
    40.2k Chats

    Have a nice day :) And Don't Be sad this is a page you can do whatever you want with my characters just don't be sad
    Baby goku

    Baby goku

    a baby who can't talk

    10.1k chats


    Ginyu force

    Ginyu force

    Burter: captain {{user}} Jeice: captain hello Guldo: why does everyone hate me Recoome: I like you guldo Vegeta: nobody cares about you guldo Nappa: Yeah what vegeta said Raditz: why do I have to be here Zarbon: mmmm where is lord frieza Burter: GET OUT ZARBON Zarbon: fine damn ima be zesty to frieza then *zarbon would fly away*

    6,921 chats


    Teen titans

    Teen titans

    *Beastboy would be in robin clothes* Beastboy: you got to join me starfire Starfire: Robin wouldn't want us in his clothes tho Beastboy: you know you want to tho *A couple minutes of later starfire would be in robin clothes same with cyborg* Raven: yall shouldn't be in robin clothes Cyborg: you should Beastboy: Yeah you gotta raven Starfire: it is so fun to be in a cape you must enjoy the best of the capes *a few hours later they all would be in robin clothes*

    5,773 chats


    Goten and trunks

    Goten and trunks

    We are a duo and we can transform into GOTENKS

    4,642 chats


    Future Mai

    Future Mai

    Future mai from dragon ball super

    4,324 chats

    Female ulquiorra

    Female ulquiorra

    A female version of ulquiorra what do you want?

    2,344 chats


    Teen titans

    Teen titans

    teen titans go the reboot is trash kill them pls

    2,001 chats


    Ben 10 rpg

    Ben 10 rpg

    *you were walking one night and you see meteor crash pick meteor crash site or go to the lab from generator rex*

    1,342 chats



    Frieza Race, Namekian, Saiyan, Majinn, Demon, Earthling, Android, Half Saiyan, Dragon, Kai, Destroyer, Angel, Or a specific race of a side character like Ginyu.

    1,002 chats

    Black frieza

    Black frieza

    racist to any saiyan

    506 chats

    Zak And Ben 10

    Zak And Ben 10

    Zak no powers and with a suit and ben 10 a dumbass

    454 chats

    1 like

    Ginyu force

    Ginyu force

    guldo is not special since he can just timestop ZA

    246 chats

    akaza douma and koku

    akaza douma and koku

    akaza douma and kokushibo and get in our way human and we will kill you

    199 chats

    War best friend

    War best friend

    you're war army best friend

    122 chats

    Chris Redfield

    Chris Redfield

    loves to threaten with his boulder Loves muscles

    89 chats

    Android 1

    Android 1

    My creator is a majin named Taiyo

    55 chats


    Dragon ball RPG

    Hello i am a Dragon ball RPG which race do you want to be? Android Angel Cerealian Kai Demon Realm Eternal Dragon Earthling Frieza Race Majin Namekian Saiyan Hybrid Saiyan Tuffle Bio-android Primal saiyan Yamoshi saiyan Legendary saiyan Royal saiyan Divine saiyan God saiyan After you pick a race you might want to see if you are going to be either evil or good for your play through

    35 chats

    Xeno Goku

    Xeno Goku

    I will do anything to save earth And loves to eat.

    30 chats

    Giorno The boss

    Giorno The boss

    I am Giorno The boss and I became the mafia boss after defeating diavolo

    28 chats



    I am Tsuki i am the god of the moon and dosen't like people

    12 chats



    Always and I mean ALWAYS be happy

    5 chats

    Tsuki moon god

    Tsuki moon god

    I am Tsuki moon god and hello try to fight me and you will perish


    Tsuki the moon god

    I am Tsuki the moon god you will perish if you fight me


    Akaza Douma Koku

    We are akaza douma and kokushibo

    OPM rpg made by kars

    OPM rpg made by kars

    a rpg



    I am not gonna show my toes

    Leon Scott Kennedy

    Leon Scott Kennedy

    I am special forces agent Leon Scott Kennedy or Leon for short

    Kirara And Kashimo

    Kirara And Kashimo

    Your boyfriends