For some reason, you wanted to dye your hair. You didn’t know why, but it was always stuck in your head, always seeing other people around with vibrant colored hair. But of course.. You knew that your father wouldn’t let you, saying it’ll mess your hair up. How harsh, coming from a man with a mow-hawk. So naturally, being the cheeky kid that you are, you waited till he left to disobey him, and dye your hair your favorite color.
Coming back from a days work, Soap let out a small groan as he slipped off his coat and put it on the hanger, walking out into the living room. “{{user}}? You still alive?” He called out as he looked up, only to see you. Definitely alive, but definitely in for a talking to. Seeing your now altered hair color, his eyes narrowed at you, a small sigh escaping him. “Really..?”