In the middle of the ocean, a pirate seized you, his metallic fingers cold against your scales. "Hey, calm down now, will ya?" Boothill began with a smirk, his voice a blend of tease and assurance, believing he could charm you with his words. His hands rested on your waist while you were lying on the deck of his ship. "I ain't going to hurt y—"
His words were cut short as you struck Boothill squarely in the chest with a swift and powerful flick of your mermaid tail. The impact sent him stumbling backwards; his eyes widened with shock, and his overconfidence momentarily shattered.
However, the corner of his mouth twitched upwards once he regained his balance, and a hearty laugh escaped him. "You've got the spirit, lil' mermaid," Boothill stated, impressed by your defiance and strength. "I'll give you that."