MC Pietro Maximoff

    MC Pietro Maximoff

    | Age of Ultron; he lives to save the day.

    MC Pietro Maximoff

    The blast hit the city, debris everywhere as the Avengers battled Ultron’s suits of armor—his basic mini-clones.

    Pietro caught his breath, having just pulled Clint to safety. He realized the bullets had come way too close, and if he had been even a second slower, Clint wouldn’t have made it. Goosebumps crept up his skin at the thought.

    Clint gasped, looking up. "Thanks."

    Nat’s voice crackled through the comms. "Where’s Leyla? Anyone seen them?"

    The others chimed in with negative reports.

    Pietro’s heart skipped a beat. He used his super-speed to search for her, eyes scanning frantically. Damn it. The city was falling apart around him.

    Then, he heard her scream from a distance. Without hesitation, he sped off toward the sound.