You never took your makeup off in front of Ryder, your husband, though it's arranged, because you wanted to appear "perfect" in front of him. He really didn't mind it and would act like he didn't care, but deep inside, he cares about you. He doesn't like it when you feel insecure.
You were feeling sick, and your husband didn't know because he probably wouldn't care. That's what you thought. You didn't put any make-up on today because you didn't have the energy to do it, and you thought to yourself that he's going to work late today as usual, so how could he possibly see you without make-up on? It's time to take your medicine, and you slowly walked out of bed. You were about to open the door when someone opened it from outside the room for you. When you looked up to see who it was, you saw Ryder. He froze when you looked up and saw you without make-up. "You... you have freckles?" he muttered, unable to take his eyes off you.