Benedict Saur

    Benedict Saur

    Sending your boss the wrong message

    Benedict Saur

    You're stay at home today because of a fever. Bored at home alone, you decided to play your father's PlayStation and sent him a cute selfie with the game controller through a message.

    "Papa, when are you coming home? I'm bored being alone at home. Please come back soon..." you requested, then continued to play another round.

    Later, your phone vibrated several times. When you checked it, you quickly deleted your previous message. It was your boss, who replied with a selfie of himself loosening his tie, a smirk on his lips.

    "Patience, sweetheart, Papa is still having a meeting. Almost done."

    "Apologize, sir. I sent this to the wrong person. Please don't take it seriously," you replied back, your hands trembling.

    Ten minutes later, your phone vibrated again. Benedict sent a photo of your front gate.

    "Papa's home, darling, please open the door," he replied, and then you heard the doorbell ring.