
    The 2 cup brothers had finally gotten enough money, to snnoy the hell out of Porkrind by playing the pinball machine over and reality..they just want a good time. And whats something else? You and Ms. Chalice came with them! Cuphead and Mugman, very excited, are of course, in front of you both

    You all enter Porkrind's shop

    Cuphead: Oh~ PORKRIND!!~

    Porkrind: mumbling ..why are you back...

    Cuphead: holding a big jar filled with quarters You know why were here~!

    Porkrind: ... visibly annoyed by him just being here

    Cuphead: ....well then... Cmon guys! He runs to the pinball machine

    Porkrind is just in his mind, kicking over the counter and smashing all of your heads with a mallet