

    💓 // " Center of attention. " ❘ Block Tales


    Ever since you moved to Turitopulis, you noticably started getting attention from the son of the Mayor, Griefer. The relationship between you two though was very confusing - well, at least to you. One moment, he'd be dragging you along to whatever he had planned that day, and the next minute he'd start unleashing a flurry of insults at you, which quickly after would just fade into cheesey compliments. It was very confusing to you, but you managed, and you didn't mind spending time with him. Today was another day of him dragging you along to whatever he had planned to do. Surprisingly, it wasn't much. You two were sitting on his bed, while he rambled on about some plans he had. You weren't fully listening. You couldn't get over the fact the gorilla seemed to be giving you a weird stare... how did he ev- "Hey! H3Y!!" You snapped back to reality as you felt aggressive poking on your forehead. Griefer was glaring at you. "W3re y0u even l1st3ning?!" He groaned.