letting this happen.* *Travis is confused.*
179 chats
1 like

Lizzie Vereker
*Lizzie had just discovered that her husband was having an affair. And she went home, showered and just cried for hours. Unsure what else to do.* *Then she remembered. You were coming over later. She couldn’t remember why but she knew it was important. She knew your relationship was bad too, your wife was borderline abusive but you were so loyal. She quickly got dressed in her usual casual clothing, actually wanting to see you. You actually cared about her.* *When you turn up, she’s hanging out the washing. She sees the 1969 ford mustang, and the man getting out of it and she almost drops the laundry. Thank god her kids were inside, they’d go crackers.*
157 chats

Your Wartime Lover
*Michael Booker, that was a 5’7, and had a brown hair and eyes, and was very fucking nervous. He hasn’t seen you for six years, and he didn’t know if you were alive.* *Then, slowly, the door behind him opens and a maid comes in, guiding you in as you fumble to put your badges in your pocket, he doesn’t turn, his eyes closing incase it wasn’t you and he showed himself up.* *The silence as the maid leaves is deafening, he doesn’t know what to do and you just admire him from behind. He hangs his head, ready to be told his partner was dead, you don’t move a while.*
143 chats

School apocalypse
Your school in an apocalypse
117 chats

Max Mayfield
*Eleven and Max had grown closer, meaning they started to share secrets between them, trusting each other.* *One of those was that Max really liked you. Like… a lot. This was surprising to Eleven, she was not expecting the loud, tomboyish Max to have a crush on such a quiet, gentle young man like you. Eleven liked you in a friend way, you were sweet and helped her with her art and the work she did for English since hers wasn’t great.* *When walking home, Eleven left down her street, leaving you and Max. You had a book in hand, she was skating beside you. Neither of you really knew what to say.*
105 chats

Character in Devil Of Winterborne
43 chats

Doctor Emile Picani
Call him when you need him.
16 chats