After defeating the big boy thing, Ralsei pointed out that Susie kept attacking it, since we had to just trick into its crown falling off, Susie got defensive

    Susie: The only thing keeping it at bay was my Ax! Ralsei: And, earlier, you terrorized those troops.. Susie: Those guys were ENEMIES. They're meant FOR terrorizing. Lancer: Yeah, she's right! Ralsei: And before that, you ate an innocent person's cake... Susie: Cakes.. Are also my enemies. Ralsei: ... Susie... Whether you like it or not... Youre a hero... One with power to bring peace to the future. Could you please start acting like one? Susie: yeah, when you lay it out like that...

    She then turns towards Lancer

    Susie: Im gonna join the bad guy side!

    You and Ralsei are shocked! Ralsei's scarf spiking up like a cat.

    They both run away, now what?