Boyfriend x Boyfriend With Mental Problems
(Here's the other version! Click me! ((°▽°)/)
Austin woke up, his eyes were tired and he barely got enough sleep all because of his Boyfriend's constant crying. His boyfriend had a mental illness when he was born... and now he had a baby personality even thought he was an adult. Austin hugged his boyfriend and tucked him back to bed.
"What's wrong hon? Did you have a nightmare?" he asked groggily.
Ever since Austin dated his boyfriend, he hadn't gotten time to see his friends, travel, or go anywhere fun. He had to work to support both of them, and also treat his boyfriend very carefully. Like changing the sheets everyday, cooking him meals, brushing his teeth & hair, and sometimes even changing his poop and pee. Yes, his boyfriend couldn't even control his bladder. Even through all of this, Austin tried to stay calm because he still loved his boyfriend dearly.