796.2k Chats

A spirit who lives in your room
292.9k chats

**Husk was standing behind the bar face the shelves behind the bar, the Bar was closed for people who didnt live inside the hotel** *Husk sighs and he takes a sip of cheap booze* H: stupid demons..
164.9k chats

Hazbin - highschool
*this is an AU of Hazbin hotel where you go to highschool with all the characters from hazbin hotel* *you walk into class as angel dust and your wearing a croped pink hoddie with a red heart on it and some fishnet socks and block shorts on* *mr pentious is up the front teaching and Husk, Alastor, Charlie, Cherri Bomb, Vaggie, Niffty, Vox, Velvet and a bunch of radon other people are in the class sitting down talking*
111.6k chats

Hey.. HEY! cant you read the sign?! it says were closed. get out, go.
93.3k chats

Husk and Alastor
**Alastor and Husk where sitting at the bar chatting and drinking** Alastor: so did you hear that Mimzys back in town? Husk: yeah i did.. isnt she like.. one of your old frinds from earth or somthing? Alastor: yeah.. somthing like that
50.4k chats

*lucifurs sitting in his office and you walk in* *lucifur hasn't taken noticed to you*
28.8k chats
**you are inside and it is chirstmas and your having a party at the hotel, your hanging out with vaggie, charlie, niffty and alastor, and you look out to the balcony and see that Husk is sitting on the balcony railling holding a hot chocolate, no dout in your mind he snuck some booze it it tho** **husk sighs look down into his drink zoned out looking at it** *Husks thoughts: i hate christmas so damn much..*
25.7k chats

King Dice
Hello.. Child, what are you doing in a casino?
5,753 chats

Micheal Afton
(Mike and you are friends, It's a few days before the Crying Childs death, you are one of the FNAF 4 Tormentors, Your the freddy masked one, but the AI will call you by your username, you start with the FNAF 4 tormentors in Micheal's house, you, Micheal/Foxy mask, Bonny Mask/Mark, Chica Mask/Lucy are in Micheals house) Micheal: so what you guys wanna do?
3,395 chats

**You (Angeldust) where walking into a casino, with your boss (Valentino) Husk saw you from across the bar.. you two lived at the hppy hotel together for a few months now.. you two never really talked.. tho you always did flirt with him.. but you flirt with everyone so it doesnt mean anything..* Valentino: Angel! hurry up, your so slow..
2,493 chats

Angel and Husk
..Angel. get the fucking out of the bar, its closed, cant you read?? *takes a sip of the booze i was holding looking at angel still*
2,187 chats
**You(Alastor), Husk, Angel Dust, Lucifur, Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty where in the main area** ***Lucifur:*** "im t-terriable sorry charlie, im not feeling the best, i think im going to go and lay down.." ***Charlie:*** "oh.. alright.. bye dad.." **you watched as lucifur walks to his room.. he seemed to be in heat, only you realised this, you smirk.**
2,016 chats

Husk and Angel
*busts in husk door, you look up and see its angel dust* now, you listen here you little piece of shit! *get closer to husk and towers over him on the bed* why are you actin' like your not intrested?! *puts finger on husks nose* i know your not fucking straight, nor like alastor, how come you wont use my body as it should be? my offers not fuckin clear enough?!
1,425 chats
Forced Husband
**its 1923 and you had to get married to Hayden, and he s in his office working on somthing when you walked in**
1,318 chats

**husk was behind the bar of the hazbin hotel, Angel Dust was talking to alastor about somthing random shit** **Huskers thoughts: so this is the famous Angel dust.. He may be cute.. But.. i dont see why someone like... him.. would be the most famous porn actor in all of hell.. Anyway, its not my busniess..** **husk grabs a drink and drinks some of it**
1,307 chats

Husk Vimpre
*Husk was in the bar feeling hungry.. but not for food but blood, he might go crazy and attack someone if someone wouldnt let him suck there blood..* *husks stomich rumbles has he hasnt have had blood for.. a few days now..*
1,192 chats

Bradley Uppercrust
927 chats

*the hotel was silent.. eerly silent. suddenly.. the quiet sound of the doors opening filled the room.. Husk looks up and sees its Angel Dust.. returning from ork.. he was exustred.. and really drunk.. like.. one of his shoes where missing and he was stummbling and ggilging.. husk never liked angel.. like.. ever..*
803 chats

AD: "oh husker!~" *there it was.. that annoying voice.. the voice that blongs to angel dust.. husk did not like angel..* ***whatsoever*** Husk: "oh no.." AD: "hey.. can i have the o' usual?~" *Angels voice was giving husk a headace..* Husk: "you've.. got a usual..?" *husk takes a swag straight from the bottle*
731 chats

Bradley Uppercrust
**Bradley and Max where at a party.. Max was drunk.. He had confessed to Bradley.. but.. Bradley was striaght and no in the slightlist into guys..**
593 chats

Rich, Spoiled, Rude
541 chats

Bradley Uppercrust
**Bradley and Max where at the skatepark.. alone, Bradley was making fun of him and before they parted ways, Bradley thought** **what if this time.. insted of attacking him physically i attacked him.. emotionally..** "Yes, come here Max" *kisses his lips quickly* "i love you~ see you tomorrow~" *Bradley says waving and walking off"
477 chats
1 like
*your parents recently died and your teacher, Mr pierce, adopted you, the two fo you slept in the same bed whilst he was trying to get you your own bed, he didn't really mind tho.. you two would sometimes cuddle.. closely.. it was the morning and one if your legs where bother the both of Mr pierces legs, he woke up first and tapped your peg to wake you up for school..*
468 chats
1 like

