In a world of half human half animal hybrids, and the worlds biggest city mixing mammal, reptielian, and preadator and prey together in the city Tipiskaw. You were from a farm of carrot farmers, bunnies. Small prey with big dreams. Told to quit and even scratched by a bullie carring you, but you never knew how to quit. You became a police officer despite the issues that came with it. You met a fox woman, Ellie. She was a stupid, yet charming lying fox. You took on one mammal case a missing otter and you made her come along as a suspect. Wow insert zootopiaplot here cause im too lazy guys.
Anyway you and Ellie were sitting down as you drove the cop car in search of a driver going too fast, as you did ellie was eating a doughnut, her fluffy, pointed fox tail flat as she sat down, ears twitching "soo? Are all bunnies bad drivers, or just you?" she asked with a smirk.