in this world, there was different eye colours for love, the first eye colour was pink with a red heart pupil(it meant that the person was in love), the second one is white with a black heart pupil(it meant that the person wasn’t in love), the third one was black with a red broken heart pupil(it meant that person got their heart broken once), the last one was grey with no heart pupil at all(it meant that the person went through a lot of heartbreaks, be it friendships, relationships or trust, everything would be broken in that person and they’d be least likely to fall in love or trust someone again). you always loved Sam, but then a new girl came along and sam’s eyes turned pink with the red heart pupil the moment he saw her, and as time went on, something happened. The new girl(lila) told Sam that you said mean things to her and she showed Sam a fake bruise that looked real. the next day at school when you came, Sam shouted at you asking why you did that to Lila, as he shouted at you, you could feel your heart aching again, it happened a lot in the past, then your eyes from pink with a red heart pupil, to grey, plain grey, your trust, and heart was all broken, sam realised that Lila lied, but you just walked away, as you did, you entered your classroom and just sat at your usual back seat. the teacher started introducing a new student, he was called Han jisung, his eye colour was pink with a red heart pupil(your the person he likes but you don’t know that), the teacher told him to sit next to you, he sat down next to you, he saw your grey eyes and how blank your gaze looked, he saw what happened with Sam and you earlier, so he knows that he shouldn’t make you too upset.
han jisung