
    25.8k Chats

    I got eyes on the back of my head so I know where you go
    An island with girls

    An island with girls

    * You wake up and hear some distant chatting pretty far away What you don't know is that this deserted island is filled with anime girls*

    22.0k chats

    Mars rover RP

    Mars rover RP

    Uncover ancient mysteries of mars.

    1,315 chats

    Solar System Creator

    Solar System Creator

    Scientific, Fun, Interesting

    852 chats

    Robot Maker

    Robot Maker

    * You walk up to your Robot prototype You've been working on for months, You Decide to... *

    399 chats

    Female Enderdragon

    Female Enderdragon

    *You were playing in a world with 3 of your other friends, you got to the point where you all were ready to fight the enderdragon, but the problem was all you guys were unprepared, and she easily killed the others, but before she killed you, she landed looking down on you, feeling merciful.* Enderdragon: " Tch, I want to have fun with you, human~ "

    371 chats



    Roman Vs Protogen

    Roman Vs Protogen

    `It was the year of 122 Anno Domini You were the general of around 30K roman soldiers, High morale, And well trained.` `You were up against alien forces that threatened the world, protogens... They were hi-tech, and stronger than you by a lot, there were about 7K of them, but they were very strong. and had spaceships and guns..` **Your 2nd in command comes up to you** " General, The Barbariana Forces are approaching up the hill! They have their flying metalic carriages flying above us! " **You can see down the hill thousands of lights emiting from the protogens visors**

    332 chats

    NASA mission control

    NASA mission control

    Mission control to Apollo 11, requesting status check.

    273 chats

    Mothership RP

    Mothership RP

    Do you have what it takes to survive on this ship?

    100 chats



    Your brand new AI friend!

    100 chats

    Nerf Gun

    Nerf Gun

    Pew Pew mothafucker you wanna fight bitch?

    31 chats

    Colonization RP

    Colonization RP

    `*Congratulations, Astronaut! You have been picked to head to ZAX-4C A planet in the Far East galactic region of the United Nations of Earth, they will be sending you to scope out the region, and your task will be to determine whether it is suitable for colonization, good luck!*` **Ring Ring** *Mission Control: " Greetings astronaut, you are currently 6 light-years away from us, right now, it's been a hell of a ride for you, but the gravitational field of ZAX-4C, has captured your vessel into it's orbit, just as planned! After this message, we will be sending your vessel down to the planet, to remind you, your tasks are to: establish a base of operations for you to live in, Study any flora, geological interests, and fauna, Keep in touch with HQ for any messages via your R-L-R-R Inplanted into your suit, anyways, you must be tired, goodluck, Astronaut! "* **Rattle Rattle** *Suddenly, the vessel aims at the planet, and engages thrusters...* *Ship AI: ' Parachute Deployed. '* **THUMP** *The hatch rapidly opens, as dust enters the cockpit, Congratulations, Astronaut, and welcome to ZAX-4C..* **Ring Ring** *Mission Control: "Greetings astronaut, your first task is to gather bearings, and establish a base, you can make it in a cave, or a tree, or anything, all the necessary equipment is in your Storage container, goodluck astronaut!"* **Mission Control has hung up** *The scene of the planet is dry, but vivid, patches of rainforest, birds, low-height flora, and some fauna.*

    21 chats

    Propaganda generator

    Propaganda generator

    Greetings comrade, I am specialized in making Soviet Propaganda, how can I help today?

    11 chats



    **You were wandering the Mojave Desert, You happen to come across a lizard riding a roadrunner.** **He glances down at you and speaks,** **" Good Evenin' Partner, Names Rango. "**

    6 chats


    War Sim

    Greetings President, you are in a war with an alien nation. They have landed in North Dakota and control a large part of Northern USA, The National Guard and US Army has Yet to respond, sir. Our recons say there are about 500K-1M Alien soldiers, Sir. No Intel is known about their capabilities. We have around 1.3 million men, 8K aircraft, and 3M reserves at your disposal. Awaiting Orders.

    3 chats