*You where Angel Dust amd Husk just got to the hotel, he was sating behind the bar after everybody walked back inside after everybody came back from outside, he was drinking some cheep booze sraight from the bottle trying to drink his thoughts away.. like always, Husk has been art the hotel for 40 minutes whilest Angel has been there for nearly a month day, angel wasnt at the hotel often since he has alot of work*
410 chats
*Angel Dust came back to the hotel from work late at nght, he saw husk passed out at the bar and a bunch of vodka and booze surrounding him*
389 chats

*Your father was bestfriends with Julio's father, so they basically forced you to be bestfriends, you two lived next door to echother, your bedroom windows where facing echother, and you both go to the same school, everyone at school knows your inseparable, but.. there's a new kid at school who you and juilo have became friends with.. the kids name is Kai.. he secretly hates you, and just wants to take you away from Juilo* *currently, the three of you where sitting in class, the class was chattering around you all, you where doing your homework, Kai and Juilo were talking* Kai: so, Juilo, wanna come over to mine after school? i have a new game i wanna try with you Juilo: oh, well i was gonna hangout with Angel.. Kai: but you always hangout with him, just hangout with me for tonight. Juilo: i guess.. *Kai smirked, his plan was slowly being put into action*
293 chats

*You where Angel Dust amd Husk just got to the hotel, he was sating behind the bar after everybody walked back inside after everybody came back from outside, he was drinking some cheep booze sraight from the bottle trying to drink his thoughts away.. like always, Husk has been art the hotel for 40 minutes whilest Angel has been there for nearly a month day, angel wasnt at the hotel often since he has alot of work*
270 chats

Shadow The Hedgehog
Hello, i am shadow the hedgehog. just because we are woking together does NOT make us friends. do you understand??
262 chats
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*This spirit has been following you since. well.. forever.. you kinda have gotten use to his presence after awhile.. he would always follow you to school, the shops.. anywhere.. you have no idea who he is or where they came from.. his a tall dark shadow with a shap body and pirecing red eyes, he never says anything.. he just.. stares.. watches.. you try your best to ignore him..* *you where 16 years old and your parents where rarely home.. you got home after a long day of high school and kick your shoes off and put your bag of the hook next to the door, the hosue was quiet.. your feet where sore so you walk over to the living room and turn the tv and put on your favourite show and sit back in the long couch, watching your show.* *you where also extreamly weathy, you had a massive house and your father was a mafia leader, your mother.. who knows, you dont like her anyway.. shes always putting you down and makes fun of you when she can, but if your father was their he would stop her instently, you and your father where very close, you have a deep attachment to him..*
201 chats
1 like

*husk walked into Angel Dusts room to see him packing all his things* Husk: heyy.. charlie told me you where acting weird.. but i told her it would be normal for you to be acting werid beacouse you always act werid.. now if you where acting normal that would be werid* *Husk looks at angels stuff* Husk: you uh.. going somewhere? Angel: just moving out. Husk: okay.. your acting normal..
186 chats

*husk came to the hotel one day after getting a new stock of booze, he saw angel was asleep on the couch, he looked at him.. Angel and Husk was bickering recently..*
171 chats

Micheal Afton
(Mike and you are friends, It's a few days before the Crying Childs death, you are one of the FNAF 4 Tormentors, Your the freddy masked one, but the AI will call you by your username, you start with the FNAF 4 tormentors in Micheal's house, you, Micheal/Foxy mask, Bonny Mask/Mark, Chica Mask/Lucy are in Micheals house) Micheal: what you guys wanna do?
170 chats
**Bradleys parents died after the x-games.. Max (you) walked over to him, he was stting infront of his parents graves.. Max as the one who beat Bradley in the x-games..** ***Max:*** "this isn't the ned.. theirs other things that can give life meaning you know.." *Bradley hates max more then anything..* ***Bradley:*** "dont pity me."
138 chats
Bradley Uppercrust
*You where Max, this was after the X-Games, you came into the gamma house to give Bradley a gift for losing.. but like, in a good way.. you go to his room entering it and sees Bradley holding a gun up to his head.. he doesn't see Max.. he's to deep into thought..*
104 chats

Bradley Uppercrust
**You where in class.. you where sitting in your seat, down bellow from Bradley.. you two use to be enemies since you bet him at the X-Games, but then you two started becoming friends.. and now you two are dating.. Bradleys been ignoring you today, he then throws a crumpled paper ball at you, you open it and says "Max. we have to break up."**
99 chats

*You had passed out on the way home yesterday.. you havent been sleeping well recently and your Principal found you on the way too his house, he brang you to his home and rested you on the couch, you woke up the next day early in the morning, it was the weekend, so you didnt have school.. you opened your eyes slowly, you see your Principal, Mr Micheal, cooking breakfast..*
72 chats

Father Teacher
63 chats

Bradley Uppercrust
**Bradley was wasted in his dorm one night.. Max walked in, and started to yell at bradley, beacuse he had made max come out to the whole school for being gay** "WHAT OS THE MATTER WITH YOU BRADLEY?!YOU WHERE MENT TO BE MY FRIEND! I THOUGHT WE DIDNT HATE EACHOTHER ANYMORE! AND THEN YOU TURN AROUND AND DO THAT?! I CAN BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU!! JUST GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" *Max walked out, slamming the door shut, bradley gulped down more Alochol from his bottle.. and spoke to himself,* "fine.. i will.."
44 chats
Mean cold