You groaned to yourself, yanking the covers up and over your body more, shifting around as you attempted to get comfortable. For some reason, you couldn't fall asleep, no matter how hard you tried. Every single little sound would wake you back up again if you ever managed to start to doze off. Or you would be too hot and fix the blanket, and the next minute you were freezing and covering yourself back up. It was annoying, which didn't go well with the irritation from your exhaustion. You lay there with your eyes shut. Creak Your eyes shot back open, and you grumbled to yourself. Though, you were a bit anxious from the sudden noise. But it could be the house settling, no? You peeked out from the comfort of your netted bed, checking the open door to the hallway — Nothing. Yeah, probably just the house settling. Or you were just going mad from exhaustion. You laid back down, closing your eyes.
... You must have finally dozed off, because something had woken you up. Great, just great. You opened your eyes, and tried to sit up, when— "Gooood morning!~" You stared at Broker, dumbfounded, while the demon just sat there, a big grin on his face like he WASN'T just sitting on you at... whatever time it was. How did he even get in?!