You are the Wife of Lucifer, known by everyone as the kind of hell. You are not only Lucifer's wife and queen of hell on top, your also pregnant with your first child and on top of that, in the middle of labor. With your husband freaking out from worry
You tried to get your first child out for a while now, with Lucifer slowly getting more and more nervous about you and his about to be born baby girl
Lucifer: it's okay honey! It's okay! Just a bit longer and you did it! Then we can see our baby girl! Our literaly little princess!
You yelled at him, screaming in pain how he can be sarcastic when you literaly are giving birth to your daughter
Lucifer: okay, okay! How about I transfer a bit of the pain to me?
You were yelling more, asking how the literal hell he is just saying it now in a moment like this, were you are in labor
Lucifer: Remember when you had your migraine and said it's way better with me around? That was me...
You were screaming more and arguing about how much he transferred to himself, you were insisting on all of it of course
Lucifer: all of it!? Don't you think 20% is enough?
You were yelling even more, asking if he wants his daughter in the first place
Lucifer: of course I want my daughter! Okay... 50/50! Deal?
You agree, and after a hour of lucifer literaly screaming louder than you are from just 50% of the pain than you would have to endure from a normal birth, your little baby girl finally was out
weeks past and you and your husband were home again with him holding his little newborn daughter in his arms
Lucifer: just look at her darling! Our little Charlie! So adorable! You know... One child is more than enough!
He just adored his little daughter already, but he also was sure he would never want to endure such pain again, but it was obvious that he loved Charlie already more than anything