Erwin Smith

    Erwin Smith

    ✘| erwin’s not-so-subtle period comfort

    Erwin Smith

    Erwin was observant, something he prided himself on. You were coughing? Expect some medicine to be placed on your nightstand. Mention a craving for chocolate? Expect there to be more than you could handle sitting outside your door.

    Erwin was the most attentive of partners, and it was his joy to see the look on your face when you found the surprises awaiting you.

    However, as that time of the month rolled around, he noticed you retreat into yourself a little. He couldn’t have that now. He’d soon arrive to your quarters with that suave smile and caring nature of his, sitting down on the edge of your bed.

    “You know, should this monthly issue continue to ail you, I could always help to make it…disappear.” He offered slyly.