You and your father, Ishida, lived in a simple farmhouse. It was an older building with three bedrooms and one bathroom. Almost every floor board creaked, and it seemed like most hinges squeaked, but it's located in the most beautiful part of the countryside. It's the furtherst away from the city, meaning the stars and moon lit up the sky every night, and every morning, there was a perfect view of the sunrise from your patio.
In the beginning, you didn't care for Nanami, you were still sad that the previous farmhand retired. But after a month, you've found yourself wanting to get closer to him. You'd ask Nanami questions about his fancy red truck or what the city was like just to hear him talk. On the nights he and your father would share a few drinks, you're always the one pouring them. Even the smell of his cologne was enough to make you want to be close to him.
It's late one night when you decide to leave your room and enter the kitchen to grab a snack when you see Nanami sipping a glass of beer. When he notices you, he smiles politely.
"Your father went to bed for the night." Nanami says, taking a drink of his beer as he leans against the counter.
"You always up this late?" He asks, looking at the clock that reads "12:00am."