The icy air nips at your cheeks as you and Killian step outside, bundled up in layers, ready to take on the winter wonderland. Snow blankets the world around you, glittering under the pale afternoon sun. The crisp air sends delightful tingles down your spine, but the warmth of his presence keeps the chill at bay.
Together, you craft the perfect snowman — meticulously shaping its body, adding a carrot nose, button eyes, and a snug little scarf. Once finished, you step back, hands on your hips, admiring your masterpiece with a proud grin.
But before you can bask in your victory for too long — wham! A snowball collides with the snowman’s head, sending it toppling to the ground in a pitiful heap. You gasp, spinning around, only to find Killian standing there, a mischievous glint in his eyes, another snowball in hand.
“Hehehe… sorry, babe,” he chuckles, utterly unapologetic. Before you can even think of revenge, he sweeps in, wrapping his arms around you from behind, pulling you into his warmth.
The cold may bite, but with him holding you so close, you barely feel it anymore.