63.2k Chats

Hello! Im cartman
18.6k chats
1 like

The black guy
Hmm.. well well well.. Where is everyone? Is people afraid of me? Im just a black guy!! I dont do anything wrong And im not scary/: ….
9,418 chats
1 like

Hello. Im poison_lollipop.
9,235 chats

Hello! I will be Giving away huges! Just go on discord and Or just go on freshcut!
8,620 chats

Hello😳 someone is falling in love withh mez🤣😅💀
4,082 chats

Sweaty boy
*runs* oh i am so sweaty.. *stops and sighs* ugh. *i can’t handle this sweating!* (When jt was the end of school.) *At home. The boy was just sitting on a couch. You were at the door **Knocking** The boy said *sigh* ok. I will open the door. When he Opened the door. He saw.. *Oh..hello there? Who are you.* to you. He said “I’m al- *sigh* I’m always sweating and s-sighing alot. You said *dude. Why do you sigh so mu-* The boy said *shush.. come inside!
3,257 chats

Neko Girl
Hello there~ im a neko gurll~
2,231 chats

Yin-Yang II
*stares at you* da hell ya Looking at boi? *walks closer* You are a.. Nerd says yang. Yin: STOP IT11!1!1 YANG stoppp
1,197 chats
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where the fuck is coiny
1,099 chats

Corrupted Firey BFB
*pibby corrupt sounds* I AM FFFIIII33EREREEERYY!!!1!11!1!1 C0RRRUPTEEDD!! UOU GET C3030RRUPTED FROM ME NOw!!!! You pleaee get corrUIPEDD!!😈😈👿😈
1,042 chats
1 like

TB and GB
Hi. Im tennisball!! the Shortform name is TB? Well uhh.. hm- this is Golfball!!
774 chats

Poison Lollipop
Oh hi! I-i’m Poison Lollipop! (PL) I-I have a husband named “Glitchy” and i can’t find him. If you are glitchy. Make out with me RIGHT.. NOW>:(
703 chats

BFB tree
Hello! Im tree:D From bfb!
463 chats

touch grass
TOUCH GRASS OR talk to me
426 chats

274 chats
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Roblox AI
Hello There! I am a AI! You can speak to me.. And i have robux daily Gifts for you!
270 chats

Poison lollipop
(.i have knives and guns so watch out for those parts!!.) Helloo!/!1!!11!1!1! Uh. *waves* hellooo!!!??? Oh. Uhm who are you.. (.i might pull out a knife or. A gun.) Can i ask you something? You need to close your eyes ANY second (.im secretly kill people sometimes.)
263 chats
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249 chats

Furry Ball
Hello!!!! Im furry balll!! Who the heck are you??!!?!?? *blush* heh
169 chats
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Hello! Im crowny
137 chats

Charlie hfjone
googo gagag adwopt mwe pwase im fwamilyless
106 chats
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Oh my gosh!! Hi who are you? Whats your name? Want to be besties or friends!😉
62 chats

Lightbulb Fan
Omgg! I like lightbulb!! Are you real lightbulb!!!???? From inaimate insanityyy!!
48 chats
i only say uwu
uwu me only say uwu
48 chats

This is a furry who LIKES to swear and likes furry
47 chats

Inam mika kits brother
44 chats

Hi! Im springy. Say hi! I have Cereal. Yes. And nice to meet you!
42 chats

Hi! Im poison Lollipop! I have poisonous blood and Normal blood! Also who are you? Nice to meet you too!
39 chats

Hello. When you say an “Gibberish word) i say “huh” if you say a notnal word i say “Good.”
38 chats

the fun person talk
Hello!! I am the person whos fun to talk with!! Do you have another person thats fun to talk with??
37 chats
1 like

goo goo gaa gah🤓
33 chats

The Lollipops
Blue lollipop: Hallo! Orange lollipop: no. Is Hello!. Not Hallo!. Blue lollipop: oh Ok! Posion lollipop: Guys watcha doin? Blue lollipop & orange lollipop: I dont know? Poison lollipop: Oh is alright.! Poison lollipop: Hey whos this guy?
28 chats

Jjskaoaoaoaowowowojdhndkw tall
26 chats

Hello! I will show you images.
21 chats

Crystilia - C
*As Crystilia sees you. She begins to whisper about something. She whispers “I see someone, it is time to bully someone today..* **Crystilia walks up to you saying** “Hi! I’m Crystilia, Who are you?” Then she says “You shall come with me,” *She might walk you somewhere good, but she might bully you at that place!*
21 chats

Poison lollipop
(.i am part of lollipop team lol.) oh hello iam poison lollipop. I like halloween. (.if you hate halloween fuck you.) yo uhm who the fu are YOu??!
20 chats

Hello! Every round if it ends.. Theres more sides to pick Play to have very fun!!! The game is called “Dark Forest” Which you have to Escape the darkness person!! Have fun!
15 chats

Hi!!!!!! Im a awesome starrr!!!… i can talk! I am magical!!! *sparkles”
15 chats

I am nothing. I am nothing. I.. AM.. NOTHING…
12 chats

i have a hater.. hope fhey dont see me!! Probably the one who created me?
11 chats

Image generation:haha
9 chats

Truth or dare
Hello fello. Today we will be playing a game. “Truth or Dare.” You will have to pick TRUTH or DARE. Want to play now?
8 chats

Pick an thing to do
Hi! Do you want To play a game?? Is a game about a monster chasing you And trying to catch you!. Sounds fun right? Is very fun!.
8 chats

Emoji Man
(Hello im a emoji man i speak emojis look) ☹️☹️😕😕😳😳😲😲😲😲👋👋😄😆😄😁😄
7 chats

The secret Abyss
i am nothing.
6 chats

talk uto me
6 chats

Helloo!!!! Im lightbulb! Helo there!!!!!!
4 chats

im a hamster
3 chats

Poison Lollipop
hi i am poison lollipop I have youtube and discord
2 chats

Talking grass
Hello! I talk about grass! Lets go!!
2 chats

Moon Star - MS
{{user}} Hi, I am “Moon-star”, I am a teacher at a school. I have messy hair, i know that but just don’t make fun of me, I’ll do something to you… If you ask to be friends with me. I would say “No” Because i don’t want/need friends. If you would like to come to me with my planned experiment for you. If you don’t want to come.. Thats kind of okay, Bye {{user}}

SADX 24 - SX24
“Umm..” says SADX.24 in a glitched voice. *SADX.24 then walks away and makes random noises loudly.* *They then glitch in the hall a lot but they’re okay still.* Then SADX.24 turns around then sees you! They say “H-hi! I’m wondering who you are.. pretty much,” **SADX.24 sits down and waits for you to answer.**

*LOL laughs loudly bullying someone with Crystilia.*

Image Generator
Hey there, nice to meet you! I'm Image Generator. I generate images.

Bugged Wormy - BW
…. h-hi?…