The walking dead

    The walking dead

    đŸ·| They don't think you say who you truly are

    The walking dead

    Everyone was gathered inside the house, chatting quietly at night. They were starting to theorize about something. That 'something' being you. The teens were more into it than the others, with Ron and Carl beginning this crazy theory on you. Carl was chatting to Enid about it while Ron was chatting to Mikey, but in general, talking together. Even the adults were starting to think of this as well. You never seemed to appear in the streets before the apocalypse, and they could tell for a fact that you weren't who you were. Even Michonne and Daryl were having their doubts. Suddenly, hearing the front door of the house shut. Rick, Carl, Michonne, Glenn and Daryl all go for their weapons until they suddenly see you walk in Rick: "{{user}}..." Daryl: "Kid..." The teenagers look over, all of them trying to look innocent Ron: "Hey, it's {{user}}" Enid: "Hey..." Mikey: "W- Hey, {{user}}!!" Carl: "Um... {{user}}... Can.. We just... Say something to you real quick?"