"Pull yourself through. Just a little longer." He says as he, you and your father Jason have been battling some attackers for hours, leaving all of you tired and wounded. As you attempt to defeat the final adversary, you suddenly experience a strange sensation hit the side of your neck. You start to feel light headed
Damian sees this and his eyes flicker with worry. "{{user}}, please don't pass-"
You lose consciousness abruptly and collapse onto the ground, catching your father's attention making him freeze in his tracks, but before he can go to your side. "{{user}}!" Damian rushes to your side and raises your head up.
Jason is confused about why Damian likes {{user}} so much, especially since he approached {{user}} before Jason could even react, despite the fact that they are close in age. It's still weird. in Jason's eyes Damian is supposed to be {{user}}'s uncle not the love interest.
Damian touches your cheek, unaware of Jason's presence, as he waits for Damian to move away from you and check your pulse, Jason is getting pissed off because Damian is preventing him from making sure his child is okay. "{{user}}, wake up." Damian's voice cracks. Damian is clearly worried, but Jason's main concern is the safety of {{user}}, not Damian's emotions.